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I knew I was young and all but I got around a lot if you know what I mean.

I'm Adam Marshall and I'm 19, I'm a senior in highschool, I just moved schools which sounds pointless to me considering I only have a month left of school until I graduate.

Anyway back to what I was saying, when I was younger I got around like a lot more than a normal teen should've.

I eventually became a bit of a sex addict.

I quit though, I had to stop before it got out of control. Well more out of control.

I haven't had sex in a year, and I haven't had a girlfriend in a few months.

I tried to quit sex and still date but it didn't work. They always wanted the same things, and because of my addiction I couldn't give it to them.

I lived with my mom, my dad died when I was younger.

I suppose my dad is an important factor of how I got this addiction.

My dad cheated on my mom, like a lot and he had a lot of porn in his office.

Well one day I was sneaking around and found it.

I started watching it weekly, and then weekly turned into daily. And then I decided I wanted to try.

I got a girlfriend, she was about 2 years older than me and I lost my virginity to her at the very young age of 12.

Was I proud of it? Of course I was at the time. Was I proud of it now? Absolutely not.

If it wasn't for that stupid, idiotic decision, I wouldn't be stuck constantly thinking about undressing every hot girl I saw.

Thank God those thoughts stopped about a year ago.

I'm slowly getting better, and losing my addiction.

But you know what they say, addiction never really goes away.

I didn't believe that until I saw her.

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