Deny his feelings

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Jungkook felt warm his eyes opened and he became aware of Jimin laying on his chest his arm reaching up his hand curled against Jungkooks neck.
He smirked, last night had been all he thought it would be and more, it was going to be nice having a neighbour with benefits.
He carefully slid from the bed washing up and dressing, it was the weekend so he wasn't in a rush to go anywhere. He went to the kitchen  and started making breakfast, his phone rang and he picked it up.
"Hi Tae"
"So..., you and Jimin Eh ?"
"Me and Jimin what?"
"You dashed off quickly,"
"Hang on let me put you on speaker I'm cooking,..... so .... Let's just say I was horny."
"Kook, I've seen how you look at him."
"It's nothing, we are two adults having some fun,"
"Does Jimin know that's all it is?"
"Well ...we didn't talk about it but sure he does, you and I both no I'm not into forevers, "
"I don't know Kook, Jimin seems innocent,"
"Not anymore my friend!"
"Kook!....look don't play with him...., I don't want to see him hurt."
"He won't be, but don't expect me to play happy families, I like him but he will be more of a friend with benefits, now I've got to go before this burns."
He switched the phone off and dished the food onto plates unaware of the small figure frozen in the bedroom doorway.
Jimin had thought he couldn't be hurt anymore but hearing Jungkook speak made him feel like a one night stand, where he had thought it meant something to both of them it was obviously one sided. He bit his lip suddenly realising that although he had been hurt again this time he was going to give as good as he got. Hearing Jungkook moving nearer he suddenly stepped from the room holding his clothes.
"Oh Kookie hope you don't mind I borrowed a t shirt and sweats to go home in."
"Oh that's fine, go home?"
"Yer, I expect I've already overstayed my welcome so I'll go got things to do."
Jungkook frowned Jimins tone was cool not that of a lover who had spent the night.
"You ok? I made us breakfast,"
"Oh Im really not hungry but thanks, I'm gonna go, see if Tae wants to go out, I feel bad leaving him like that last night."
Jungkook felt annoyed, he'd rather go out with Tae than stay with him?
"Aw Jimin...., can't I change your mind, we could you know, repeat last night?" He said coming to hold Jimins shoulders.
Jimin gave a fake smile back," Kookie, you have so many people you can play with you won't miss me, see you Monday." With that Jimin left rushing to get into his own apartment before breaking down.
Jungkook stood staring at the closed door, well that wasn't how he expected things to go, where was the sexy willing boy from last night?
The weekend passed and although Jimin had thought about going to work alone he thought that would look suspect so he waited for Jungkooks customary knock before going out to meet him in the corridor.
"Morning Kookie," he said brightly.
"Hi...good weekend?"
"Great, you?"
"Oh, ok I suppose."
Jimin was glad he'd text Tae a message saying if Jungkook asked they had gone shopping at the weekend, when Tae had answered with why he'd told him he would explain at work.
The Two males arrived at work and walked to the lift, there was an uneasy feel to the air.
Arriving on the top floor Jimin caught sight of Tae and gestured to his office, Tae walked over ,
"Hey you two, Jimin I think some of your shopping got mixed with mine,"
"Oh ha, ok, come into my office,"
Jungkook stared after them both a frown on his forehead, was something going on between the two of them? For some reason that thought disturbed him.
"So come on dish, why am I lying for you?" Tae asked once he closed the office door.
Jimin sighed," I was there Tae when you called him, I heard everything, I had to make an excuse to get out."
Tae stared at his friend," Jimin, I'm sorry you heard that."
"Why it's not your fault and it taught me to keep my head out the clouds."
"You like him still don't you?"
Jimin hung his head," I know it's stupid but this time I can take it I'm not a kid anymore."
Tae patted his friend on the back," that's it stay strong , fancy lunch later?"
"Sure..., later," he gave the other a sad smile before getting on with work.
Tae left frowning, he'd been so certain Jungkook liked Jimin and he thought they would be good together, maybe they just needed an intervention to make it work.
He walked into Jungkooks office, "hey what did you do at the weekend?"
"Not what I thought I would," he mumbled under his breath but Tae heard and smirked to himself.
"Gosh Jimin is a bit of a magnet isn't he? The people who tried it on when we were out shopping." He lied.
Jungkooks head shot up, Tae carried on," jimin said he enjoyed clubbing and wants to go again, maybe we should take bodyguards with us," he joked.
"You should be careful, Jimin doesn't drink much !"
"Oh well, I'm sure if he keeps partying his tolerance will get better,"
Jungkook felt annoyed didn't Tae realise how innocent shining was?!?!
"Oh well back to work, oh Jimin and I are going to lunch any suggestions where?"
"No!" A brooding Jungkook said.
Tae walked out smiling seems Jungkook isn't as disinterested as he makes out he thought.
Jungkook made his way to Jimins office.
"Mmm,oh hi Kookie, I mean Mr Jeon,"
"I've told you you don't have to call me Mr Jeon,"
"I dunno it's just that your my boss it seems disrespectful ,"
"We are a little more than that Jimin after the other night,"
Jimin kept a slightly disinterested look on his face,
"Jungkook one night doesn't change things it's not like we are a couple, everyone knows you don't do that."
Although he had said that to Tae for some reason he didn't like hearing it come from Jimin.
"Er,yer,um are you ok though, I'm sorry if I was a bit rough."
"Are you like this with all your other sexual partners?"
Jungkook was a bit surprised, but it was true he never really cared about his other flings.
"Er,sorry....., Jimin you seem a bit off have I offended you in some way?"
"Can you think of anything that you've done? No...., well there you are then ," jimin gave a fake smile," so did you want me for something as you came here?"
"Oh..., yer I have a late meeting so can't take you home,"
"That's ok I'm going to Suga and Hobi's tonight anyway."
Jungkook nodded then left the office feeling slightly disgruntled . It didn't help when a client came in to discuss a new song project, Jimin and Tae had come back from lunch and were laughing together as they passed Jungkook and the client on their way to the lift.
"Hey Jungkook, whose the new boy he's rather tasty,"
"Taemin, don't ogle my staff"
"But look at the ass on him who wouldn't want to claim it?"
"He's not interested,"
"Ah but maybe I can get his interest."
"Jimin isn't like the hoe's you hang around,"
"Jimin eh, expect to see more of me bro,"
Jungkook was glad when the lift doors closed because he felt like punching the other. Why did the thought of Jimin with someone else unsettle him so much, it's not like he had feelings for the boy....., did he?

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