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I've no idea what to do. It's been driving me nuts.

You know what? It's just a guy, it's not a big deal, maybe he's right, maybe he is a nice guy and I'm just judging a book by its cover.

I decided to go for it, I texted him.

What do I text him? Keep it simple Eve.


Ok don't judge me, I had no idea what to text and I decided to keep it simple. Simple was easy, you can't go wrong with simple.

Hello gorgeous

Oh God, how does he do this to me.

I decided to go flirty

Hey you, miss me?

I cringed I was terrible at flirting.

It took him longer to respond to this one, I wondered if he was avoiding me because of my horrible flirting or if he was deciding what to say.


All that time and that's all he sent. Why the fuck were guys like this?

Aww how sweet

I sent back, and bit my lip.

I am indeed very sweet. Maybe one day you'll get a taste

My jaw dropped, oh my god. Damn I hoped he was right, because right now I wanted nothing more than a taste of him.

Mmm is that a bet?

I texted back.

He didn't take long to answer this time. His text came almost immediately.

No sweetheart, that's a promise 😉

Oh sweet Jesus, send me to hell right now because I'll end up there eventually for every sin I want to commit.

The Real Adam and EveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon