chapter 13

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it was the day of Keith's 19th Birthday the day he was gonna figure out if the boy's are really his mate's he loves them and he feels the connection and all that Shazam.

Keith woke up with no one beside him he was alone in the bed he got up to go grab some clothes from the closet.

when he was done washing and changing he walked out of the room going down stairs four wonderful smell hits his nose a smell of chocolate, bubblegum, caramel apple and the smell of rose mixed with a woody fragrance.

he entered the living room his four mate's were sitting in the living room watching television eating cake.

"happy birthday!" his mates shouted as they stood up from the couch.

he was bomb rushed by the smell of his mate's "are you okay kitten?"Riku asked.

all four of Keith's mate's walked over hugging him.

Keith was overwhelmed by the fragrances coming from his mate's, their scents intoxicating him like nothing he had ever smelled.

"kitten Brian and I are gonna take you out today" Riku smile down at him pulling away.

"really" Keith said sounding excited his eyes lighting up"but wait why's Kai and kale not coming" Keith asked curiously.

"because they have something very important to do bunny" Brian said smiling "they have been planning something for you" Riku added.
"you guys know I don't like surprises right" Keith said nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"that's enough chatter go get ready" Riku said pushing Keith towards the stairs"I'm going,I'm going" Keith grumbled.

( time skip)

Keith was wearing black shorts with a long sleeved white dress shirt and a black leather jacket "you look gorgeous kitten"Riku said hugging Keith from behind.

"you think" Keith replied turning around to face his mate.

"you always look gorgeous princess" Brian chuckled ruffling Keith's hair.

"okay enough chattering let's go" Brian said holding Keith's hand pulling him out the door Riku following behind them.

they arrived at a restaurant a couple of minutes later a waiter showed them to there table "thank you for coming sirs"the waiter said handing them their menus.

Keith looked over the menu scanning the different food options "how about sushi kitten" Riku questioned grabbing the menu from Keith's hand because he was taking too long to decide.

Keith thought for a minute nodding his head "sure".

the waitress walked over taking their orders.

she return a couple of seconds later carrying their sushi in a dish tray she put down in front of them and left again.

after finishing his meal Keith was ready to go home but Riku and Brian tried talking him out of it they need more time for Kai and kale to finish everything for Keith's surprise party
"why can't I go home" Keith whines.

"we have many more things  planned kitten come on it'll be fun" Riku pleaded.

"fine fine I'll come with you guys " Keith agreed.

"good" let's go Brian said pulling Keith to the car.

it was now way into the afternoon Keith's surprise party was set and it was time for them to bring Keith home,they arrive in front of their house and park the car.

"close you're eyes kitten" Riku instructed.

"What? why?" Keith said raising an eyebrow.

"just close your eyes and trust us"
Keith sighed and shut his eyes tightly as Riku and Brian pushed him in to the house "open them"Riku told him.

Keith opened his eyes and gasped as he saw what was in front of him "surprise happy birthday" people cheered including Kai and kale"I...
uhm thanks"Keith said still shocked.

The living room was decorated in blue balloons all along the walls with a large birthday banner reading
Happy Birthday baby!we love you! Keith could feel tear's welling up in his eyes"don't start crying yet white rabbit"lance said walking up behind him wrapping his arms around Keith's shoulder "shut up I'm not crying"
Keith sniffled trying to hold his tears back.

"if you say so well anyway let's get you dolled up for you're party"Lance said pulling Keith up stairs,lance pulled a beautiful black princess looking gown from his bag giving it to Keith "this is my birthday gift to you white rabbit" Lance smiled.

Keith wrapped his arms around lance and hugged him tight "you're the best" he whispered into lances chest.

"I know I am now go get dressed you silly rabbit"Lance chuckled pushing him in to the bathroom with the dress.

a couple minutes later Keith walked out of the bathroom wearing the dress "you look beautiful" lance breathed admiring how beautiful Keith looked in the dress "thanks"Keith said walking towards the mirror brushing some stray hairs behind his ears.

Lance did Keith's makeup,he applied eyeliner, mascara and red lipstick, Keith looked stunning he pulled on some black pumps on his feet.

"ready" Lance said smiling at him they both walked out of the room as Keith walked down the stairs all eyes following him all the way down "you look beautiful"all four of his mate's said "thanks" Keith replied blushing.

Keith birthday party went on with no mishap everyone had a great time and soon the night was over.

Thanks for reading loves 😊♥️💙

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