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Jimin had stayed over for two nights strictly friendly, now on their way to work Jungkook sighed.
"Thank god all those files will be done by today,"
"Hmmm, Lisa certainly isn't secretary material,"
"I thought I was doing a favour for the family , never again!"
"If someone isn't suited for the job you can't make them fit."
"I know but surely she should have at least tried?"
"Why try when her only interest was you not the job?"
They arrived in work, the clients that needed to sign came and were happy to sign only one reading the contract after he admitted he hadn't read it fully before!
It was nearly lunchtime Tae was showing Jimin something he needed doing when Suga came in beaming.
"Jimin this is for you from the band,"
Jimin looked puzzled at the envelope he was handed and then surprised at the cheque inside.
"This is too much!"
"What is?" Jungkook had walked in.
Jimin explained and Jungkook smiled," that's nothing to what they will make from their album."
"Talking of which I have news, the band want you to go on tour with them, especially to sing the song you recorded as well as joining them on others!"
Jimin smiled at Suga then shook his head," No thanks"
Jungkook frowned," Jimin why not, you have the talent just think of the money you could make?"
"It's not what I want to do,"
"But why at least try it,"
"I like my job here,"
Jungkook got frustrated," but anyone can do that don't give up on something like this"
Jimin was silent," anyone can do it? Lisa couldn't ,"
"Yer she just wanted to be with me.........., is that it you still have a crush so won't expand your horizons?"
It went deathly quiet, Jungkook hadn't realised what he said but Tae and Suga looked anxious,
"So anyone can do my job and I only stay because of an old crush, we'll contrary to your beliefs I stay because I like THIS work, I enjoy this work, singing is just something I do around the house for pleasure not work, the lifestyle doesn't appeal it's never been something I want. Pardon me for not reaching your high expectations, as I'm obviously loser material to you I quit, I will go elsewhere as for having a crush.....,silly me, I never could reach your expectations, that's something from the past that will never change."
Jimin nodded at Tae and Suga picked up his things and left.
"You asshole go after him," Suga said.
"I'm not running after him once he's cooled down he will come back,"
"Kook you were pretty harsh," Tae said.
"But he could do better, he could be happy,"
"Kook he's not a person who needs to be in a high powered job to be happy, he's in his element doing administration and he's good at it, look how he got that recent problem sorted we hadn't noticed, what does that make us? His job means everything to him he loves it and we are running better since he took over but you just made him feel useless told him he's only staying because of you, which by the way has killed any hope you had of getting with him.besides making you look like an ego maniac!"
Jungkook suddenly felt unsure, replaying his words over in his head he realised just how it had seemed to Jimin.
"Oh fuck, I'm an idiot, I just got caught up in the moment so happy for him that his singing was really appreciated, I've gotta go,"
He left hoping Jimin had gone home he could apologise there.
Jimin felt angry and bemused, he really thought that Jungkook appreciated him but no.
He'd luckily caught a taxi right away on leaving the building and arrived at his apartment in minutes .
He paced back and forth then grabbed his small suitcase throwing things in haphazardly, he rang for a taxi, he was going away for a while he couldn't face bumping into Jungkook in the corridor, No this was best, clean break so he could sort himself out, luckily he had the cheque for funds to keep him going for a while. He went out of the apartment towards the lift when he saw it was coming to his floor already, looking out of the big window facing the lift he suddenly noticed Jungkooks car in the car park. Panicking he looked around and saw the stairs door he quickly went through it picking his case up so it didn't make a noise on the floor and quietly made us way down, he could hear Jungkook banging on his door but he was in no mood to be told he was hopeless again. Getting to the ground floor he saw the taxi outside and Jumped in quickly," airport please ." He bit his lip holding back tears while telling himself off, will you never learn Jimin you are just unlovable . His phone started ringing endlessly he switched it off apologising to the driver for the noise, then sat in silence for the rest of the ride.
"Jimin open up come on! Jimin!" He kicked the door in frustration then rang Jimins number keeping his ear to the door to hear the ringtone, it rang, but not from Jimins apartment and then was turned off.
Pacing back and forth in the corridor he typed a message, but it came unable to send.
Where was he? Surely he'd be here soon? He went into his apartment leaving the door open, he sat in a chair near the door just staring across the passage an hour passed, then another Jungkook was worried was Jimin ok he wouldn't do anything stupid would he? He sat there for many hours going into the morning then despondently shut the door and crawled into his bed as he was falling into a fitful sleep.
Jungkook went into work the next day with dark circles under his eyes, his friends greeted him.
"Did you talk to him?" RM said.
"No he didn't come home ,I rang his number but no answer."
His friends looked at each other uneasily.
"He text us all saying how much he enjoyed working with us and he was sorry he didn't say goodbye and he hoped we would understand not to contact him."
"We thought he was meaning he was just annoyed for a while and would then contact us when he felt better," Hobi said.
Jungkook slumped in his seat," I can't lose him , I love him, what am I going to do?"
His friends were at a loss, where was Jimin?

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