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ANASTASIA CLOSED HER EYES AS SHE LAID DOWN ON HER BED. Her mother had been gone for around the past hour, and she had been bored. She was too afraid to leave her room, for fear Director Fury might find her and try to force her into more sparring. Or maybe Agent Coulson would force her to here another one of his or Agent Ward's history lessons. She was ready for neither.

She wanted to do things normal kids did. She wanted to go outside and hang out with other kids, but that would be against S.H.I.E.L.D. regulations. She wanted to attend a normal school, knowing with would be better than being taught by Phil Coulson and Grant Ward. She wanted a phone and social
Media but of course, people will find you and then your mission is compromised.

She looked to her right to see a file her mom had left earlier. She was supposed to read it for something Director Fury was planning, but she was too lazy to do so.

She decided it was in her best interest to explore. She went to the level that Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons were at. Fitz-Simmons were two scientists who Anastasia had been close too. She opened the door to see the two working a project that she couldn't understand.

Jemma was the first to notice the fourteen year old standing in the doorway. "Annie! It's so good to see you! Come in please!"

Anastasia walked into the room. She watched as Jemma typed in her research. "What are you working on?" She asked. Jemma explained her work and Anastasia could barely keep up. There were too many terms being thrown around that only scientists would understand.

Leo Fitz spun in his chair to face her. "Have you finished your homework?"

"I had homework?" Anastasia asked. She couldn't remember Coulson giving her homework. If anything, it was probably Ward. Which made sense why she couldn't remember. Every time he talked, her mind went to other places.

"I'm going to take that as a no." Fitz sighed.

"Well sorry, but I wasn't aware I had homework." She was sure Ward had given it to her, but she didn't want to say she was second guessing herself.

"That's alright. We can ask Coulson or Ward to bring it down." Jemma was about to call for them, but Anastasia stopped her.

"I would hate for you to get in this mess. I can take care of this. After all, it's my fault for not doing the homework." Anastasia said. Jemma nodded at her accountability. She then left Fitz-Simmons be, and went to go find Coulson. He was probably the only person that would let her down easy.

She walked around, hoping to find Coulson or May. When she didn't see either, she walked back and bumped into someone. "Sorry." She looked up to see the person she didn't want to see. Agent Grant Ward.

"Hello Anna. Did you do your homework?"

Anastasia wanted to panic. She slowly nodded her head and quickly bolted past him. It wasn't that she was scared of him, she was scared of her mother when provoked. Ward would most likely tell Natasha and then Anastasia would get in trouble.

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