Part 21- Permission

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He sat down on the chair harshly, creating a squeaking sound that was worried the chair might break. His feature was fuming red. Realising his action was out of their norm, he cupped his face with his petite hands and sighed there. And maybe because he wasn't used with mixed situation like this his head was slightly feeling hurt. He rubbed his face few times before raising from his seat and leaned to the window's frame. The evening breeze somehow helped him to cool down a little bit.

He, himself was confused too. Why did he even blew up? Of course what Yubi did was unacceptable but he has no right to get mad even he was her guardian. Because anger is not his norm. Heck. He don't even supposed to have anger in him. In fact, all the angels are.

Of course he was worried about her changes. Because him, in any possible ways, don't want what happened in the past repeated again. First it was his friend. And now Yubi. Why did they had to be angels that are close to him? The guilty in him seemed to grow day by day. As he always thought that he didn't do a great job of taking a good care of them. He feel like he had neglected his responsibilities as a guardian.

But at a corner of his heart, he feel happy for her as he saw she had become happier since she met him. She smile a lot. She did too before. But the glow seemed so much different now.

And he really don't wanna engulf that glow with dark shadow.


"What do you want?" She asked. Feeling real damn annoyed upon hearing his voice. She used to love his soothing voice since forever but lately, that voice was what she despise the most. Not because he always disturb her, well that could be one of the reason but on top of that because he always accusing nonsense. And until now she still wondering, why the even she could still communicate with him when she's not part of them anymore?

"Is it wrong for me to pay you a visit, old friend?" She snickered holding in the urge to roll her eyes. Old friend my face. "Don't be so harsh Tianshi." She glared to the empty spot before her, knowing much that he was watching her from her front. "Don't ever call me that again. I'm not one anymore. In case you forget it had been years." He chuckled, obviously enjoying her raging emotion. They kept silent for some time. Neither of them wanted to talk. She despised him to the bones and talking to him won't make her feel better. Seeing the not so friendly air around them, he spoke his intention. And that's much of it. She had been so patient for the week.

" It's not their fault! They were granted with it!"

"You're just defensive."

" I'm not being defensive."

"Just because you did it first doesn't mean they can do the same."

" My past had nothing to do with this and they don't even know a bit about my past."

"What a smart son you have then. He sure resembles his father."

" Stop it Suho! My son did nothing wrong. Janghyuk is innocent. It was me. If anyone was wrong. It'll be me. I'm the one who started it. Bare in your mind my son don't even know that he's half angel! So stop accusing my son! And go away! Never come again! Stop interfering my life! I'm not an angel anymore!"


" Yes, Qian Tianshi. I'm very well aware by the consequences." She stopped for a breath, slightly feeling nervous about her decision but she immediately shrugged the doubt away. She kept reminding herself that what she's going to do is the right thing. And yes, she calmed by that. "But I'm sure that this is the right thing for me." She gave the said angel with her sweetest smile ever.

"Everyone will miss you, Yubi. You're our treasure." The angel said before turning around to retrieve something from his stuffs. Confirmed he had the right thing Yubi asked for he returned to the waiting angel. "Set your heart and your mind. It will glow when you are ready and by then, you have 24 hours." He handed her the thing with a smile. But his smile sure showed more concern as he knew much about the difficulties. "Don't worry Qian Tianshi. I'll be fine." He let out a soft sigh. Yubi was very well known of her determination. Once she said so, she will do it and she will make sure she achieve it. And he know very well that Yubi will be fine but "Did Suho know yet?" He asked hesitantly. Her smile drop a bit but rose back in a blink. He assured him with 'I can handle him' before thanking him again and left the place.


"But Yubi~ you can't leave me alone~" Sulli whinned from the top of a tree. Yubi just chuckled by her antic as she just sitting there, under the same tree, taking as much as view as she could because she knew she will definitely miss the calmness there.

Currently, the two angels were loafing around at Yubi's favourite garden. Spending her last time there like she said. She was more than thankful to the other angel. Despite her immature look and always playing around, she knew very well how to comfort her when she was devastated. How to calm her when she was crying her heart out. Always be there when she need a shoulder to lean and to cry. She never complain on how not-so-angel and how so-human she had become now. She's such an understanding creature in the whole universe and Yubi doubt she could find a replacement.

She mumbled a thank you. "What? I can't hear you?" Sulli asked with a funny face. Yubi laughed upon seeing that. "Such a spoiler. I said thank you." When Sulli didn't reply, which means she was giving her full attention to her, she continued. "Thank you for always be with me. Even we don't become friends for too long. Thank you. And I am thankful to have you as my friend. Trust me, I can never find a new like you." She said wih a smile and ended her small speech with a contented sigh. Even she wasn't looking, she knew Sulli was smiling now.


He heard everything. He knew every single thing she was planning. And now he wanted to retrieve his mistakes. He wanted to do the right thing. That's why when she came up to him in a particular morning with determined face and ask him for his permission he said,



A/n: HEY GUYS!!!! GUESS WHO'S BACK!!!! XD finally after a month I managed to update T.T

anyways, I'm giving my biggest thank you for all who's still patiently waiting for an update from me.

don't forget to wish me's really hard to be a matriculation's student and the competitiveness is killing me but who cares?? haha

and the chinese word up there, I used google translate so please don't kill me if it's wrong xD nah~tell me so that i can correct it okay?

and finally~~


Before I forget, THANKS FOR THE 4K!! ♥♡♥ for everyone xD




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