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'Hello saucepot.' Gemma looked up to see Luke, smiling at her as he took a seat.

'Hello, chicken nugget,' she replied. She began spreading jam on a piece of toast, while Ted (who was sitting next to her) took a bite of his bacon sandwich.

'You know bacon and bread have like, a shit tonne of calories,' Iz told him. She had decided to eat a misshaped lump of avocado.

'At least it tastes good. Unlike that green lump your eating,' he said, continuing to wolf down his breakfast. Luke opened a book, and Gemma was about to take a bite of her toast, but was stopped.

'Don't eat that!' Someone yelped. Gemma turned to glare at them, but was surprised to find it was none other than Regulus Black.

'Why?' She asked suspiciously. He said nothing, just pointed to the Gryffindor table. There, four boys were staring intently at the Slytherin table, mischief glinting in their eyes.

'My brother,' Regulus said distastefully. 'I just know he's up to something. Him and his little friends.'

'They do look rather excited,' Luke commented.

'They look rather hot,' Iz countered. 'Hot boys always look excited.'

'Wait,' Ted said. He looked down at his bacon sandwich in horror. 'Am I going to turn into a frog now?'

'I'm not sure,' Regulus said. Ted shrugged.

'Might as well finish it then,' he decided. Regulus didn't answer, seemingly distracted. Gemma followed his gaze to the entrance of the Great Hall. There, a group of sixth year Slytherin girls had just entered. She watched as one of the girls went to sit at the Gryffindor table instead, attracting the attention of those around her. Gemma realised it was the same girl she'd seen threatening Mulciber and Snape on the train.

'That confirms it,' Luke said, snapping his book closed. 'If Elladora Hargreaves isn't eating it, then I'm not.'

'Luke is in love with her,' Iz explained.

'Everyone's in love with her,' Luke argued.

'Not me,' Ted said. 'I'm in love with this bacon sandwich.' Gemma laughed. Luke was about to say something, but was interrupted by a number of cries emitted by those around them. They watched in awe as Ted and Isolde's tongues were swollen to nearly twice their original sizes. Regulus was shocked, and Gemma was almost in tears from laughing too hard.

'You look..' she wheezed. 'You look so dumb...'

'Helh eeh!' Ted said, struggling to speak.

'Aht is ish!' Iz exclaimed. Gemma was too busy laughing to decipher what they were trying to say. Regulus however- though wearing a smirk of his own- whipped out his wand.

'Reverte,' he muttered, pointing his wand at Iz. Immediately, her tongue shrank back to its normal size.

'Oh thank god!' She cried. 'Kissing with a tongue that size would be just ridiculously difficult.'

'Maybe you should thank Regulus instead of god,' Luke observed. He was ignored. Regulus smiled as he performed the spell on Ted.

'Oh god,' Ted said. He eyed his bacon sandwich. 'That was horrible. But so worth it.' Gemma shook her head at him. Then, she looked at Regulus.

'Thank you,' she said. 'For the warning I mean.'

'Er.. no problem,' he said. 'Oh, and first quidditch tryouts are today. I decided to redo them to get rid of.. y'know.. dead weight. I'm sure you guys will be on it. I also made practises three times a week. Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays. It'll be a lot to manage, but I figured you were right.' She smiled.

Silent Riot | Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now