15 - you're damn right

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WHEN ANASTASIA GOT HOME, SHE TOOK NOTE OF THE SUIT ON THE COUNTER WITH THE NOTE THAT READ; 'hey honey, had to head out but put this on. we have a mission tonight. love, mom.'

Anastasia grabbed the suit and put it on, ready for the mission. She noticed her wild hair in the mirror and wondered if it had been like that all day. She grabbed a brush and a couple of hair ties and put it into pigtail braids. She then pondered if it even looked good. She never really did anything with her hair besides leave it down. Even when Natasha offered she simply didn't bother.

Once her mother came they made their way to S.H.I.E.L.D. and got their briefing for the mission;  a simple one with pirates. Nothing too exciting. She got her gadgets and made her way to the jets.

She then waited for Rumlow to arrive so they could be on their way. As she took a seat on the bench she watched Steve make his way towards them. He nodded at Natasha and then at Anastasia. "I like your braids."

Anastasia smiled. "Thanks. I was planning on doing nothing with my hair but figured I should try something. It looks kinda wonky but it's gonna get messed up anyways."

"No, it looks cute. I like it. You should do your hair like that more often." Steve continued. "Also, I figured out the whole Netflix thing. Turns out I needed to use my email to sign up and not my actual name. So then I tried it and there are a lot of movies on there that I wanna watch."

"Yeah, Netflix can be like that. Some of their stuff though is complete garbage." Anastasia added.

"I'll have to take that into account." Steve agreed.

"Now, is this where the party's at?" Anastasia heard Rumlow join in. "Hey red." He smiled at Anastasia. She gave him a warm hello back as they got everything set up.

They got the plane going and eventually made their way over the Indian Ocean. "The target is a mobile satellite launch platform: The Lemurian Star. They were sending up their last payload when pirates took them, 93 minutes ago."

"Any demands?" Steve asked.

"A billion and a half."

"Why so steep?" Steve asked.

"Because it's SHIELDs."

"So it's not off-course, it's trespassing."

"I'm sure they have a good reason." Anastasia added.

"You know, I'm getting a little tired of being Fury's janitor."

"Relax it's not that complicated." Natasha spoke.

"How many pirates?" Steve asked.

"Twenty-five, top mercs, led by this guy. Georges Batroc." Rumlow showed them a photo of Batroc on the monitor. "Ex-DGSE, Action Division. He's at the top of Interpol's Red Notice. Before the French demobilized him, he had thirty-six kill missions. This guy's got a rep for maximum casualties."

"Hostages?" Natasha questioned.

"Uh...mostly techs. One officer, Jasper Sitwell. They're in the gallery. I think that'll be the job for Red though." Rumlow added his opinion.

"What's Sitwell doing on a launch ship? Alright, I'm gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc. Annie, you'll kill the engines and wait for instructions. Nat, you sweep aft, find the hostages, get them to the life-pods, get 'em out. Let's move." Steve planned.

"You heard Cap, gear up." Rumlow said.

"Did you do anything fun Saturday night?" Natasha asked, trying to change the subject.

"Well, all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, so... No, not really."

"You know, if you ask Kristen out, from Statistics, she'd probably say yes." Natasha offered.

"Mom, that's really gross. And Kristen would say yes to anyone who asked her out." Anastasia said.

"That's why I don't ask." Steve added.

"Too shy or too scared?" Natasha asked.

"Too busy!" He then jumped out of the jet.

Anastasia jumped after, with a parachute of course. She joined her mother and Steve as they were a couple of feet ahead of where she landed. "What about the nurse that lives across the hall from you? She seems kind of nice." Natasha continued on the topic.

"Secure the engine room, then find me a date." Steve ordered.

"Wee multitasking." Natasha nudged Anastasia.

Anastasia jumped to the lower deck, done with the conversation. She heard the men talking and hid in the shadows. "J'aime pas attendre. Appelle Durand. Je veux que l'on s'arrache dès que la ranson arrive." (I do not like to wait. Call Durand. I want the ship ready to move when the ransom arrives).

Anastasia jumped behind the man. "Eh wee wee." Anastasia spoke faux-French. She quickly knocked him down and managed to swing down below the deck, shooting several of the pirates on the way. They continued to speak French, making her have no clue what in the world they were saying.

She heard Steve on the radio, "Annie, what's your status?" She continued to ignore him and fight the men off. "Anastasia, status."

"Give me a minute, Steve." She replied. She quickly knocked the last guy out. She then spoke into her radio, "Engine room, secure." Anastasia grabbed a pipe and finished knocking him out.

"On my mark. Three. Two. One." Then Steve's radio cut out.

Anastasia made her way back up when she heard her mother on the radio, "Anastasia, remember, back up the hard drive."

Anastasia groaned, for she forgot about that part. She ran into a room and plugged the hard drive into the computer. "This is taking forever." She spoke to herself. She then watched as Steve smashed Batroc through the door and knocked him out, his unconscious body falling right next to Anastasia's shoe. She looked up and met Steve's gaze. "Heyyyy, Steve. Nice day isn't it." She said, awkwardly.

"What are you doing?" He questioned.

"Backing up the hard drive. My mother says it's a good habit to get into."

"Nat needed your help. What the hell are you doing?" He asked, now pissed. He towered over her and watched what she downloading. "You're saving SHIELD Intel."

"Whatever I can get my hands on, mothers orders." She spoke. Now she felt guilty. She didn't know why. Steve didn't know, and it wasn't his mission. But she still genuinely felt like crap.

"Our mission is to rescue hostages."  He said angrily.

"No. That was your mission." Natasha leaned on the doorframe. She went over to them and pulled out the flash drive. "And you did it beautifully." She then kissed Anastasia's head. "You too." As she tried to leave, Steve grabbed her arm. "You just jeopardized this whole operation."

"I think that's overstating things." Suddenly, Batroc rose up and threw a grenade before running off. Steve deflected the bomb with his shield. He grabbed Anastasia and jumped through the window before it exploded with Natasha following them. "Okay, that was on me." She added.

"You're damn right."



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