chapter 6

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Keith was about to walk to his room when shiro stopped him Keith rolled his eyes before speaking "what is it that you want" he asked irritated.

"what's up with you and the alpha princes?" Shiro asked crossing his arms.

"none of your business" Keith said walking past shiro.

Shiro grabbed Keith by the arm stopping him again "why you,why did they choose you".

Keith rolled his eyes "just let me go" he tried to pry off shiro's grip.

"no" shiro growled "not till you tell me".

Keith elbows him in the stomach,shiro winch falling backwards,releasing Keith's arm.

"I know you were crazy but not this crazy" Keith shouts running out the door.

Keith ran to lance's dorm room and banged on the door yelling Lance's name.

Lance opened the door looking worried "what's wrong bby" he said as he helped Keith inside.

Now tell me what's wrong" he commanded as he closed and locked the door.

Keith sat on lance's bed trying to calm his breathing "shiro grabbed my arm and was demanding I tell him why I was with the four alpha princes,he fucking scared the shit out of me".

"that crazy fucker" lance cursed running a hand through his hair "want me to beat his ass for you" he smirked.

"No thank you lance that might just cause more problem's I'll just ask the dorm mother if I can change rooms" Keith sighed.

"okay lay down I'll go get you something to eat"lance left the room before Keith could even tell him he wasn't hungry.

He laid on the bed and thought about the four Alpha's,his alpha's.

They were strong, their company was enjoyable,he couldn't help but think about the way they touched him, how they looked at him, the way they talked, all these weird things,he just can't deny that he likes them.

before he know it he was asleep dreaming about the four alpha's.

Keith awoke hours later.

He stretched slightly feeling relaxed after his nap,his stomach growls loudly making him aware that he was now hungry.

he walked to lance's kitchen to search for something to eat.

Keith found some leftover chicken in the fridge along with a couple of veggies and a piece of bread.
he ate everything in one sitting.

It was almost 4 o'clock in the afternoon,so he decides to take a shower.

As soon as Keith finished showering he changed into the comfy clothes he borrowed from lance's closet,lance was not home Keith doesn't know where he went.

(time skip)

Keith was bored staying in lance's room on his own so he started going through his closet he tried on everything he could Keith was having the time of his life before he heard lance clearing his throat behind him, he froze before turning with a t-shirt in one hand and a skirt in the other "um..hii" he smiled nervously

"well hello white rabbit"lance looked at him with an eyebrow raised "I was just bored I'm sorry for going through you're stuff".

"it's okay bby" lance said with an evil smile you went through my stuff so you have to tell me what happened last night with the four alpha princes".

Keith smiled shyly before saying"nothing really happened".

"come on tell me" lance whined making puppy dog eyes.

"fine fine,it was nothing special I just slept at there house,and I found out they are my mates" Keith whisper the last part looking down shyly.

lance's jaw dropped "really?!
that's amazing babe! I am so happy for you finally finding your mate or should I say mate's !" lance said happily.

Keith smiled softly "Thank you" he said quietly "anyway let's go watch a movie" lance said pulling Keith out to where the tv was.

Thanks for reading loves 😊♥️💙

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