chapter 1

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Chapter one might be a little confusing but I'm trying. They where talking but I just started when they were bickering I'm sorry if it's confusing.

"Oh god, why do I always end up doing everything?" Keith grumbles.
Lance snorts. "Because you're a disaster guy who just can't stand to leave things to chance?" he quips sarcastically.
Keith shoots him an unimpressed glare.

"That doesn't excuse everything I do!" he retorts.

He turns back to look out his dorm room window and back to his contemplation. takes Lance a moment to realize Keith has gone quiet again he didn't do anything though. Keith tries not to think about how he hasn't seen or heard from his mother in years he tries not to think about it but he always ends up thinking about it.

They haven't talked since the day he left home to attend a school she forbid him to go too.

He suppose this is normal for them after what happened the fight and all but it still stings that she hasn't tried reaching out despite it being two years now. He should be thankful that she never called. He's sure she probably hates him for running away and making her worry he's also positive she hasn't forgiven him enough to give him the time of day.

kieth thinks it's easier to deal with the hurt by himself she was always a bright light to him but he hurt her,to him it's for the better.

His only comfort is that she'll be better off if he doesn't visit her,and if that means never seeing his mother again then so be it. She deserves a son who will always listen and obey her not a selfish little punk that ran away from the only person who cares for him.

His thoughts are interrupted when he hears footsteps behind him. He turns around slightly expecting Lance but lance was gone and there stand his roommate Shiro.

"Hi," shiro says awkwardly trying not to make eye contact as best he could.
It's clear he's waiting for a response but Keith isn't very good at verbalizing anything, especially if it's directed to a person he doesn't want to communicate with.

To Keith,shiro is just annoying and two faced,and he keeps trying to talk to him each chance he gets "hi shiro" Keith said annoyed, giving an awkward wave as to say it wasn't really meant to be a greeting or anything special.

Shiro nodded in return and went silent for a while before looking down to the floor.

Keith walked out of the room leaving shiro standing there,he didn't want to have to deal with shiro and his pretend shyness Keith knows that was only a front in reality shiro was as sly as a fox,shiro is an omega like Keith but the difference is that Keith is waiting for his alpha mate unlike shiro who jump's from alpha dick to alpha dick.

Keith didn't want to go back to his dorm room so instead he went to lance's room.

he nocked on lance's door in a minute Lance answer's "why did you leave without telling me"Keith said pushing pass lance in to his room.

"Well I tried to tell you I was leaving but you were too busy in your own world, anyway are you hungry?" lance asked passing Keith a plate with a chicken sandwich on it.

Keith nodded yes and they ate sitting beside each other on the couch in Lance's dorm room.

Keith was not in the mood to go back to his dorm room so he spent the night at Lance.

Thanks for reading loves 😊😊♥️💙

Thanks for reading loves 😊😊♥️💙

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