11 - Just like Budapest

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ANASTASIA WAITED FOR THE SIGNAL AS SHE WATCHED THE CHITAURI UNLEASH INTO NEW YORK. She hopped onto the Quinjet and they took off in a quick fashion. She felt the Quinjet boom into the city.

"Stark, we're heading North East." She heard her mother say on the radio.

As they got closer, Anastasia took out the machine gun and fired at the chitauri. Her and her mother quickly unfastened their seatbelts and opened the ramp. Steve ran first followed by Natasha and Anastasia. The trio arrived in the middle of a four-way street. Suddenly, Anastasia felt the city lurch to a stop. A deep primal rage bellowed out. With that roar, a shadow followed.

Yeah, she was definitely not in her element.

From both sides, chitauri soldiers clinged off and attached themselves to the sides of buildings, sliding down. Some crashed into the buildings and began firing from their energy rifles at innocent people. 

Anastasia started following Natasha and Steve as they ran behind upside taxis. She looked up and saw Loki taking his band down the street and fired in a chain of explosions, smashing cars and hurling people. Terrified civilians ran for their lives. "These people need assistance down there." Steve announced.

Chitauri soldiers that landed near them began to fire. Natasha pulled out both pistols and began firing. Anastasia followed her mothers actions. Her mother gave her a wink before turning to Steve. "We got this. It's good. Go!"

Natasha quickly emptied out her clips. Hawkeye fired arrows at the Chitauri, hitting the mark each time. "Just like Budapest all over again!" Natasha said to Hawkeye.

"You and I remember Budapest very differently." Clint replied.

"What happened in Budapest?" Anastasia asked, causing them both to laugh at her. They ignored her question and continued to fire. "That was a serious question guys." She said a little quieter.

Hawkeye tripped a chitauri soldier and rammed an arrow down its throat. Anastasia picked up its energy rifle and started to stick fight them. Steve joined them and used his shield to whack incoming chitauri soldiers.

Lightning suddenly struck down from the sky, channeling the blast, firing electricity at the chitauri soldiers around them. They were blasted back in a massive shockwave. The chitauri soldiers convulsed, drop dead to the ground. Thor and Ingrad touched down. "What's the story upstairs?" Steve questioned.

"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable. Ingrad and I had to find it out the hard way." Thor reported.

"Thor is right. We gotta deal with these guys." Tony said on the monitor.

"How do we do this?" Natasha asked.

"As a team." Steve answered.

"We have unfinished business with Loki." Thor replied.

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