14 - first day

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A WEEK WENT BY AND SCHOOL HAD OFFICIALLY STARTED. Anastasia sunk in her seat as her mom pulled up into the parking lot to drop her off. "Annie, honey, you need to get out." Natasha chuckled.

"I don't know if I wanna go...." Anastasia sunk more in her seat. She watched as two teens knocked on her mothers window.

She rolled down the window and the two teens pulled out a piece of paper and a sharpie. "Ohmygosh you're Black Widow! Can we have an autograph?" Natasha chuckled and nodded and took their papers to sign her name. She gave it back and they ran into the building.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me." Anastasia groaned. "Yeah no, now I can't be seen here."

"If you don't get out of the car, I'll get Rogers to bring you to school for the rest of the year until you can drive." Natasha threatened.

Anastasia rolled her eyes and hopped out of the car. Natasha waved and backed up before driving away. Anastasia groaned and took a big step into the high school. She had never truly stepped foot in a public school until now. As long as she could remember, she went to school at S.H.I.E.L.D. with classes being taught by Grant Ward.

But now she was here. In school. A public school.

She grabbed the paper out of her backpack and examined her schedule for the year. She groaned as she made her way to her locker, knowing exactly what her first class was, theatre. She desperately didn't want to do theatre, but of course her mother signed her up for it thinking she would come out of her shell more.

She opened her locker and took note of the tiny space. She figured she could fit some notebooks and pencils and made a her jackets in there. As much as she tried to pay attention to what was happening, she couldn't help but listen in to everyone's conversations. The girls giggling about a boy kissing them for the first time. The boys talking about their favorite part of that new superhero movie. The bullies talking about the person they hate the most. It was all super formulaic.

She heard the bell ring and she grabbed her bag before running to the theatre room. When she opened the door she took note of all the kids. They hugged each other and greeted each other. They must have been close.

Anastasia sat her bag down on the floor and took a seat next to it. She watched as a teacher walked into the classroom. "Welcome, students! Now you are all in here because you have a knack for the arts! Now I want to start off by saying our fall play is very soon, meaning we need to grab a hold of our production and begin auditions. So, without a further ado, does anyone wanna guess our show?"

A bunch of kids raised their hands and one by one she called on them and they named some musical that Anastasia had never truly heard of. To be fair, she wasn't quite the musical buff as some of her other classmates were.

"All of you were close! Now, our production for fall is...." She ripped off a paper from the board and showcased it. "Mamma Mia!" Everyone jumped up and down running toward each other hugging and screaming. Except for Anastasia.

The rest of the day went about the same. Everyone hugged each other, the teacher introduced themselves and a little bit about the class, then Anastasia was on her way.

Her mom pulled up in her black car and rolled down the window. "Get in loser! We're going shopping!" She quoted. Anastasia rolled her eyes at her moms lane attempt at being funny and entered and shut the door. "So how was the first day back?"

"Eh." She replied.

"How was theatre? I hope you aren't mad that I changed your course last minute." Natasha questioned.

"No. I get it. It's just practice for work. And it was whatever. We're doing Mamma Mia." Anastasia quietly replied.

Natasha smiled brightly. "Mamma Mia is so good! You have to watch it! We're gonna go to work, then home, then movie. Got it?"

Anastasia reluctantly agreed. Later that night, once everything was over and Anastasia took a shower. She was in the middle of a call with Ingrad and putting on her clothes. Anastasia put Ingrad to speaker so she could hear better. "Oh yeah, and you wanna know the best part? I'm doing theatre! Like how stupid is that? And you wanna know the show we're doing? Mamma fricking Mia. I didn't even know that existed outside of Mario!" Anastasia ranted.

"Well Mamma Mia is a pretty good musical to be fair. I think you're gonna like doing it." Ingrad replied.

"I guess." Anastasia said. "How's it going in Asgard. Again, shocked they have reception."

"I know it's weird. But it's been going pretty good. My dads been trying to bring himself in the picture more, which I appreciate. I mean sometimes it's not the best approach, but I appreciate he's trying. How's it going with your dad?"

"Oh..." Anastasia forgot about that part. For a majority of the past two years she had been trying her best to research her father, but nothing would show up besides early 40s articles. She wasn't sure how Ingrad found those pictures of him, but they weren't helpful. "It's great actually." She lied. "I found him and I think I'm gonna visit him."

"You totally should!" Ingrad started freaking out. "I mean he looked kinda scary but I'm sure it would be okay! I'll let you go though. You should totally plan it!"

Before Anastasia could say anything back, Ingrad hung up the phone. Which made Anastasia question if Ingrad even wanted to talk to her? Or if she was simply bothering her. She tried to the whole conversation past her as she watched the movie but she couldn't help but wonder:

Where was her dad? And does he know she even exists?


It's crazy to me that I started this story over summer break last year and now it's officially summer break? Time went by frrr!

Now a couple of things, I am a theatre kid and I was bored so here's a plot line I threw in

ALSO does anyone get the reason why I chose mamma Mia? If you do I love you!

[1083 words]

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