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My long wavy, golden brown hair flowed in the wind when I ran through the fields.

My beautiful green eyes lit up when I smiled.

My name was Eve McLean I was 17.

I was a normal girl, I went to school. I had a few friends. I wasn't very popular, but I loved to read and draw.

My mother wasn't in the picture and my dad wasn't home much. He worked across the country so my aunt was technically supposed to be living with me. But she usually left me to be on my own.

She was convinced I didn't need a parent or guardian and that I'd be better by myself. So without telling my dad she went back to her house and anytime I need anything I just call her.

I miss my dad but it is pretty awesome to live on my own kinda.

Like I said I was pretty much normal.

Or I was normal until I met him. Adam Marshall.

He was new to Virginia. He came from New York City.

Virginia was nothing like The city, this place would eat him up and spit him out.

Or at least I thought.

We were all hanging out outside of the school on our free periods, just soaking up the sun. When suddenly a car pulled up.

It was a black Mercedes. He stepped out of the car, tall, lean, dark brown hair, dark sunglasses and a black jean jacket and sweats.


Nadine's jaw hung wide open as did every other girls.

Who was he?

"Oh my god" Nadine gasped "Who the fuck is he?" She asked

"Hell if I know" I said and acted uninterested as the bell rang and I grabbed my stuff.

"You can't seriously tell me that you don't think that is hot" she eyed him.

I shrugged as if it was nothing. "Eh" I said.

She gaped at me "Eh?! That is not eh, that is drop dead fucking gorgeous"

Of course I thought he was attractive, he was indeed like Nadine said drop dead gorgeous. But it didn't matter if I admitted that or not.

Every other girl already called dibs.

I had no chance, so my idea instead was to avoid him. I couldn't do guys right now.

Guys ruin everything, if I focused on guys, my grades would drop and I would revolve everything in my life around him. And in the end I'd be left with nothing but heartache. Like I said it was pointless.

So I was going to avoid him.

Nadine and I parted ways as we headed to our classes. I had art and she had gym.

I headed to the art room and sat down in my usual seat.

Next thing I knew, new guy came strolling in, and of course sat down in the seat in front of me, in art class we didn't have normal seating. We had tables so new guy was currently facing me.

Wonderful now I got a great view of his perfect face.

His brown eyes, his strong jaw, his dark brown hair, and dangerous smile.

We had an assignment today to draw something that we felt represented us.

I decided to draw a purple daisy, encased in a see through, glass box.

When we finished we packed up and headed out of the room when the bell rang.

"Hey hey!" He called out behind me as I walked out of the room.

He finally caught up with me, "mind showing me around?" He asked.

I smirked "yes, yes I do" he furrowed his brows "Damn what's your problem?" He asked "Nothing" I said.

He laughed slightly "then why you so bitchy?" He asked. That stopped me right in my tracks.

I glared up at him "Don't ever call me bitchy again" I pointed a finger at him "I know guys like you, and they're no good so stay away from me" I told him and walked away from him.

The truth was I wanted nothing but to be around him.

He was so hot and dangerous, and edgy.

Just looking at him got me excited.

God I needed to stay away from him.

And that's exactly what I planned to do, or try to do.

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