chapter 18

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I am so sorry if this last chapter is shit I didn't know how to end it so I'm sorry if it's not good

finally getting to the Royal City all of them  piled out of the car, Keith was sleepy and worried at the same time "are you okay kitten? Riku ask rubbing circles on Keith's back.

Keith nodded "yeah i'm fine just a bit tired."
"okay kitten" Riku said with a soft kiss on the back of Keith's neck all five men Walk in to the enormous castle looking house.

"dear's you're finally home" a middle age woman said coming towards them "mother"  Riku said wrapping the woman in a big hug she walked around hugging all four prince's Keith didn't get a hug she stopped before him, her hand touched Keith's face "he's beautiful"she whispered softly.

"who's beautiful" a beautiful chocolate brown lady with tall silky black hair said walking towards them.

"mother" Kai said hugging the woman almost lifting her completely off the ground,She hugged back "my precious boy" she said kissing his cheek.

"now who is so beautiful that rose had to say it" she asked as Kai put her back on to her feet.

"mother this is Keith our mate"kai says giving his mother a kiss on her cheek.

"you're mate! how wonderful" she exclaimed pulling Keith closer to her, "I've been waiting forever for you" she squealed,Keith smiled shyly.

"mother don't scare him" Kai whined playfully.

"where's  my mother?"Brian asked.

"Kate and nanna went out they had some important business to take care of" rose explained "now come let's go inside" she said leading them into the mansion.

"mother we'll go unpack"Riku announced.

"of course darling"

Riku and the boys went to there room and unpacked their stuff.

the day went by fast Keith met all the Royal family he was exhausted he took a quick shower before curling up between Kai and kale with in minutes he was asleep.

the next morning Keith woke up to kale pacing around the room Kai trying to calm him down Brian having a mini mental breakdown and Riku laughing his ass off at the three "what's going on?" he asked rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"oh hey sweetheart, you're awake" Kai  turned to him smiling  brightly.
"morning kitten" Riku greeted "how are you feeling?".

Keith yawned "i'm still tired but not too bad" he said rubbing his eyes "are you guys okay?"he questioned.

"well yes and no" Kai said making his way to the bed sitting next to Keith taking his hand in to his "there's something we need to tell you sweetheart".

"okay" Keith was confused what did they want to tell him "so we found out that tonight will be a full moon" Kai said rubbing circles on Keith's fingers, Keith was confused what was the problem it was just a full moon nothing new about that.

"what do you mean?" he asked trying to make sense of what Kai was trying to say.

"it means that the marking ceremony will be performed tonight" Kai explained, Keith still did not understand "why" he ask tilting his head like a confused puppy"well sweetheart we are royals we are not like any normal alpha's where we can mark you anytime we feel like,it has to be done when the moon is full and our Alpha since are heightened,to be honest I thought we had a week to prepare you for it but we were wrong" he said sadly.

Keith reached out cupping Kai's cheek "Kai you don't have to worry,I wanna be mated by you guys,I'm happy it came sooner then predicted so don't be sad" he tried to reassure him,Kai smile and kissed Keith "hey I want a kiss too I'm the one panicking over here" kale said wrapping his arms around Keith pulling his lips away from Kai's, kissing him "keep going" Riku said as they were about to pull away "stop it you perve" Brian said  pulling himself up from the floor and pushing Riku out of his way "let's go have breakfast princess" Brian said wrapping his arms around Keith's waist pulling him away from kale,he left the room with his arm wrapped around Keith's waist and the other boys following after them they sat down at the table with the rest of the Royal family.

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