Chapter 5

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You stood full flesh in front of the slayer and demoness- a chunk away but facing the front of them nothing less.

Their gazes made your body shiver. You hate it when people view you like some sort of painting or historical exhibition. Their
judging eyes checking you out like the last delicious meal they'll ever have had made you unpleasantly uncomfortable.

Meanwhile. Yorichii looked at the shivering demoness who was deep in her thoughts, her eyes wide and unfocused before glancing questionable at you who is also in their world.

He scanned you for a hot minute before dashing straight at you with the intent to kill. His hands were already on the tilt of his Nichirin sword and the stance of the breathing form was ready.

The tensed air caressed your skin as the wind flew by. It was cold- which was natural since the air turns cold when nighttime comes but it was a different kind of cold.

Splendors based on the air atmosphere that you have gotten when you got here;  that works whenever when you are in danger or any other possible scenarios

Sure having one of those specific abilities like Tanjiro and Zenitzu is cool but feeling the pain once windy trouble caresses your skin? Heck no! You would rather have Zenitzu's keen hearing to hear the tiniest of sounds, not what you are thinking dear reader— than feel tiny spikes being penetrated onto your skin tissues every time... But it had helped you many times before and maybe in the upcoming future, if you'll last here that is.

You call it a blessing in a curse disguise.

Getting back on track, you ducked— well more like shrunk into a small furry creature that you are familiar with but didn't get to catch the case — managing to avoid the attack that could've disconnected your head from your lovely beloved body.

Did you just say words that have the word 'Love' twice? Well you do sure love your body that you don't want to be detached from it, not now anyways.

Heart beating rapidly and nerves high wire due to the heat of the moment. Adrenaline started taking over your body as you run, dodging another swing that the slayer had just delivered.

You ran around the street, like your life depended on it, literally.

You never had run this long in your lifetime, you couldn't decipher how long your small body will last. You just found out that you're a demon progenitor not too long ago, for your life's sake!!

Another round was run around the block before you felt your knees start buckling up and give up.


"Oh my gosh! Please stop chasing me— FuCk!!" You jumped, avoiding the hit from below.


"Just stop jeez! I mean no goddamn harm!!!"

"Why are you running then?"

'Is this guy for real' you deadpan, mentally face palming in the lack of common sense on the sentence and utter disappointment.

You may ask, 'Why?'. Dude, it's Yorichii we are talking about. The man who created the first breathing techniques to defeat demons!

"Who wouldn't run when someone is trying to attack— or Heck kill them?!" You reason as you unconsciously slowed your pace to look at the slayer, which you regretted instantly.

Yorichii took this as a chance to grab the scuff of your neck, bringing you to his eye level.

He stared at your small form, his gaze making your sweat drop. He was staring for a while now so you stared back refusing to lose at the unannounced game of staring contest even though you could piss in fear.

The minute was full of silence until you broke it.

"You want my intentions huh?" You grumbled in distress as he haven't let you go. He nodded without words,

"You could be a danger but it better to hear you out first"

You sigh in distress but cave in nothing less.

"I want to help. An alliance between the opposites of some sort, that's my goal"

Your professed gaze was unmoving on his.


"How is it possible?" A small gasp left Tamayo's lips as she stared at you in shock after hearing your words of information.

"Anything is possible as long as that flower exists. I didn't get a say to become like this, it was their decision but I don't blame them since I am the only child they ever could have." You shrugged, it is what it is

The demoness and Slayer looked at you expectantly. "What are you going to do now?" Tamayo warily asked, afraid and nervous that you were going to be the same as that man.

"Explore my abilities, I don't know my capabilities yet, I just found out a few months ago that I'm this when I first wanted to go outside and I just randomly unlocked one which modified my body into different living entities when Yorichii was swinging at me"

You sigh as you began to head back home, tracking back to the path where your home is located at.

"got to go now before they notice I'm gone" You stopped, your back facing them. 

"Please think about it"

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