chapter 2

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Sorry if it's confusing
beep beep beep

Keith role out of bed on to the floor he was tired of his phone beeping he grabbed it off the table and turned on the light it read 5:30AM.

The night before he decided to stay in lance's room so now he needed to go to his dorm room to get ready for school he has an early class.

He walked out of lance's room and sighed softly "time to face the music" he was and outcast at school the only friend he had was lance

Keith walked in to his room making his way to the bathroom taking a shower, he pulled on and oversized hoodie and some black leggings, brushing his teeth and hair.he walked out to the kitchen opening the fridge and searched through the food, taking out some eggs, cheese, bacon, tomatoes and a bag of frozen pancakes before closing the fridge.

he turned around seeing shiro standing in the doorway watching him.

"morning" shiro said,smiling shyly at him.

"morning" Keith replied walking over to the counter and grabbing a glass.

"you're going to be late for class" shiro said.

"and so,there's no need to tell me and it's none of your business if I'm late".

Keith made his breakfast with shiro still watching him from the corner of his eye.


"so" Keith began "do you need something because I don't understand why you're still here? because last I checked i don't exactly like talking to you or anyone"

shiro gave a confused look "what?" he said tilting his head like a confused puppy.

"I'm trying to eat here and you're being weird so please leave are what ever" Keith finished his meal and threw the dish in the sink.

Keith text lance before leaving the dorm and locking the door, he was hoping that lance would be awake so he'd at least have someone to hangout with before his class starts.

Keith: Lance wake the hell up.
Lancelot: I'm up.
Keith: wait is this a dream when I left you were still sleeping?????!
Lancelot: yes you're dreaming white rabbit.
Keith: oh god am I really,coffee will  surely wake me up😁
Lancelot: okay I'll get u coffee i guess
Keith: you're a saint
Lancelot: don't you mean thanks bby 😊
Keith: whatever just get me coffee
end of message:

(time skip)

Lance hands Keith the paper cup with coffee "thanks" Keith said smiling ear to ear.

"you're welcome"

it was now 7o'clock Keith had a little time, lance and Keith walked to the school rooftop Keith still sipping on his coffee the roof was Keith's quiet place.

"so Keith I know you don't wanna talk to me about this but are you going to visit you're mother for the holidays"lance says awkwardly
Keith nods "i was going to stay with Katie but she's gonna be staying at mom's for the holidays" Keith looks away sad.

"oh...okay,well if you're not going to spend you're holidays at you're mom's,you can spend holiday with my family and i" lance said warmly.

Keith looks surprised at lances words "really? you're family won't mind?" lance shrugs and smiles "sure!".

"Okay let's walk you to class" lance said locking his arms with Keith's.

They both walked to Keith's class saying there good-byes ,Keith walked to his seat.Keith is a smart kid so he sits upfront the bell rings and the teacher walks in "good morning class" Mr. Holt says in his cheery voice.

Keith sits quietly staring at the cheerful teacher in front of the class.

"today we'll start a project on the history of our kind!" the teacher shouted in excitement "who wants to go first"

before Keith could say anything the door fly's open and in comes two alpha fighting Keith was pushed from his chair within all the commotion falling to the floor landing on his knees and elbows, he didn't bother getting up, he didn't move at all.

His face was covered in dust and tears.

the alpha's stopped their fighting to look at trembling Keith crying his eyes out on the floor.

Kai the alpha that was fighting stopped kneeling down next to Keith's still trembling he reaches out and caresses the hair away from Keith's face, he then takes Keith in to his arms lifting him bridal style "are you okay" he asked looking Keith in his red eyes.

Keith sniffled "yes it was just the shock that's all..." he said quietly in between sobs.

"don't lie to me sweetheart... I might just be a dumbass alpha who cares only about fighting but I can see that you're not okay" Kai said lifting Keith further in to his chest.

Kai carried him into the hallway were other students stared wide eyed.

Kai took him to the nurses office not leaving him for a minute "I'm sorry for causing you so much problem" Keith said laying on the nurses bed as Kai tend to his wounds.

"its fine sweetheart, don't worry, you didn't do anything it was my stupid fight that got you hurt"Kai said petting Keith on the head.

the petting sent shivers down Keith's spine and he couldn't help but blush.

Kai smiled at seeing the blushing cutie in front of him.

"okay sweetheart I'll take you back to class".

"no it's, it's okay I can go back by myself" Keith said,his face as red as a tomato.

"no you can't I'll carry you there if I have to" Kai said smirking at the little bunny like boy in front of him.

Kai scooped Keith up easily picking him up princess style, he walked out of the nurses office to return Keith to class with only small bruises and scratches.

Thanks for reading loves 💙♥️

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