Chapter 11

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Speaking of older brother......

Gyutaro have flinched when he heard his little sisters and some strangers screams echoed loudly through the empty halls.

He quickly stood up from his relaxed position, hastily going to the door. He looked left to right before sprinting to the kitchen where his sister is supposed to be, yet he didn't find her, not even a spec of her hair to know that she had been there.

'She got distracted didn't she? Ch, should've been the one to get the water'

He ran to the living room in hopes to find his sister since he noticed that Ume had wanted to lunge herself on the comfy cushions of the couch ever since she first saw it, but Gyutaro didn't see her there.

So he zoomed to where she would stop by next. The art room.

Arriving there, he saw no one exept unfinished painting placed on the easel- (; Easel are traditionally used to support a painting while painters works on it, it is also used to hung paintings on the walls).

Lots of arts and crafts materials such as paints and brushes are neatly kept aside with the other paintings that are hidden because of not having enough space to hang them.

There's one painting that stood out the most. The painting was lazily covered by cloth showing a little of what is painted. Something in the piece caught his eyes but he will check it out later once he find his sister Ume.

Gyutaro searched everywhere from the current floor he's in till to the highest which is the third floor, every door he opened, every vicinity he passed, his sister is nowhere to be seen.

As he was returning to the ground floor, Gyutaro stepped over a fallen vase causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground.

'Where is she?'

As he was returning to the ground floor, Gyutaro stepped over a fallen vase causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground.

It made a small sound when he landed which confused him as it sounds more like 'Hump' than a 'Thud', so he stood up. He knock a little farther to where he landed, it sounded normal, but when he knock on the spot he landed it sounded shallow.

"Hah? The hell?" He muttered, scratching his neck as it feels itchy.

'Could she be here?'

He skid his hands across the floor to feel something lump to pry it open but he couldn't find any. Looking around he saw a bookshelf.

'Was it there before?'

He strode to the bookshelf.

'Did my eyesight just go bad? Shit.... I'm getting old'

Looking at the books, he glide his hands through them. It was all cleaned but the arrangement was rather odd, the chapters weren't in order.

(12, 5, 6, 20)

Then there were a book, it stood out the most because of it's black cover being the only one on the sea of red and blues.

The disarranged chapters were on the right of it.Gyutaro was curious of what the stray book are about so he plan on taking a peek.

As he was in the midst of pulling the book out the shelf, it stopped midway, a rumbling noise erupted from the left side of the shelf.

Looking to the left, there he saw a staircase that leads to the underground base, a place the maids and other workers don't even know about except the full moons.

It was dark and cold. It gives Gyutaro eerie aura that screams ' Don't enter or else' but he still needs to find his sister, there's a chance that Ume is in there as he had checked every corners of the mansionn- not literally as he still needs to check this.

Taking one step down the staircase, something light up, Gyutaro looked up to see a light bulb. Another one lit up second after, continuing until the end of the stairway.

'Okay- how the fuck did it do that?' Looking down, he saw that he was stepping on a lighter shade of the stairs.

'Nevermind, this building is freaking full of surprises'

He hastily walked down the staircase, the lights began to loss it's light as he had removed his foot on the pressure plate.

Arriving at the end he was greeted by a row of traditional sliding doors, left and right. "You gotta be kidding me?" He muttered in slight irritation- him getting tired of the mansions games.

Gyutaro walked and walked at the seemingly endless halls of the secret underground floor, then he stopped when he heard a noise, it was near.

Maybe it's Ume' running towards it, the noise becomes louder and clearer. Arriving in front a similar sliding door, he suddenly slide it open scaring some of the people inside the room that is behind the door.


"HOLY SATAN!" Screamed Maede, the couch bouncing a little.

Ume hastily snapped her head to her brother's direction, asking a small "Huh? What are you doing here, brother?"

Gyutaro ran towards Ume. He grab her in the shoulders, and started asking questions about what is she doing here or how she ended up here- him unconsciously shaking her.

You looked at Gyutaro, 'uh oh I got a lot of explaining to do... Don't i?'

"Answer me!"

"Okay- okay! I'll answer you! But can you please stop shaking me first?!" Ume managed to say, cheeks puffed out as she stops herself on vomiting right there

Gyutaro stopped when he noticed his sister's face turning green. 'Oops'.

"Sorry, about that" he apologized as he scratch his neck- well about to when you grabbed his arm, "Stop that, you got to stop that habit of yours,Gyutaro.."

Nodding, "So care to explain now, Ume?" He asked when Ume have composed herself.

"Well about that-" Ume was cut off when the door was knocked of, following a child's scream.

"Spike Kicks!!! Maede!"

And then he'll broke loose.

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