Chapter 22

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Suddenly the machine stops and I go limp. I look at the mirror on the other side of the wall. My marks still there. I limply smile before looking at Daniel. He's laying limply. I dryly ask, "Daniel?" My throat burns as I talk but I do it anyway. "I love you." I barely whisper it unable to speak louder. His mouth is the only thing to move and he smiles gently.

"" His voice is even weaker than mine. I feel my wolf whining, so I look around the room. I look down to see my feet still restrained. But pain is on my ankle, wrists and midsection. The straps put pressure on me trying to keep me propped up. The vertical position hurts to say the least. My knees want to give out, but can't.
I feel the small vibration of the machine and whimper, "No... Please." I feel the knife plunge into my mark again and a strange burning that fills my muscles. I scream and can't hear anything else. My body tries to shift, but my bones feel like lava. It stops and I go limp. I stop screaming, and stop moving feeling the pain become a little less. Just a little... After what feels like hours it stops. I feel wetness run down my cheek and look down at the ground. I expect clear tears, but instead I see scarlet red. I keep my head down feeling the blood fall. I whisper again, "I love you, Daniel."

"Olivia." He whispers and I know he must be staring at me. "Blood..."
"I love you." I repeat before staying silent. I hear the door open and refuse to look. I don't want to see myself. I feel a hand on my chin lift it up. I see the alpha staring back, his dark eyes looking into mine.

"When you talk it makes things worse."

"Good." I spit back at him. His hand finds my mark and he pressed into the raw skin. I feel my head drop. Pain spreads to my body, but this comes simply from the mark.

"Now, it's best for you to shut up and take the pain? I don't think so, I want you to scream for your precious mate."
"Never." I lift my head and spit blood at him successfully hitting his face.

"Start the next phase." He yells wiping his face. "Enjoy the pain, sweetheart, he's the one that's going to hurt more for that tongue of yours." The alpha strolls out of the room and I see myself. Pale skin, blue veins, and my mark. It stills lays boldly on my skin. I feel myself laugh.

The vibrations start while I'm laughing and soon enough I'm plunged again into pain. This pain is different than the others, this is cold. First my skin is touched by it, the hairs on my arms stand up and my body shivers. It's so cold that it's almost scolding, in a way.

Soon enough my muscle feels the same pricked of needles as if they're covering my skin. I shut my eyes tightly refusing to make a sound. Instead I hear the whimpers of Daniel. Finally the feelings reach my bones and this is where my mouth falls, but no noise escapes. my spine straightens and my hands cling to the straps. I throw back my head with no noise. It's when it stops that kills me. All the needles are slowly pulled out of my skin, but when I look there's nothing there. I feel prick after prick on my mark.

"I still love you." I say somehow. In reply the machine starts buzzing again. Apparently I don't get a break. I feel the knife again, and I feel the pain. My body's hot and cold, I can't scream. I can't move. The knife digs deeper and soon enough the machine stops but the knife doesn't move. It stays implanted into my skin. I move the slightest and scream.

I want out. I need out. Instead of staying still I thrash. I feel blood run down my neck and look up at the mirror. My eyes are black, I don't even know when my wolf took over, but she shields me from the pain and I feel a laugh rise in my. I don't whisper, I don't mumble. My wolf instead yell, "Come out, jackass, apparently you can't hurt me!" I feel an internal smile rise up before my wolf retreats back into my mind, and the pain returns. She gave me a break that he wasn't going to give me.

A few more rounds come and go and I no longer hear Daniel. He's reserving his strength. I hear the door again and footsteps. Instead of the smirking I expect he sticks something in my arm. I look up at him and he stares at me. "Maybe next I'll find a way to kill your wolf."

"Maybe next I'll find a way to kill you."

He smirks before leaning forward. "Maybe you should think of him." I look over seeing Daniel's limp figure.
I look back up and simply say, "He's not what I'm worried about." The alpha leans down and his lips trail my cheek sending a disgusting sort of pleasure through me. My wolf seems to hate it as much as me.

"Then what are you worried about, my dear?" I don't answer. Instead he leans forward forcing his lips against mine. I hear a deep growl fill the room and I whimper. Why can't I feel nothing? I wish I could feel nothing.

He leaves his lips against my ear and says, "It's almost gone." he laughs a little, "I might just give you time to recover before_" his hand trails down my neck and I think I can understand what he's talking about. "Or maybe I'll just have fun with you in front of your dear mate."

He laughs again, and I whisper, "If you really wanted me you wouldn't do this." He stops laughing. "You'd want more, you wouldn't want a sex toy, you'd want me. Thank the moon goddess that I found Daniel first, because this isn't what's meant for either of us."

He taps my chin forcing me to look up again, "One more round and this time I'll stay in here."

He backs away, smirking. This phase hurts the most. Unexplainable. I feel my emotions change, my body change. Next thing I feel is a hand on my cheek gently pushing it away from my neck.

"Better." he moves giving me a look of my neck. It's gone... It's actually gone. He moves back and smirks. His teeth flash and he leans closer. "Mine."


Well I wanted to give you guys an update. <3 I hope you enjoy it




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