Is this considered awkward?

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After Adam introduced us, I shook her hand and smiled at her.

I hoped she'd let me live this down.

"All awkwardness aside, it's certainly a pleasure to meet the woman who's got my Adam all cheerful" she smiled, looking between Adam and I.

I smiled at the thought. I made him almost as happy as he made me.

We decided to go out for lunch, so his mom and I could get to know each other better.

We sat at the booth and were getting ready to order.

"So how did you guys meet?" Cynthia asked me.

"Oh we met at school" I answered.

"I see, it's so unexpected though. My boy hasn't dated in a while." She said and told the waiter her order.

I placed in my order before asking what she meant by that.

"Oh Adam hasn't been with a girl since Mary" she said.

"Mother please" Adam said quietly.

"Oh I'm sorry sweetie. I didn't realize this would be a touchy subject for you" she said as if it was nothing.

"It's not touchy, mother. I'm completely over Mary and I have been for a while now." Adam said to her.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Why would his mother bring up his ex when she was out having lunch with his new girlfriend?

"Are you?" I asked him.

Adam looked at me with a look of shock.

"What?" He asked as if he couldn't believe what I had asked.

"Are you over her?" I asked. I stood up from my seat and threw down my napkin.

"Because I can't see why your mom would bring up your ex if you were completely over her" I said and stormed of.

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