| xix ; conquering of the devil

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"Nacht, are you not going to see Morgen?"

"See him yourself. I'm busy training," A 20-year-old Nacht replied.

The figure at his door was none other than Kiera Faust, the youngest of the Faust siblings and their only sister. A small frown formed on her face as she fiddled with her fingers.

"I'm sure Morgen would want to see you. After all, he's returning after a year of training at the temple..." Kiera muttered.

"I could care less," Nacht replied. "Leave, Kiera."

"Yes, Brother," Kiera said and bowed before closing the door behind her.

"Lady Kiera, is Master Nacht not going with you?" One of Kiera's lady in waiting questioned.

"No," Kiera replied. "It's alright. Have you gotten the gifts prepared?"

"Yes, my lady," The woman replied.

Kiera let out a grim smile, "Let us head to my brother then." Taking one last glance to Nacht's room, Kiera walked away towards the entrance of their house.

Just moments after Kiera arrived at the gate, a familiar figure approached the building. Her eyes lit up as a smile grew on her face.

"Brother!" Kiera exclaimed as she ran towards him.

Morgen looked up at his call, smiling as he embraced Kiera in his arms. "How have you been, my beloved sister?"

"I've been well. How was your learning at the temple? Did you learn awesome magic?" Kiera smiled at him.

"You mean cursed techniques, youngest," Morgen corrected her as they began walking into their home. "I've learned a great deal about my cursed technique. I even met a man who had the same cursed technique as me."

"You did?" Kiera gasped. "I wish I could have followed!"

"If you followed, then who would take care of Nacht?" Morgen questioned.

"He doesn't need anyone to take care of him," Kiera retorted in return. "He didn't even want to greet you."

"Well, it's not required for him to. He is the oldest of us three," Morgen sighed. "Let's change the topic. I see you have brought out your ladies in waiting."

"Yes, I've prepared some gifts! Including your favourite dishes!" Kiera exclaimed as she dragged her brother. "Let's eat it at the garden!"

"Sure," Morgen looked at the ladies in waiting with a nod, gesturing them to follow.

"Brother, did you know my cursed technique has developed?" Kiera looked at him with glee.

"It has?" Morgen looked at her. "What is it?"

"It's called Dark Cursed Manipulation!" Kiera exclaimed.

Morgen took the dish that one of the ladies passed to him and took a bite. "That's terrific, Kiera. It seems even our cursed techniques are related to one another. Nacht's cursed technique is Shadow Cursed Manipulation, mine is Light Manipulation and yours is Dark Cursed Manipulation."

Kiera let out a smile as Morgen patted her head, "Mhm! But you have to keep it a secret. I haven't told Nacht yet."

"No need for that. I've already heard."

Morgen and Kiera turned around while the ladies bowed to Nacht at his appearance. Morgen immediately stood up, smiling at Nacht, "Brother, would you care to join us?"

"No thank you," Nacht raised his hand. "I'm guessing you've learnt a lot at the temple. Don't think I will fall behind."

"Brother," Morgen smiled at him. "I wish to not be seen as competition by you. We are twins, Nacht. I want to fight by you, not with you."

❛ 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 ❜ ━━━ (𝗼. 𝘆𝘂𝘁𝗮)Where stories live. Discover now