Part 9-Home

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Jongdae stuffed a few clothes in a small bag.In his mouth,hung a piece of toast which was over toasted that it was almost black.He forgot to switch off the toaster. (A/n:Aigoo~~clumsy Jongdae...)

Since last night his mind was crowded with a lot of things.He almost can't sleep thinking his mother words during their conversation last night.

"I don't know Jongdae-ah...I just feeling uneasy lately....about you...that's why I wanted you to come...I had this feeling that something will happen.So,just please come home.Okay son?"

It was almost dawn when he managed to sleep but a queer dream woke him up.In the end he didn't even get a nap.He just laid on the bed waiting for morning to greet him.

He finished his over toasted toast and gulped a glass of milk.A white moustache formed on his lips.Usually he will make fun of it like doing grandpa's voice or saying ridiculous thing like "I have to dye this white moustache" etc etc...But that day he just wiped it off like nothing happened.

He drove his car deliberately.Not bothering to speed up.The journey didn't even reach two hours so he wanna take it slow.Plus,he was too tired to speed up.He turned on the radio at the highest volume.Sometimes he hummed along with the songs to keep his boredom away.

He entered a junction and after 5 minutes of driving,he could see the roof.He pouted a smile.

My home.Sweet home.

His grin widened as he entered the lawn.Nothing changed.It was a double-storey house with a big lawn.Outside,there was a big cherry tree and a coffee table was set up under of it.There was where he always spend his evening,watching sunset.Or having tea with his mother.The big lawn was surrounded with a lots of flower from various species.Of course his mom was the one who planted them.Since empty lawn would be boring she said.

"Jongdae!!Welcome home!"

Jongdae turned back upon listening to his mother's voice.


Jongdae ran to his mother like a kid and gave her a bear hug.A giggle escaped from his mother's lips.She gave a peck on her beloved son's forehead.

"Aigoo~are you sure you're 23 Jongdae-ah?Because I'm seeing a 10 years old boy in front of me now."She giggled again when Jongdae pouted his mouth.She knew that Jongdae hated it when she calls him kid.How can she not?Jongdae did acted like a kid.Saying he hated people call him kid but pouted everytime.She ruffled Jongdae's dark brown hair.

"Enough with the pout little dino.Now let's go in.I cooked your favourite samgyetang for lunch."She wiggled her eyebrows.Jongdae displayed his gummy smile.

"Oh great.I'm starving.Love you omma!"Jongdae hugged his mom and dragged her into the house.

"Aigoo~chill Jongdae-ah...the chicken won't run away."

"How did you know?You didn't cut it's leg right?Who knows it will come to live again and escaped from the pot?"He said as innocently frowned.His mom chuckled.

"Then catch it.Burn those fatty layers on your stomach."She said while poking Jongdae's firm muscled stomach.Then she left him with a giggle.

"Omma~~I'm not fat~~"He protested.He stomped his steps into the house.As usual,a pout hung on his lips.


Later that evening Jongdae decided to stroll around his mom's flower garden.He wanted to have some time alone,also to clear his mind from any negative thoughts.He was thinking to ask his mom on the bad feeling she had about him during tea later.He didn't really wanted to know as he know he will be troubled over the thought later on but really.Curiousity kills.

15 minutes passed when his mom called him for tea.Jongdae headed to the cherry tree.He sat on a chair opposite his mother.She handed him a cup of coffee and a piece of cheese cake.His face lit up when the soft cake melted in his mouth.

"Mmm~as expected my mom is the best when it comes to food."Jongdae said before stuffed another spoon of cheese cake.They both had their tea in silence.In fact,they both were arguing over their mind.His mom was wandering on how to explain to him about her bad feeling while Jongdae was hesitating wether to ask her about the thing or not. The tension was building between them. They both released a deep sigh on the same time.Jongdae looked at his mother,likewise his mother.Feeling the akward situation,Jongdae averted his gaze behind over her shoulder.He furrowed his eyebrows when he saw something at the very end of the garden.

I didn't saw that earlier.





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