I don't love her because I love you

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Adams POV

I couldn't believe this. Did Eve really believe I still loved Mary. I never loved Mary.

She was the girl I was with after I quit sex. And that's all she wanted, she had tried pressuring me into it and she ended things with me when I repeatedly told her no.

I looked over at my mother.

She looked completely dumbfounded "what?" She asked innocently.

"Why would you do that?" I asked.

"I didn't think it was touchy. I thought she'd like to know that she's special because she's the only girl you've been with in a year" she said as if that made it better.

"No! No that would not make her feel special. Women don't like talking about exes. So of course it didn't make her feel special. It makes her jealous! And now because of you she thinks I'm still in love with her!" I told hee angrily.

"Of course you're not in love with her. Are you?" She asked.

That's it. I lost my cool.

"No mom! I never loved Mary. I don't love her" I told her.

"I love Eve" I whispered. "And now she probably hates me" I mumbled.

How do I make this better?

I texted her, I called her, multiple times. Still got nothing.

I hoped she'd answer eventually.


That night when I checked my phone and saw that she still had not answered me, I decided to stop by her house.

I walked to her house and stared at her bedroom window. I hoped she'd understand, I hoped she'd hear me out.

I crawled up the tree by her bedroom window and knocked on the window.

I saw the silhouette of her body shifting on the bed.

I knew she was looking at the window, she probably wasn't expecting me.

I knocked one more time, and saw the silhouette of her body move off the bed. She walked to the window and opened it.

Before she had time to say anything, I crawled through the window and stood before her.

"What do you want?" She asked angrily.

She placed her hands on her hips.

"Eve just listen to me baby, I promise you'll feel better after you listen to me" I told her slowly.

"Just tell me why you're here, so you can leave" she said

"Promise me you'll listen" I looked into her eyes.

Her face softened and her eyes glistened. "Ok" she nodded.

I held her hands and sat on the bed with her.

"Eve I don't know how to start, so I guess I'll just start from the beginning. I'm a sex addict. Or I used to be, I don't know if I can call myself that now. After I found out about my addiction I stopped having sex, because I didn't want it to get worse." I looked into her eyes to make sure she was following along.

"But I didn't stop dating. When I was 17 I dated Mary, and it was a healthy relationship for a few weeks. Until after a month of us dating, she expected sex. I told her I couldn't, but she tried pressuring me. When I continued to tell her no, she broke up with me. My mother had no idea about the addiction and she doesn't know why me and her broke up. So I guess she thought it was like any other break up and thought I was still upset." I continued

I looked at her with a deep passion that I have never felt before. "So no I don't love Mary, I never did. I'm not in love with her. Eve I'm in love with you" I told her.

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