12 - american pie

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ANASTASIA SIPPED A CUP OF ORANGE JUICE WHILE LAYING ON THE HOSPITAL WING BED. Steve and Natasha had spent their nights taking turns watching her and talking to her. She had listened to her mother rant about all the men in the work place not holding their ends and found out that Steve needs more work on the modern world then she thought. "Seriously, dude, as soon as I'm off the bed we are going to go find some movies for us to binge and music for us to listen to."

Steve chuckled and nodded. "Sounds like a deal, kiddo." Before Steve could add on, Ingrad knocked on the door.

"Hey cap, can I talk to Anastasia alone?"  Steve got up from the side of the bed and left the girls alone.

"Oh, Ingrad, I forgot to tell you. I'm over looking for my dad. I don't really want to know him. If he truly cared about me, he would be in my life."

"That's the thing...maybe he does care about you." Ingrad replied.

"What?" Anastasia asked. She watched Ingrad pull an envelope out of her back pocket.

"Don't ask when I found this, because it was a process, but I found it. Why don't you look inside." She sat on the side of the bed while Anastasia opened it.

Inside were pictures of a dark haired tall man in a sergeant suit. There was a picture  of a metal arm with a red star and a man with long dark, wet hair. And some more of letters and papers and files.

"His name is James Barnes. Apparently went by Bucky." Ingrad explained. "He was around in the 40s. Cap's good friend. He went missing and these are files of a secret project i found. But he must have been whatever he is now when you were conceived."

"Meaning my mom worked with him in whatever project this is..." Anastasia put the pieces together. "Thank you so much, Ingrad. I appreciate it."

Ingrad smiled. "Of course."

"Do you mind not mentioning any of this to my mom? I don't wanna approach her about this. Like I said, I appreciate you doing this for me, but I don't know if either of us are ready."

"Yeah for sure." She looked down the corridor. "Hey I think I have to leave, soon. Just give me a call if you find anything else out."

As Ingrad dived for a hug, Anastasia chuckled. "Is there even cell service in Asgard?"

"You'd be surprised. I'll see you around. Don't be a stranger." She finger gunned Anastasia and left the room.

Natasha came into the bedroom after she left and took a seat at the door of the bed. "Hey honey, do you wanna try walking one more time?"

Anastasia quickly grabbed the papers and shoved it in her back pocket. "I can try."

"Good, at least try to walk to the car. Then we can head back to the house."

Anastasia nodded. She slowly sat up, a tiny pain in her lower back. She ignored and continued to push herself until eventually she was up all the way. She moved her leg a little bit and felt the tiny pain again, but chose to ignore it. She continued making tiny steps.

She eventually was able to make it outside to the car. Tony smiled at the girl and shagged her hair. "Looks like the kids gonna walk again."

Anastasia chuckled as she made her way to the car. Once her mother got in she turned the engine and turned on the radio, leaving them to listen to their tunes and drive off to be prepared for another day of battle coming their way.

"So bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee
But the levee was dry
Them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye
Singing, "This'll be the day that I die"
This will be the day that I die"


Wow! We're done with act 1! This took forever so I'm glad it's over. Anyways thank you all for coming along with crazy adventure with me <333

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