Part 13-Hint

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Yubi left her room and flew to a flower garden just beside the palace.She threw her hands up in the air;streching her muscle.Her magestic wings spreaded open and shook a little by the movement.She inhaled deeply.Her eyes were closed;loving the unexplainable scent of various flower in the garden.And some honey smell to the credit.She had always love the relaxing environment there.

I wonder until when I can keep enjoying this.

Her eyes popped open.Vigorously she shook her head.

"What am I thinking?!" She shout-whispered while her both hands slapped her cheeks.

She turned her heels and briskly left the garden.


She opened her eyes and found herself in a room.A secret room to be exact.No one know the room exist but her......and Sulli.

¤Flashback yesterday¤

"Do you believe in l-love?" Yubi hesitantly muttered her question.

"Love?" Sulli raised a brow. "Yeah...Of course...Love to God...Between us,the angels....towards nature..." She put her hands in the air.Explaining like a teacher.Yubi shook her head.

"'s not like's mmmm..." Yubi pursed her lips into a thin line. should I put this?

"What I mean"

"Of course we love humans.We're their guardian remember?" Sulli slightly tilted her head to the left. Seriously,she was getting confused.

"No.It's not that kind of love. It's--ugh!why don't you get it already!" Yubi started to become annoyed but the she realised. That wasn't her fault. She didn't have that feeling. Yubi closed her eyes and took inhaled deeply. She opened her eyes and look at Sulli in the eyes.

"I'm in love with human." Yubi scanned Sulli's face;waiting for her reaction.And it was..........emotionless.




And buffering....

Still buffering....




"Oh." Only one word escaped her mouth.

Yubi gawked. Seriously? That was jaw dropping.

"Oh? That's all? Just OH??" Yubi couldn't believe her ears. Sulli shrugged.

"Well...what do you expected??"

"I don't know. Something like..scolding? Or maybe nagging??"

"Geez...Lee Yubi..I know it was wrong for us to fall in love. Moreover towards human. But I believe there must be a reason why God blessed you with the feeling. Thinking of that, I don't have right to get mad to you." Sulli displayed her endearing smile. Yubi was stunned.

"I-I don't know what to say." Yubi had her eyes glued at the floor. Sulli once again played her role as a friend;enveloping Yubi in a warm hug. They parted after a few seconds. Sulli placed her hand on Yubi's shoulder. When Yubi looked at her,she said

"We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason."

"Thanks Sulli. Thank you very much for understanding."  They shared a smile but then burst into laughter.

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