Ch.11 - Corner

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Dior arrived at the club wearing a silk black dress that is above her knee. As soon as she enters the room, she looks around, walking like she in the runway, searching for her girl.

She already looked around, but she still can't find her. So she contacts someone immediately.

: Hey

: Where are you?

: Somewhere. You're here? Now?

: Yeah. Where is she?

: Who?

: The masked girl.

: Why?

: 'Cause-- YAAAAH! Will you stop asking and just tell me where she is.

: Easy. She's on the rooftop, right now.

: On my way. Thanks, bye.

After she ended the call without hesitation, she finds right away the stairs to the rooftop. 

She nervously checks herself upon arriving at the door leading to the rooftop. When she opens the door, the air greets her, blowing breezy air into her face and flying her hair.

She then steps outside, it was a quiet night. Moonshining bright in her complete form, illuminating the place. Surprisingly, the rooftop is almost empty except for the girl wearing ripped jeans and a leather jacket with a cigarette between her fingers.

As she walks closer, she saw how sexily she puffed on her smoke. It mesmerized her, even though she hates the smell of it. The masked girl rest the cigarette between her lips, puff it, and exhaled the smoke through her nose.

Dior then shyly greets, "Hi."

The girl flinched when she heard Dior, and slowly turn her head to face her. She saw Dior flashing a bright smile which made her whip more toward the girl. She then nod her head cooly, then finished her cigarette and toss the butt on the ground and step on it. She then puts her hands on her pockets and pays her full attention to the short girl in front of her.

"D-do you remember me?" Dior asked with a small voice, intimidated by how the tall girl stared at her that she can't maintain eye contact with her.

The masked girl nods.

The surrounding is dim but that doesn't fail her to see that Dior is blushing. 'Cute.'

"Yeah... Ahm, I'm here to say sorry about my behavior last time. It's just that... you know... the alcohol... hehe," Dior can't gather her thoughts properly, it's jumbling her words. She can't focus when the other is staring at her smiling dearly.

"I can't remember it... I mean, those things t-that happened that night... I mean, I remember some of it but not everything after I k-k-kissed you. And I'm sorry about it." Dior continued.

'I know. You didn't even remember what happened to your birthday, it was my first kiss.' The masked girl thought.

"It's fine. It does happen to me all the time, so I'm used to it," No it's not, it was the second time with the same person. The girl said with a lower tone, obviously changing her voice.

'Her voice, it's somehow familiar to me yet it differs a bit.' Dior thought. She then looked at the masked girl, once again, her curiosity about who was behind the masked fire up.

"Why are you staying me that way?" The girl gets flustered when suddenly Dior leans closer to her face to observe the other's eyes, trying to figure out something, which made her lean back nervously. 

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