{14} - Darling, Let's Be Adventurers

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Saturday. Bethany wasn't the kind of person to sleep in on Saturdays. She had a routine. She didn't like to mess with it. Messing with the routine is what leads to forgetting to do things. So she got up, went for a run, came back, ate breakfast, showered, drank a cup of tea and was just sitting down to play her drums when she got a text from Simon.

Barfbag - you available for band practice this afternoon?
Benny - sure what time?
Barfbag - one ish
Benny - where?
Barfbag - Tali's place
Benny - 👍
Barfbag - do you know anyone in the recording business?
Benny - not exactly in the recording business but Jake has his own recording studio and I could probably convince him to help you if he has the time
Barfbag - really?
Benny - 🤪
Barfbag - Cool
Benny - what are you going to record?
Barfbag - we want to start work on an album. We've got a few songs written and we'd like to start recording.
Barfbag - you're gonna track drums for us right?
Benny - no duh
Barfbag - how do you have a boyfriend? You're so snarky.
Benny - I'm cute
Barfbag - mmhm
Benny - you wish you were this cute
Barfbag - I'll see you at one weirdo
Benny - 🤪
Barfbag - 🙄


"I'm here! Sorry I'm late!" Bethany said as she walked into Oscar's sister Tali's house carrying pieces of her drum kit.
"It's-" Simon started.
"It doesn't matter." Oscar sighed, "Emmett's not coming."
"What? Why?" Hal asked. Oscar shrugged.
"Dunno. He just said he can't come today."
"Are you kidding me?" Bethany groaned.
"Sorry I'm late!" Kris yelled as she opened the door and walked directly into Bethany. "Uff. Sorry, Benny."
"We're such a mess, jeez. You two come late and Emmett doesn't come at all." Simon said as he lifted his guitar strap over his head.
"Emmett's not coming?"
"What the fuck?" Kris said. Oscar shrugged.
"So . . ."
"Well if we aren't gonna have practice I'm gonna go home and finish my book." Hal said, standing and pushing his glasses up.
"Of course you are." Oscar said playfully.
"Shut up Oscar."
"Want a ride?" Simon asked.
"Sure." He picked up his guitar case and Simon grabbed his.
"I guess we'll see you guys later?"
"Yeah." Oscar said.
"I guess so." Bethany shrugged. She hoisted the pieces of her drum kit she was holding higher and adjusted her grip. She turned to look at Kris as Oscar walked out of the room. Kris had her hair up in a messy bun and she was wearing a t-shirt that was too big and hung off one of her shoulders. Bethany could swear she'd seen it somewhere, but not on Kris. It was so familiar.
"Have you worn that before?" She asked and Kris's face turned bright red.
"Uh, no. It's not mine."
"Then who's is it?"
"I-I-we're not-uh-" And then it clicked where Bethany had seen it.
"Oh my gosh! Is that Ashley's?! Tell me it isn't!" Kris tried to hide a smile as she nodded.
"What?!" Bethany almost shrieked. "Since when? How? What?"
"We've kind been friends with benefits since Warped." Bethany took a few seconds to process this.
"Wait. Oh my gosh. Please don't tell me you were the girl he brought back on the last night of tour."
"I could tell you that, but I'd be lying."
"Oh my gosh. How could you keep this from me?" Kris shrugged.
"We were keeping it quiet."
"Hate to break up the party, ladies, but I have to go so . . ." Oscar said as he walked back in.
"Oh. Yeah. C'mon, Kris. I'll give you a ride." Bethany led the way out the door with Kris and Oscar behind her. She put the pieces of her drum kit in the back before getting in the driver's seat.
"So? Spill." She said as she backed out of the driveway.
"I spilled most of it already. We started as friends with benefits, but yesterday he asked me to be his girlfriend. And uh, he gave me a promise ring." She twisted the ring on her middle finger. It was a simple silver band that turned into an infinite heart.
"He's a sap."
"He is, but oh gosh Benny. I think I love him. No. I know I love him." Bethany smiled.
"Well I'm happy for you. And I will be having some words with Mr. Purdy." Kris laughed.

If Not For You(Sequel to IML)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin