You are my soul

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Three weeks Jimin had been in Jeju island, he thought getting away would help but he felt lonely , all those years he had been on his own he hadn't minded but now after being around people and laughing and having fun he just felt empty.
He kicked a stone into the water then sat on the ground watching dark clouds gather.
"Looks like rain," his old habit of talking to himself had come back," better get home ,"
He stood up brushing down his trousers then made his way to the small chalet type house he had rented. He made himself a hot drink to warm up not bothered about eating, he hadn't eaten much at all since being here and didn't bother looking in the mirror or he would have seen how his face looked tired and drawn.
Getting his laptop out he skimmed through the news. None of it interested him until he saw a picture with Jungkook in it , he was smiling and a pretty girl was looking up at him, Jimin stared," so that's the type of girl you like, she's very pretty I hope you will be happy." He closed his eyes trying not to cry, it was his fault Jungkook could never be interested in someone like him.
He heard thunder rumble and winced he didn't like storms, lightening flashed and he huddled on the sofa, he took his phone from his pocket to look up a weather report, it predicted the storm but said it would lessen and just rain. He put his phone back in his pocket. He looked through the window, his view was similar chalets set around big trees like the one across from Jimin. Another flash of lightening appeared making Jimin Huddle in a blanket, then booming thunder just above him and a gigantic flash striking nearby. Jimin worriedly looked out the window hearing a cracking noise, he could make out the big tree seemed to be falling he watched in horror as it got closer before he dived under the table praying for his life before there was a crash then everything went black.
Jungkook was watching the news not really paying too much attention, they were showing a house in Jeju island that had been ruined by a massive tree falling on it, luckily a person trapped in there had been taken to hospital but had injuries.
Poor thing I hope they recover.
His phone started ringing and he picked it up seeing the caller ID he rushed to answe," Jimin! Where are you !"
"Hello sir, this is head nurse Lee at Jeju island hospital, I am calling as the owner of the phone was in an accident can you tell me his name please?"
"What? He's hurt? How? Oh it's Park Jimin,"
"Thank you sir are you a friend or relative?"
"I'm his....boyfriend what's happened?"
"Well you may have seen the news about a storm here, unfortunately Mr Park was inside when a tree crashed down onto it, he may have had forewarning as he was under a table which stopped a lot of things falling on him, he has a broken arm and cuts and grazes and is unconcious at the moment,"
"I'm on my way,"
That house it was Jimin in that house? He threw some clothes into a case and then some spares for Jimin. He rang RM explaining and asked him to tell the others and got Rm to arrange a ticket for him to go to Jeju island. Before long he was on his way.
    Jimin felt groggy his eyes didn't want to open but he tried anyway, he went to rub his eyes but his arm felt heavy.
His eyes shot open at the sound of that voice.
"Thank god Jimin I was so worried!"
"Worried? Why?"
"I saw the house you were in you were lucky not to have been killed!"
Moving his arm to brush some hair away he saw it was in a cast , he remembered seeing the tree falling and then nothing.
"How did you know I was here?"
"The nurse rang the first contact on your phone."
"Well I'm sorry for the inconvenience as you see I'm fine so you can go."
"Your girlfriend will get annoyed with you hanging around me, I don't want to be the cause of an argument so thank you but please go."
He turned his face away from the other but firm fingers gripped his chin turning his face back before equally firm lips plundered Jimins. Jungkook poured all his love into the kiss ,Jimin sensed something different a deep need in the kiss.
Jungkook pulled away then sat on the edge of the bed," I don't care how long it takes but I'm going to make you see how much you mean to me, if I'd lost you today I don't know if I could have gone on."
Jimin heard the sincerity in the others voice but still held his own feelings back.
"I think you are forgetting the girl I saw you with on the news,"
"Girl? Oh you mean hiri? That's Blizee 's wife we had all gone for a meal."
"Oh....., we'll it doesn't matter I think recent events have shown we are not compatible so just go Kookie."
Jimin wasn't aware until Jungkook wiped his damp face that he was crying.
"Jimin please I've regretted my words over and over, I got angry because I was so proud that others had seen your worth and then you turned it down without a thought, I thought you didn't realise your worth ,when really I didn't realise your worth isn't measured by accomplishments , it's what makes you happy not what I think would make you happy and the job you do is amazing we miss you at work RM has been cursing me out the works piling up! You have the courage to say that basically it's not about the money it's about inner happiness and until recently I didn't realise that. I'm happiest with you, your quirky nature, your kindness all the things that make you, you. I love you Jimin and I want you back, I'll beg , I'll do anything you want but please be my boyfriend!"
Jimin stared in astonishment, Jungkook had tears he was holding back but his eyes were sincere.
"I'll just say this first...., your words hurt Jungkook, I felt like everything I had been doing was screwed up and thrown in the trash, I felt worthless , please don't hurt me like that again.........,"
"Never I'll make it up to you for the rest of my life!"
The door opened and a doctor came in," oh Mr Park your awake, I did tell your boyfriend to let us know if any change."
"Boyfriend ?how does...."
Jungkook hurriedly spoke up," sorry Sir Jimin only just woke up and was surprised to see me here so I explained the nurse had rung with the information and that as I am his boyfriend I was allowed in...."
Jimin got the message and feeling mischievous he said," my boyfriend, I can't remember....?"
The doctor frowned," hmm memory loss, maybe we need a scan, you can't remember his name Mr Park?
"Erm, is it Taemin...." He saw the jealous look on the others face," No not Taemin.....,Hobi? No no I've got it it's Mr Jeon!" He stifled a giggle at the look in Jungkook and the doctors faces.
"You call your boyfriend Mr Jeon?"
Jungkook could see Jumin was playing so spoke up with a smirk , " now now baby, you only call me that or daddy when we........"
Jimin spluttered embaressed , the doctor coughed,
"It's Kookie his name is Jungkook"
"Good , good, maybe it's just the fact you've just woken up things got a bit fuzzy?"
"Yes I'm sure that's what it is," a red faced Jimin said.
"Well Mr Park you were very lucky really , you have a broken wrist hence the cast, there's some cuts and grazes on your back and you have a black eye."
"Can I go home?"
"We'll take it easy any problems see your doctor and the cast will be on for four weeks."
"Thank you Doctor,"
"I'm afraid the clothes you came in with are damaged,"
"That's ok Doc I've brought some bits in for him,"
"Good , then I will write your discharge note and you can go."
The pair bowed to him as he left.
"So Jimin what's the verdict?"
"Well I hate to call you a liar so ok , I'll be your boyfriend."
He hugged Jimin tight then remembered the injuries on his back.
"You complete me Jimin you are my soul."
"Yer yer, help me dress," Jimin said.
"I was being romantic," Jungkook grumbled.
"And I'm hungry so come on!"
The two bickered as Jungkook helped Jimin dress, but it was playful bickering.
"What about the place I rented and my stuff?" Jimin suddenly remembered.
"The safety crew let me go in with them I got your clothes, your laptop is broken but I got it and it's lucky you didn't bring a whole lot with you"
"Well thanks........."

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