Another side of Jimin

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Jimin had spent a fun afternoon with Tae, buying some very nice clothes Tae assured him looked great for clubbing, He brought himself two pairs of new shoes and then decided to treat himself to a chain and a ring, he'd always lived how pretty jewellery was and was pleased with his purchases.
"Soooo, how's it going with you and Jungkook?"
"Just ok? Nothing else?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well he used to be your crush?"
"Oh Erm well that was the past."
"So you don't like him then?"
"I didn't say that! I mean um, it's not like it would mean anything so I forget about it,"
"But you would like it if he felt something too?"
"Tae stop, don't be silly we are not at school anymore and you probably know more about his live life than I do , so he's probably had a few partners"
"Oh loads !"
"Well a few, more like one night stands, he doesn't seem to stay with anyone ."
"But there's always a first time and he does seem to dote on you."
"As a friend Tae that's all."
"Ok," Tae smiled his mind working overtime to try and get his friends together.
They left to go to their homes before meeting up again later.
Jimin had all his outfits laid out in the bed trying to decide which one to wear later when his doorbell rang. He went to answer it to find a tired looking Jungkook leaning against the wall there," hey Jimin I've arranged for Tae to come pick you up at eight I'll be along later I just need to have a sleep sorry."
"It's ok we don't have to go out as your tired I can ring the others?"
"No we are going but I will just be a little later ok it's six forty now, I'll have an hour then get ready is that ok?"
Jimin nodded"sure as long as the others are there I will be fine right?"
"Right, see you later,"
Jimin closed his door slowly some of his enthusiasm gone but then he told himself off and went to choose his outfit, settling in black jeans that fitted him perfectly and a black shirt slightly sheer showing his body beneath along with the delicate chain and ring it was simple but sexy.
Tae whistled as he picked him up," wow Jimin your going to break some hearts tonight!"
Jumin giggled at his friends lies then the two left going to the club and meeting up with Hobi,Suga,Jin and RM.
Before long Jimin had his first taste of Alcohol which lowered his defenses , soon quiet Jimin was life and soul of the party Jimin, going to the dance floor and showing off the dance moves he'd learnt from the internet.
"If I didn't have you Hobi I'd make a play for him myself"
"Me too," Hobi said making the pair of them laugh.
Tae was busy taking photos to send to Jungkook knowing the other would get jealous.
One was of Jimin near another male who was ogling him but which Jimin seemed to be unaware off, snap, one where someone bumped into Jimin quickly holding him up before he fell,snap, Jimin laughing as he raised his beer glass snap, he sent them all onto Jungkook with a message smirking as he pressed send.
Jungkook yawned he felt better for his sleep he was about to get up, he really should get a move on, he didn't want Jimin sitting there all night wondering what to do. His phone pinged and he looked to see a message from Tae.
"Hey Kook if your too tired don't worry about coming out, clubbing Jimin is more laid back than office Jimin he is really enjoying himself. Jungkook frowned then flipped to the photos Tae had sent, who was that man ogling Jimin as he danced, why was another man holding Jimin by the hips ? How much was Jimin drinking didn't he say he'd never drunk before, Damn! Jungkook hurriedly got up and got ready.
Jimin gulped down some water, as he was usually a non drinker he made sure he kept hydrated so although he had a few beers he just felt in a happy mood not drunk, he was here with friends dancing what more could he want?
"Jimin I've gotta sit down where do you get your energy?" Jin gasped going back to sit with his boyfriend. A new tune came on but it was more a couples song he sighed then a man near him asked him if he wanted to dance, he was debating wether to or not when a voice came from behind him,
"No he's with me!"
Jimin turned,"Kookie!"
Jungkook pulled Jimin to him looping Jimins arms around his neck as he placed his on Jimin's ass pressing him to him.
"Been having fun?"
"Um sure,"
"I hope you haven't been this close to anyone else?"
"N-no why?"
"Because it would make me very jealous if anyone got to touch you but me"
Jungkooks hand squeezed Jimin's ass making the smaller male jump.
"Kookie er what are you doing?"
"Are you drunk?"
"No are you?"
"No although I like beer but I've drunk water as well so I just feel .... Happy."
"Yes I don't want you drunk when I have you moaning underneath me."he pressed Jimin against him letting him feel his arousel, Jumin gasped his own member coming into play, the pair started kissing as they swayed, Jimin unused to the feelings building up inside. Jungkook had never felt this horny. He pulled back staring intently at the other,
"Jimin come home with me tonight?"
Jimin worried away at his lip hearing a groan from Jungkook.
"You mean..., sleep with you?"
"Well not much sleeping but.. yeah."
"I've never ... you know done it before?"
"That's ok I'll be gentle."
Jungkook grabbed his hand pulling him from the floor , quickly stopping at the table to say goodbye to the others they left the club getting in Jungkooks car.
Jungkook placed one hand on Jimins thigh rubbing it as he drove along , he couldn't wait to get Jimin back, if he hadn't been so innocent he would have stopped the car and fucked him there and then but Jimin deserved time and hopefully patience for his first time so jungkook would wait for the short journey to be over so he could claim Jimin as his.

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