Cracking the shell

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Jungkook wasn't sure what made him wake up with a start but his first thought was Jimin. Looking at his clock he saw it was 2.30 in the morning. Unable to shake his unease he put on a T shirt and sweatpants and made his way out of the apartment across the hall and listened at the others door. He heard a groaning sound so quickly knocked.
He rattled the door handle surprised when it opened, silly boy he thought that wasn't safe.
Going in he definitely heard a moan, following the sound he came to what looked like a bedroom.
Only moans came from the bed, Jungkook felt around for a light switch and when it came on he could see Jimin in his bed thrashing around, as he got closer he saw the sweat on the boy, his hair was soaking wet.
Jungkook put his hand on his head and felt him burning up, he sat Jimin up trying to strip the robe of him , that too was damp with sweat as was the bedding.jimins eyes half opened but Jungkook could tell he wasn't fully there as Jimin started mumbling
"Sssh, gotta hide, they're after me"
"Jimin I need to get you in the shower,"
"I didn't mean it I thought he was my friend,"
"Who Jimin?"
"Kookie talked to me , he was the only one"
"Jimin it's me Jungkook"
"No no  I won't go near Kookie your right I'm no good I'm ugly and chubby, I know my place now I can't talk to Kookie!"
The small boy slumped unconscious in Jungkooks arms, Jungkook lay him back down then searched for clean pajamas, looking through Jimins stuff all he saw were a few t Shirts aand sweatpants, he eventually found pjs in a drawer but again it was a small choice, where was Jimins work clothes ?
He turned looking at the boy, he needed to shower and change so did his bedding, thinking it through Jungkook just picked Jimin and his pjs up found his house keys and carried him out locking his door before carrying him in to his place and his shower. He sat Jimin on the toilet seat undressing him completely he peeled off the bandages and plasters then hoisted the small boy up and carried him to the shower. Disregarding the fact he was dressed he turned the water on sliding Jimin down his body holding him with one strong arm while the other washed his sweaty hair and body.
He tried not to look but he became very aware that if this was a different situation he'd be making out with Jimin in the shower not casually washing him.
Jimin became a bit more lucid trying to stand on his own but whimpering as his foot touched the floor.
"It's ok Jimin you have a fever I need to cool you off,"
"Mmmmm" Jimin turned looping his arms around Jungkooks neck and leaning against him making Jungkook acutely aware of his attributes.
"It's ok Kookie I know this is a dream so I'm not scared."
His weight started to suddenly drop making Jungkook grasp him, his hands finding their way to his firm peachy backside.
"Fuck!" He muttered to himself as his body responded .
He grabbed a towel wrapping it around Jimins body and another for his hair. He carried the passed out boy to his bed the hurried back to the bathroom to strip off his now wet clothes and dry himself off. Striding back into his room naked he hesitated then pulled some boxers from a drawer slipping them on, normally he slept naked but he didn't want to scare Jimin if he woke up again.
Going back in his room he gently dried Jimin off and slipped his pjs back on before gently rubbing his clean hair nearly dry and combing it thinking how cute and soft his hair was. He went to his kitchen fetching medicine and water sitting Jimin up he tried to rouse him.
"Jimin take these it will help"
Jimins eyelashes raised and he giggled slightly,
"wow , Kookie is in my bedroom, sssh don't tell anyone they will get mad at me,"
"Jimin open your mouth,"
Somewhere in Jimins hallucinating brain he knew he should do as he was told so he opened his mouth Jungkook dropped the medicine in and then brought the water up for him to sip.
His eyes closed and his head flopped back, it was like he didn't have any strength to fight the fever. Jungkook put him in his bed and covered him then got a damp flannel laying it in his head. For the next hour or so he cooled the boy down until finally he fell into a more natural sleep. Jungkook tiredly got into the bed too surprised when the normally shy boy sought out comfort cuddling against him. He was too tired to move him so let him be and soon the pair were sound asleep.
It was Jungkooks phone insistently ringing that woke him up. Putting his hand out fumbling for it he held it to his ear eyes still closed.
