Part 12-Throb

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"Where have you been?I've been looking for you since yesterday!"Sulli cutely pouted her lower lips,when Yubi appeared in her room.

"Well...I had a situation.Why did you call me?"

"Tsk-I'm boring.Let's go somewhere."Her eyes were sparkling in excitement.

"Somewhere?Like?Where?"Yubi threw a weird stare to Sulli.Yubi went closer to Sulli when she gestured her hand for Yubi to come nearer.She slightly cupped Yubi's ear and whispered

"Human's World."Sulli naughtily wiggled her eyebrows.Yubi gawked.

"You went there?I thought you were innocent!"Yubi beamed and then received a light slap on her arm.Sulli put a finger on her lips;hushing Yubi to tone down her voice.Yubi mouthed a sorry.

"Well..I did went there.But only when I got bored.So-wanna come?"Sulli blinked her eyes few times;in a cute way.So that Yubi would agree to tag along.Her smile faded away when Yubi sighed.

"I really wanted to b-but I can't.Sorry."Yubi lowered her head.

"Wae~~"Sulli whinned.

"Mmm...I went there yesterday and...let's just say that Suho-sunbaenim caught me."

"He what?!!!God.What did he said?"

"He forbid me to go there anymore.And I know he will doubled his guard on me.But I'm fine.I don't have any reason to go there anymore."

"Reason?Anymore?What do you mean by that?You have a reason before?"Sulli tilted her head to the left.Yubi mentally hit her head for saying those.

"I wasn't supposed to tell this to anyone though." She pursed her lips into a thin line before adding "Yes.I did have a reason.B-but that was before."

"What was it?"Sulli widened her eyes,showing her interest.

"Can I trust you?"Yubi hesitated wether to tell Sulli or not.

"Geez.Of course.Keeping secret is my speciality remember?"Sulli playfully rolled her eyes.They both chuckled.

"Before that can I ask you something Sulli?"Yubi soft sighed and continued when Sulli motioned her to continue."Do you believe in-l-love?"



He carefully scooped some of the porridge with a spoon and blew some wind before tasting it.Satisfied with the taste,he turned off the stove but kept stirring for a while.He put a lid on the pot.He washed his hands before taking off the apron.A soft sigh escaped his mouth.

With heavy steps, he climbed the stairs;heading to a room at the very end of the hallway.Cautiously, he opened the door not wanting people inside it disturbed by his presence.Unfortunately, the squeaking sound victoriously caught attention from a person in the room while another person kept still on the bed.

He took a deep breath before entering the room.Carefully, he sat at the edge of the bed facing a middle-aged woman.Her eyes locked on a man lying peacefully on the bed.Her right hand was holding the man's hand while another one was busy caressing his hair.But the man seemed doesn't bug at all by the touch.

He diverted his gaze to the lying man.In a second his eyes brimmed in tears.Seeing his childhood friend's state suffocating him.Moreover his mother.

Seriously.Anybody who sees him would think he was already dead.He wasn't moving at all.His pupils kept still.No breathing.Only once in a while his pulse shows beating.Showing that he still alive.But that couldn't make people around him relieved.Why?

Because his pulse-reading barely reached 10 beats per minute.

"Omoni..." Finally he uttered his words after 8 suffocating minutes. "Let's feed haven't eaten since yesterday."


It hurts.It really hurts.Seeing his childhood friend unconcious for no clear reason.His mother suffered by his son condition.

He had befriend with Kim family since he was a kid.He even called Mrs.Kim as omoni and he treated Jongdae like his own brother even they were same age.They always did crazy and funny things together.And along with Kyungsoo since highschool.They only seperated when Jongdae left home for his dream;to be a singer.He was beyond happiness when his brother-like-friend was able to make it big even they lost their time together.

When Mrs.Kim told him that Jongdae will be back for a whole week,he couldn't help but to jump like a little kid.But yesterday,when he came to Kim's resident he was welcomed with a scream. Mrs.Kim was crying endlessly with Jongdae's head on her lap.Starstruck hit him.He couldn't believe his eyes.Jongdae was lifeless.

Please don't take my friend yet.

These words kept repeating in his head like an auto-player.He slightly feeling relieved when Jongdae's pulse still beating.But still.............

He cleared his throat.He put his hand on Mrs.Kim's hand and slightly squeezed it.He took a deep breath to hold his tears before talking again.

"Omoni...I know you're worry about Jongdae.So do I.But all we can do now is wait for him to........wake up.I admit it's hurt to see him in this condition but you can't torture yourself like this.Who gonna take care of him when he wake up if you are sick?"

Mrs.Kim let out a soft sigh;feeling guilty for making him worried.He worried about Jongdae and now her.She stood from her seat.

"Sorry for making you worry Baekhyun-ah...Now let's eat.I'm starving." She forced a smile.Baekhyun knew she was just faking her smile and now he can't stand his tears.

Mrs.Kim embraced Baekhyun in a warm hug.She knew it was hard for both of them.And keeping it inside is no good.She patted his back when he started to hiccup.His tears was drenching her blouse but she ignored it.

"Stop crying.You look hideous." She said playfully.Baekhyun chortled as he wiped off his tears.

"Look who's talking."

Oh yeah.She cried too.

"Geez.This boy.Be thankful that I love you too."

"Well...I know I'm fabulous.Ouch!Omoni~~what was that for? T_T " He whinned.His hand caressing somewhere on his head which Mrs.Kim hit him just now.

She just dragged Baekhyun out off the room towards the kitchen;pretending she did nothing.


He wandered in the room with boredom clearly pasted to his face.It had been hours since she left him in the room.He wanted to go out but HE COULD NOT FIND THE FREAKING DOOR!!!!

The lace curtains were hanging at the very inch of the wall in the room.And that really pissed him off.

So he decided to play some games while waiting for her to come back but WHERE THE HELL DID HIS PHONE GO??!!!!!!

Seriously.Being a beagle,he almost die from boredome attack.

Where am I??

That very one question really tickles his mind.He couldn't guess at all.He don't even remember how did he happened to be there.All he could recall was he having tea with his mother.

Teleport? Ridiculous.

Sleep walking? Sounds silly.

Fly? Beyond fairytales.

He yawned.Maybe thinking too much made him tired.So in no time he was in dreamland.


A/n: *throws confetti everywhere* YAY!!!BAEKHYUN SPECIAL APPEARANCE!!!lol XD

Aigoo~~i feel bad about Jongdae... T.T Poor him....

Anyways keep reading loves~~ *chu~




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