Volume 1 Chapter 1: Visual Paradise

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Freedom is just a pretty word that means there is nothing left to lose. Janis Joplin

I'm not a big fan of commencement ceremonies, and I think many first-timers would agree with me. The commencement ceremony marks the beginning of the most important period of a freshman's life. During the first few days, students are expected to make friends so they can enjoy school life to the fullest. And if one fails in this endeavor, a full three years of sadness and loneliness await them. At least, that's how I see it. If it hadn't been for that man's orders not to hold back, I would have tried to make a few friends and try to establish decent human relations with them, and then I would have laid low. But I guess that's going to have to wait, since I'm going to be the leader of the class. That's too bad.

While I was thinking about this, I had already reached my classroom. The big 1-D sign right on the sign near the front door showed me exactly who this class belonged to.

Once inside, I walked leisurely to the seat that had my name on it. It was against the farthest wall, next to a large window. Unfortunately, this place would have been perfect for my peaceful life.

The classroom was only half full of students. Some were humbly reviewing school materials, and some were already trying to make friends here.

I wonder if I should try to talk to anyone. Maybe I could make my first friend. Wait, what does the word "be friend" even mean? At what point do the people you talk to become your friends? Maybe it happens when you eat together? Or after going to karaoke together? I've heard that the process of taking a bath together really brings people closer together.

The more I think about it, the less I understand the whole situation. It's something very complicated, I need to think about it some more...


I heard a sound that caught my attention. If you ask me, it would be worth the assumption that it was human speech belonging to a young girl. I managed to spot a beautiful female figure to my right. Her medium-sized breasts were tightly covered by her standard school uniform, as if she didn't like it when certain individuals with certain kinky tendencies looked in her direction.

Hmm? Long black hair? Hell-red, but creepily cold eyes? That's the same girl who looked at me on the bus. Apparently, she and I are in the same class. What an unpleasant coincidence... For some reason I have a bad feeling.

«Is something wrong?»

Still, she put the emphasis on me being me. I mean, there's a possibility that my low-profile persona interested her in something. Was it because I was a guy and she was a girl? Or was the whole point of the situation because she really wanted to be my first friend?

«No, forget it.»

She didn't seem to want to be my friend...

Having said that, she just sat down at her desk and pulled out a book and started reading it. Clearly, apparently she has no interest in making friends or associating with anyone at all. Also, maybe she's like me, she just can't do it? Okay, I don't really care about that. I'm more interested in something else.

«Tell me, please, why did you stare at me so intently on the bus and then at the school gate?»

When she heard my question, she answered me without taking her eyes off her book. Her voice and mood struck me as really cold. It really does hurt when you're so partially ignored and seemingly humiliated.

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