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The next day, Jennie woke up with a headache. She almost had no strength to open her eyes. Lisa woke up suddenly to her movement and looked at her quietly.

Jennie felt a bit awkward. She didn't know what to say to him and she was afraid the he would ask about her nightmare last night. She wasn't ready to tell him what she had been through.

"Good morning wifey. How are you?" Lisa said as he gently kissed her forehead. Jennie looked at him and saw that he had no plans of asking her about what happened last night. That put her at ease ans she suddenly relaxed.

"Good morning. I'm fine, you?" she muttered. Lisa smiled and pulled her into his arms.

"I have the most beautiful woman lying next to me, of course I'm good."Jennie rolled her eyes to his reply.

" I'm going to take a bath"Jennie muttered.

Lisa picked her up after hearing her words and walked towards the bathroom. Jennie stared at him with wide eyes. She did not expect him to pick her up and bring her to the bathroom.

" You can go out, I will bathe myself." Lisa  looked at her pale face and put her down. He picked up a sponge and a bottle of shower gel, ready to help her take a bath. Jennie's face changed, a little embarrassed.

Although they were now a married and they had sex, she still felt uncomfortable doing such an intimate thing like taking a bath together. So she hurriedly refused.

Lisa's face turned sullen. For his wife to refuse him when he wanted to help her take a bath displeased him. Hid heart was lost in confusion. After last night, he realized that if he didn't work hard to make his little temptress fall in love with him quickly, she might leave him one day.

Before the baby and the father appears, he must make her obsessed with him. He knew his thoughts were selfish and he must depriving the child from having a complete home, but the fact that she married him showed that she was ready to move on right? He didn't mind being a stepfather to her child. He would love the child as his own.

Jennie could see the disappointment to his face and it made her feel bad. When Lisa was about to give up, he didn't expect her to suddenly start undressing.

Lisa's eyes lit up and his face was full of excitement. He took a bath sponge, poured gel on it, and lathered it. He made her sit in the bathtub and turned on the water. He then ran the soapy, wet bath sponge all over her skin, starting from her neck, then her shoulder, down her arms and over her breast.

This was the first time he was helping a woman to take a bath. Her body was soft unlike his own body. Lisa forced down his sexual attraction and focused on the task at hand. Jennie did not know at the moment, but her decision today would make someone obsessed with bathing her every single time.

Jennie shuddered when she felt the bath sponge on her breasts. Lisa smirked seeing ger reaction. Jennie felt a tingling sensation between her legs that she couldn't ignore.

Lisa continued over her little belly and her lips. Slowly he ran the washcloth down the side of her hips and her legs, deliberately avoiding touching her. Jennie knew he was teasing her, but she didn't want to give in. She gritted her teeth to prevent herself from making any noise.

"Turn around so I can wash your back." Lisa ssid softy. Jennie obediently turned around. When she felt the washcloth on her back, she stiffened, but after she realized that he wouldn't do anything, she relaxed. Lisa stared from her shoulder and worked his way down to her hips. Then he went back to hwr sides.

"Raise your arms." he told her huskily and Jennie obeyed. He washed underneath her arms and the side of her breasts. Then he began to wash her ass. When Jennie felt his hand on her ass, she nearly lost control. She thought he would touch her, but then she suddenly heard Lisa's voice.

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