Patience is a virtue

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It was ten days since the two had got back from Jeju island. Jimin had virtually moved into Jungkooks apartment.
He found it hilarious for the first couple of days how Jungkook ran around after him anticipating his every move . Then he got bored.So now he spoke up.
"Kookie I want to work I'm bored,"
"The doc said you should rest,"
"But I'm bored, you don't let me do anything, you even wash me in the bath!!"
"That's so you don't get your cast wet."
"But it's embarrassing"
"Why it's not like I've never seen you naked!"
Jimin pouted, he couldn't say he felt horny with Jungkooks hands on him'
"Well I'm going to work tomorrow!"
"Yes, if you keep on I'm going back to my place!"
"Jimin you will drive me nuts you need to rest up and eat you've lost weight."
Jimin stomped to the bedroom crawling under the duvet and muttering.
Jungkook went in ten minutes later and found the irritated boy sound asleep his head on Jungkooks pillow.
"I knew it," Jungkook sighed at the pale face with the fading bruise.
He climbed in behind his lover and spooned him listening to his breathing before he drifted off too.
An hour later Jimin woke up, he yawned, jumping as a voice behind him spoke," feeling better now?"
Jimin nodded  ashamed," sorry Kookie, "
"That's ok babe, look spend another day resting and then I'll let you work but if you feel tired at all you have to come to my office and lie down or come home , deal?"
"Deal!" The small boy said.
Two days later he was back at work being cheerfully greeted by the staff.
"Welcome back Jimin,"
"Great to see you,"
"If you need help call me,"
"I can cook some food and bring it round,"
"I can do your laundry?"
Jungkook heard all this and quickly stepped up,
"Thank you for welcoming Jimin back so genorously but I assure you all...., as his boyfriend I am taking good care of him,"
Gasps and cheers came from those around, Jimin felt like he wanted the floor to open up and swallow him at his jealous boyfriends words.
"Kookie!" He hissed.
Jungkook put his arm around him and guided him to his old office.
He laughed at Jimins face," your so cute when you get all pouty,"
"But did you need to tell them?"
"Yes babe they were getting too friendly," he swooped to Jimins mouth , tasting its sweetness and delving inside. Soon little moans were omitting from Jimins mouth making both feel horny.
Jungkook pulled away from Jimin ." See what you do to me?"
"Same," Jimin said glancing down.
"Ah poor baby you want me to fix it?"
Jimin groaned, Jungkook strode to the door locking it, he quickly pulled Jimins bottom half down  and sat him in his desk his member proudly standing to attention.
" lean back on your elbows, carefully,"
Jimin did so then Jungkook placed his lips over Jimins member sucking hard, he felt Jimin tremble,
"Ah Kookie.....!"
Jungkook licked the length and fondled his balls, Jimin was panting trying to keep his moans down.
Jungkook placed some fingers at Jimins mouth.
Jimin did so, Jungkook then placed them one by one  into Jimins puckered hole earning a loud groan .
Jungkook had his mouth on Jimins dick  and his fingers worked their magic  on his prostrate, jimin panted,
"K-Kookie I'm  gonna cum!"
Biting his lip he moaned out his release
Jungkook swallowed it down removing his fingers from Jimin's ass.
He smirked then redressed Jimin.
"Feeling better?Don't  think I hadn't noticed you getting horny when I bathe you!"
Jimin pouted," and you don't?"
"Ah Jimin I've had many cold showers lately."
"Well no one's stopping you!"
"I'm stopping me I don't want to hurt you by being rough..., wait til your cast is off,"
"Pfft you think you'll last that long?"
"Patience is a virtue," Jungkook said.
"Oh really, we will see won't we?"
Jungkook wasn't sure about the evil glint in Jimins eye.
"Jimin...what are you up to?"
"Me? ....shoo now I have work !" He waved the other out hearing him mumble,' I thought I was the boss?'
Jimin found it tiring trying to type on his computer, his wrist ached. Standing up he went to the coffee room, awkwardly pouring until someone spoke,
"Hi Jimin let me,"
It was Jin, Jimin smiled .the two sat down.
"So how's the first day back?"
"Ok, you here to see RM?"
"No to spy on you, Kook asked me to pass an eye over you,in secret, but you would have caught on so officially I'm here to see RM unofficially I'm checking your ok for your boyfriend."
"Jeez that man!"
"In his defence he was so worried when you left, he drove around every hour he could to see if he could spot you somewhere, you know he really loves you."
Jimin smiled, he knew Kookie loved him he had become so attentive and was a great cuddler.
"I know he does but he's treating me like a glass ornament he won't even fuck me!"
Jin coughed spewing coffee,"TMI!" He spluttered.
"Oops! Sorry, sometimes I forget if I'm talking to myself or someone else."
"No it's ok it was just unexpected !so he won't do the deed huh, "
"No but I'm sure I can make him,"
"Oooooo, saucy tell me more!"
Jimin told Jin his plan making the other giggle along with him.
"Poor Kookie, doesn't know what he's let himself in for!"
"So go back to Kookie tell him I'm fine...."
"Well on a serious note, keep taking little breaks otherwise you will be too tired."
"Ok doc, see you soon."
The pair left the room, Jin popping into Jungkooks office while Jimin went to his.
Jimin started his plan early afternoon ,he saw Jungkook at a desk near the water machine, he quietly walked over getting some water and standing up deliberately timing it to when the other turned not seeing him, he crashed into Jimin and water cascaded down Jimins  shirt soaking it so his nipples and abs showed through.
"Oh sorry Kookie!I'm so clumsy did any go on you?" Jimin said in a meek voice watching as Jungkook stared.
"Uh oh no it was me not looking," they heard small giggles as some of the women glanced admiringly at the wet vision before them. Jumin brushed a hand down his chest seeing Jungkooks eyes following it.
"Sorry ladies I will try and dry it off." He made as if to walk through to the toilets but Jungkook seeing the stares got jealous and putting an arm around him pulled him to his office.
"Change in my bathroom, I actually put a few shirts in there for you after last time."
"Ah your so sweet, can you help me with these buttons?"
Jungkook nodded, his fingers deftly undoing the buttons his gaze never leaving the pale milky skin. Jimin grabbed a towel one handed to dry his wet chest off. He accidentally in purpose dropped it so bent over in front of the other to pick it up giving Jungkook a great display of hiss ass in his tight trousers, he heard a gulp and smirked then stood up.
Jungkook took the towel from him and dried him properly , quickly kissing his collarbone and leaving a mark before he got a shirt for Jimin and helped button it up.
"Thanks Kookie," he bent to pick his wet shirt from the floor deliberately brushing his ass against Jungkooks crotch feeling the bulge there.
"Oh well back to work, thanks again."
He left an aroused Jungkook in his office staring after him.
Jumin smiled to himself ", let's see how much patience you've got!"

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