{22} - Paul McCartney

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By the time Sebastian was back Bethany was back to one hundred percent. She was her usual bubbly self.
"Pack your bags." Sebastian said, dropping his suitcase on the bed.
"What? Why?" Bethany asked. She closed her book and sat up.
"We're going on a road trip. Consider it your birthday extended." He opened his dresser drawers and started pulling things out.
"Noooooo. You've already done so much for me." She stood and walked around the bed to get between him and his suitcase. "Not to mention my birthday was almost three weeks ago and I probably won't even be able to get time off."
"So ungrateful." He tsked and stepped around her to drop a pile of underwear into his suitcase. "Call and get the time off and then start packing. We'll be gone at least two weeks." Bethany grabbed her phone of the bed and called April.
"Hi, hon, how're you doin'?" April asked. "Enjoying your day off?"
"So much. Is Janine around?"
"Yeah. Why? You finally giving your two weeks?" April asked. "I handed in mine this morning. I'm done putting up with her bs. She can't do nothing to me now and my lord does the freedom feel fantastic!" Benny chuckled.
"Good for you April. I'm not technically, but I'm requesting two weeks off and I definitely won't be here so I feel like that might be the end anyway. Since we all know how well making time off requests goes. Can you tell her I'll be gone and if she throws a fit tell her it's for good? I've been sending out resumes and frankly I'm done with her bs too. She can kiss my ass." April laughed.
"Girl, I love your zest for life! Of course I'll tell Janine and I will relish in the look of rage I'll get in return." Bethany laughed. "Let's have coffee when you get back and you can tell me all about your adventures with your man. I assume you're going with your man?"
"I am. And we'll definitely have coffee. I'll see you in two weeks, April. Thanks so much."
"Of course, hon. Have fun!" They said their goodbyes and hung up.
"You're quitting?" Sebastian asked when she hung up. "I thought you said things were getting better."
"Eh, kinda, but I've been looking for another job because frankly Janine's really stressing me out and it's just not a good environment for me." She rummaged through the closet and pulled out her suitcase and dropped it on the bed opposite Sebastian's. "Now, can I at least know where we're going?" She asked, walking over to the closet and begin the task of deciding what clothes to take.
"Somewhere exciting. And hot. Wear comfortable shoes."
"Very specific. Thank you so much." She shook her head.
"My pleasure. Don't forget your swimsuit." He closed his dresser drawers and joined her at the closet.
"You are maddening." Benny said while carefully rolling her shirts and pants up to make things fit most efficiently.
"You love me."
"Yeah yeah. And you love me. Doesn't make you less maddening." He put his arms around her waist and pulled her back against his chest.
"Hey, I really do love you." She looked up and smiled.
"I know that. And I really love you." He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. "You should brush your teeth."
"Wow. Way to ruin the moment."
"Hey, I only tell you because I love you." She patted his cheek and then went back to rolling her clothes.

Before they even left city limits April called back to say Janine didn't want her to come back. Honestly that's what Bethany had expected and she didn't care. In fact it was almost freeing in a way to know she didn't have to stress over going back to that office again.

"Why are we in San Diego?" Bethany asked, turning her gaze to Sebastian.
"Why do you ask so many questions?" He asked, lifting his shades.
"Why do you refuse to give me a straight answer."
"It's so much more fun this way." Sebastian grinned and let his shades drop again. She shook her head and went back to staring out the window. The rest of the drive was silent aside from the doors playing through the speakers. Bethany gasped when they reached their hotel.
"This is where we're staying?!" The building was beautiful, with huge windows and ocean views.
"Yup." They parked and Sebastian came around to open her door. "M'lady." He offered her his hand. She grinned and accepted.
"Such a gentleman." She said. He smiled and kissed the back of her hand before letting it go. "And a cliché." Bethany added.

If Not For You(Sequel to IML)Where stories live. Discover now