"Why aren't you in work?"
"Your never late are you sick should I come take care of you?"
"Don't be stupid, what time is it, I've overslept ?"
"It's ten thirty you have a meeting at eleven forty five ."
"Shit! Look can you....."
He heard a sudden gasp, his eyes flew open and he saw a small boy staring at him aghast.
"Lisa, cancel the meeting til tomorrow it's not urgent and I'm taking the day off."
He put the phone down," morning Jimin are you feeling better?"
Jimin just stared his eyes showing worry and disbelief.
"W-why am I here?"
"You had a fever, you left your door unlocked so I went in, you were hallucinating and covered in sweat so was your bed, so I brought you here washed you gave you medicine and cooled you down til your fever broke."
"I didn't do anything did I?"
"Shouldn't you be asking me that? I've just told you I washed you and your in my bed?"
"Oh I know you wouldn't , of course not I mean it's me chubby Jimin who would do anything to me? I-I just hope I didn't annoy you too much Erm I better go.Thank you for taking care of me."
He sat up ready to slide from the bed until a strong arm pushed him down and an angry face hovered over him.
"Why do you do that? You treat yourself like your some insignificant being!"
Jimin cowered at the angry voice.
"S-sorry I didn't mean to anger you it's ok I'm going..."
Jungkook saw how afraid the other looked and instantly checked himself.
"Jimin I'm sorry I shouldn't have shouted, I just wish you wouldn't keep putting yourself down, there is nothing wrong with you surely you see that when you look in the mirror?"
"I-I don't ....., look in the mirror I see myself how everyone else does I don't need a mirror to be reminded."
"Are you kidding me? Well what do your workmates think?"
"I work from home by myself,"
"Do you not go out clubbing?"
"Erm.... No I realised at school people just didn't want to mix with me they just told me I was fat and ugly and would never have anyone, so I just save myself the bother and don't go out or mix with people, problem solved."
Jungkook couldn't believe the words coming from the other, had he really shut himself away all this time?
"Jimin I don't know what to say, is it because I laughed when you confessed you liked me? I thought you were teasing me I had no idea...."
Jimin gave a sad smile at the memory,
"hey it's ok, I mean what was I thinking right? Just because you spoke to me a few times I went overboard I mean as if you er would with me," he nervously laughed.
"Jimin you really have no idea how cute you are there is absolutely nothing wrong with you apart from baggy clothes and the need for a proper haircut!"
"I chop bits off myself....." he mumbled.
"I can tell," Jungkook said smiling down at the other boy as he looked up.
He couldn't help it, the shy nervous looks, the biting his bottom lip...., both made Jungkook lean down placing his lips against the others, Jimin gasped and Jungkook slipped his tongue in tasting the boy. Jimin wasn't sure what to do all he knew was the kiss sent tingles all over him and soon he was kissing back in an inexperienced way which Jungkook didn't seem to mind just coaxed more from him until he felt himself get hard and knew he should stop, he pulled away.
Jimin felt uneasy had he done something wrong did Jungkook suddenly remember who he was kissing.
Jimin started apologising and inched towards the bed edge.
"I'm sorry, it's ok nobody saw so they won't know, I -I'll get out of your way now."
"Jimin it was nothing you did ok, it was me."
"Do you have any idea of the effect you have?"
"Effect?" The smaller boy said stupidly.
Jungkook grabbed his hand and brought it to his aroused crotch," this was all you Jimin,"
Jimin gaped, he'd done that to his crush.
"Don't be, it's kinda nice your so innocent , means I can be the first to show you things, let you experiment!"
Jimin went red then thought maybe he was thinking something different to Jungkook but looking up he saw the smirk on the others face.
"Yes Jimin exactly that," he chuckled to the other boy.
Jungkook got out off bed completely unashamed at his arousal hidden in his boxers,although Jimins eyes couldn't help wandering and gulping at the size . The next minute Jungkook leaned down whispering in Jimins ear," don't worry cutie it will fit!" He went off to shower and dress as Jimin pulled the covers over his head dying of embarrassment!

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