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We didn't have school today because of the weekend.

I was glad about that, I didn't mind school, it was quite easy for me but that didn't mean I enjoyed going.

I wanted to continue talking to Adam, I've ignored him for way too long now.

I texted him

You're right, I'm sorry I judged you before getting to know you. We should hang out sometime

I headed out of my room and into the kitchen while I waited for him to respond.

I got some food from the fridge and heated it up.

I really enjoyed technically living on my own. It was nice, I mean I didn't technically have the responsibilities that I would if I were living on my own for real. Like paying bills and shit but it was still pretty nice.

My phone vibrated and I checked it hoping it was him.

It wasn't.

It was Nadine

Hey girl, you busy

I sighed and texted her back.

Kinda why?

I knew it was rude but this was Nadine I was dealing with. 1) she was my best friend and she'd get over it and 2) Nadine never wanted to talk to me about anything serious.

I just wanted to hang for a bit. Me and the girls were gossiping about new guy

Nadine was kinda popular so of course she hung out with a lot of other girls.

And of course they had to talk about the only thing I wanted right now.

Can't today sry I'm gonna be really busy this weekend

Yes I lied but it was ok. Like I said she'd get over it.

He finally texted me back

Yeah sure, I'd love to

Butterflies started in my stomach as I smiled at his text.

Later that day, we decided to have lunch at my place. So I texted him my address and he walked over.

I heard a knock at the door and immediately got up to answer it, I knew it was him.

I opened the door to see his beautiful face. "Hey you" I smiled.

"Hey you" he smiled back and walked in.

He nodded his head in some sort of approval "nice place" he said.

"Thanks" I shut the door "it's my dad's, but he's never home" I told him, and led him to the kitchen.

"How come?" He asked. Wow he seemed genuinely interested. Maybe he wasn't too bad, still too early to tell.

"He works across the country" I explained and he nodded his head in understanding.

"So.." I looked at him with a smile.

I walked to the fridge "what do you want for lunch?"

"I'm assuming you mean food" he smirked and wrapped his arms around my waist. I didn't stop him.

He buried his face in my neck. "I don't know what is it about you, but you drive me insane" he mumbled.

"But I'm not like the other girls, like the really pretty ones you see at school" I told him.

He immediately spun me around. "What are you talking about?" He asked.

I looked down at the floor, avoiding his gaze.

"My body isn't like theirs, they have blue eyes, I have green, and they're all really pretty" I rambled. "No no no," he stopped me "Eve, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met. You're not afraid to stand you're ground, and defend yourself. You're smart, and creative. I love that about you" he told me.

I looked up at him, staring into his beautiful eyes, did he really mean that? I hoped so.

"You really think so?" I asked quietly "yes of course, don't ever put yourself down again" he scolded me.

I nodded. "Now, what are we going to have for lunch?" He smiled.

After a while, we decided on pasta, and bread sticks. I loved pasta.

Adam helped me cook, and we made our plates.

We sat down at the table to eat and talk.

"So you like Art huh?" He asked, while eating a mouthful of pasta. "Mmm" he moaned at the taste "we did good" he said.

I smiled "yeah we did. And yeah I like art a lot" I said.

"How'd you start getting into it?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm home alone most of the time, I have nothing really to do and no one to hang out with. And eventually movies, and books get tiring, so I decided to experiment with art a bit." I explained.

He nodded "well I'm hoping we can start hanging out more. That way you won't be so lonely" he said and smiled.

I liked that idea. "I'd love that" I smiled back.

I really liked Adam and I knew he liked me, so I quite curious to see where this could go.

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