Plan B

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One month, that's all I had left. Just one fucking month until I didn't have to see him again.

Would it really be that hard not to stare at him? Not to fall into his trap? Not to gaze into his beautiful eyes? Apparently yes.

Me and Nadine were sitting at our usual lunch table by ourselves, when he walked into the room.

All tall and broad, god why did he have to be so gorgeous? No. I shook the thoughts out of my head.

I'm avoiding him. He's no good. Guys are no good.

Just the thought of him made me squirm in my seat. I wanted him so bad, and yet I've barely even talked to him, what was wrong with me?

"Hello?" I faintly heard, then I heard snapping. "Eve are you listening?" Right Nadine I remembered and came out of my trance.

"What?" I asked "God damn, girl what were you thinking about? New guy getting to you?" She teased me.

"What? Of course not, I was thinking about..." I looked around the room for good excuse, when suddenly I saw an art club signups sheet. "art club" I pointed at the sign, hoping it was believable.

She raised her eyebrow, not buying it. She turned around to look at the poster.

"Oh really?" She raised her eyebrow at me. I nodded "than why aren't you signing up?" She asked.

God damn it. "Maybe I will" I told her and stood from my seat and walking past Adams table to the art club poster.

I wrote my name on the sign up sheet and walked back to our table. "There" I smirked "mmmhmm" she mumbled and picked at her food.

After school I parted ways with Nadine, she had to take the bus today and I usually walked to and from school.

I was walking on the sidewalk when I heard someone walking behind me.

Not a big problem, lots of students walk home from school.

Not really, not many students lived near the district but I tried to tell myself that to calm myself down.

I tried walking faster but the person managed to keep up with me.

I looked down at my phone contemplating calling my dad when I heard a voice behind me.

"What are you walking so fast for? I don't bite" it was him.

I turned around to see Adam and sighed in relief.

"Unless you're into that" he smirked.

And suddenly I wasn't relieved anymore.

"Don't do that to me. You scared me, I thought you were some creepy stalker or something" I told him.

"Maybe I am, you don't know me. Although you like to think you do" he said to me acting hurt.

"No but I know guys like you, you're all the same" I said.

He laughed "have you gone you're whole life believing that?" He asked "You must have missed out on a lot" he shook his head still laughing.

I frowned "I haven't missed out on anything," I told him offended.

"Seriously, if you get to know me, I'm really not that bad. Here I'll give you my number, that way you can find out for yourself" he took my phone and added his number.

"Whatever" I shook my head as he left to his house and soon I made it to mine.

Great we lived down the road from each other, and he gave me his number.

How was I supposed to avoid him now? I needed a plan B.

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