13 - living under a rock

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"AND THIS WAS WHEN HE TRIED OF MICE AND MEN." Anastasia pressed the button on the remote and the two girls watched as Anastasia on the tv pressed the stereo and took a seat next to Steve Rogers.

Not even a second in the song, tv Steve spoke. "Turn this off. It hurts my head."

"Dude, that's just cause you're old." Tv Anastasia replied.

If you were to tell Anastasia that she met captain America 2 years ago, she would've laughed in your face. But now, it seems like she's known him forever.

"Wow. That seems chaotic." Ingrad chuckled. "Seems like you had a great summer though."

"Yeah. I'm not ready to head to school next week." Anastasia sighed.

"I know! It's your junior year! Isn't that exciting? You're gonna start driving and have all of these fun activities to do now." Ingrad said.

"Yeah. You're lucky that you're done with school. I can't believe you graduated already. It feels like just yesterday I met you and you were telling me about your junior year."

Ingrad leaned back into the couch. "Yeah, it's crazy. And, you know, when I was in my sophomore year, I didn't even know who my dad was, or where I was going to go for college. Now, I know who my dad is, and I'm a princess."

"Yeah, I can't believe you have to leave soon too." Anastasia sighed.

"Me too."

The following morning, Anastasia watched Ingrad sit in her spot and float back up into space with the Bifrost.

Then, she went to visit Steve in his apartment. She walked toward his door to see a familiar blonde walking by with a laundry basket. "Sharon?" Anastasia questioned.

The woman turned. "Annie? What are you doing here?" She headed over and gave a quick hug.

"Visiting Steve. What are you doing here? Is that your laundry?" She pointed to the basket in her arms.

Sharon nodded. "I'll explain later tonight. Just for now, if he asks, my name is Kate."

Anastasia agreed and allowed Kate (Sharon) to get along on her business, while she knocked on his door. She heard his feet walking towards the door and watched the door fly wide open to see Steve Rogers. "Hey! Come on in. I actually was just needing your help. I can't work my tiny television."

"You got another tv?" Anastasia asked. She entered the apartment and he led her to the kitchen table. "Oh...you meant the iPad." She said, noticing the iPad that was laid out on the table. "How have you tried to work it?"

"I thought it was like my telephone where I press the circle button." He explained.

"Have you tried to press the button on the side?" She pointed to the tiny button.

"I didn't know that was there." He smirked. "You are a genius."

"Yeah, I know." She smiled. She heard a knock on the door and watched as Steve yelled for them to open it.

A taller man entered with two bags full of clothes. "Here are some more for you that I think would look great on you, man." He dropped them on the counter and took a seat at the table. He pointed to Anastasia. "You're new."

"Yeah, she's Natasha's kid." He said, his focus all on the screen. "Okay, so now it has the Apple thingy. Oh and now there's the password thingy. Should I make it the same as my other stuff."

"Probably. So you don't forget." Anastasia said.

"Yeah, I did that once and was locked out of my computer for a month or so." The man chuckled. "I should probably introduce myself. I'm Sam Wilson, a friend of Steve's." He put his hand out.

She took his hand and they shook. "Anastasia, also a friend of Steve's."

"Heh, figured. So I'm guessing you're also the mastermind that's been helping poor Steve with the modern world."

Anastasia chuckled. "Yeah that would be me."

"So then you can you get him to watch my movie list? I've shown it to him a million times but he either can't remember the movies or he writes them down and never checks them out, and frankly it's frustrating dude."

"Sure, let me see the list." Steve grabbed his journal from the counter and threw it at her. She skimmed the list of iconic movies. "Steve. Is this a joke? These are probably the most iconic movies ever. You have to watch them. Also, Star Trek and Star Wars are two different things."

"I don't even know if I'm going to like these. I mean American Psycho doesn't sound very appealing."

"You aren't watching them because we think you'll like them." Sam explained. "You're watching them cause their iconic and there's no way you can function in this society without knowing them."

"I think he's a being a tad bit dramatic." Anastasia said. "We just don't want you living under a rock is all."

"If I don't watch these I'll live under a rock?"

"Its a figure of speech." Anastasia noted. "Just try them out tonight. You'll probably like them."

Steve claimed he would and with that knowledge, Anastasia left the apartment and headed to her house.

Once she went inside, she noticed a burnt smell from the kitchen. She leaned around the wall to see Natasha cursing and throwing a batch of cookies on the ground. "I swear I used to know how to make these when I was younger. I guess time left the memory behind somehow." She looked up to meet her daughters gaze. "How was Rogers?"

"He's okay. A friend came by and gave him a list of movies to watch."

"Oh yeah the Sam dude, right? What movie is Rogers gonna watch?"

"I think Fight Club."

"Oh no that's not good." She chuckled. "He's gonna wanna talk about it tomorrow."


"Honey, the first rule of fight club. We don't talk about fight club. Now come sit on the couch and pick a movie while I order pizza."


Woooh! Its been a good couple of weeks but we finished the first chapter of act 2! In case you can't tell I kinda want nat and Annie to have a Lorelei/Rory relationship. ALSO get comfy with Sam bc there will be a lot more interactions between the two and it's gonna be great

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