Friends and enemies

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Jimin had been working at Jungkooks for two weeks. At first he was nervous being around new people but the staff there took a liking to the quiet male who eagerly helped anyone.
Tae became a regular at the office he was given and Jimin appreciated his friendship.
Someone else Jimin vaguely remembered from school called Hobi also worked there but in the floor below with the music editors.
Jimin found that RM had a partner called Jin who popped in now and then with cakes and savouries but his real job was as a doctor cooking apparently was a hobby .
One day Jimin had to take an updated file down to Hobi , wandering around trying to find him Jimin could faintly hear music and looked through a window to see technicians playing back some music. He hummed the tune to himself immediately picking up the notes and words. The artist was in a soundproof box but the playback could be heard in the larger studio. Jimin didn't realise he had an audience until someone grabbed his arm and he was turned to face an angry looking male.
"Who are you? How do you know that song.!!"
Jimin shook still not overcoming his fear of confrontation .
The male could feel and see the terror in the others eyes and he let go,
"hey, it's ok don't be scared,"
"Jimin, hey what are you doing down here? Jimin are you ok?" Hobi asked worriedly.
"You know him Hobi?"
"Yes I went to school with him, this is Jimin I was telling you about, did you scare him?!?" He demanded.
"Hobi..., I just heard him singing my new song it's not even released and he's pitch perfect with the words."
"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have listened ,but it was so nice I stayed to learn it I'm sorry I won't sing it again or come here or, or......."
"You learned that just by standing there?"
Jimin nodded.
"Holy hell we have a genius here, I'm Suga, I'm sorry if I scared you, I'm Hobi's partner and I produce songs, I've been trying to get that idiot in there to be on pitch for a week and you sing it like you've known it forever!"
Hobi smiled at the small male who still looked shaken , knowing his history he was going to have a few sharp words with Suga later!
"I'm still sorry I forget I'm not on my own anymore I used to sing at home to keep me company but only songs I liked," he tried explaining.
Suga felt immediately guilty, the poor boy had looked terrified at his outburst and even now looked like he wanted to run away and hide.
"Well that means you like my song, thank you." He tried smiling at the other to put him at ease.
Jimin took a deep breath in and gave a faint smile back.
"H-Hobi um this is for you if you like I can send it off once you've looked through, Erm I better get back to my desk." He quickly bowed to the pair and ran off leaving them staring after him.
"Kook said he was getting better but he still looks like a terrified boy...," Hobi sighed.
Suga hugged his boyfriend ," tell me about him babe, I feel like the worlds biggest bully after seeing his face"
"Ok but you need to find a way to apologise once I tell you."
Hobi and Suga sat in the office canteen and after Hobi had explained a very sorrowful and guilty Suga rang a local company to order a gift .
A very withdrawn Jimin had gone back to work , ignoring others and ploughing through his work. Jungkook was standing with RM at the lift when a delivery boy got off carrying a huge basket of fruit.
"Excuse me but does a Park Jimin work on this floor?"
They both nodded pointing to his office before getting into the lift, a jealous Jungkook wondering who was sending Jimin gifts.
Jimin looked up at the knock his face astonished when he saw the delivery , he thanked the man then read the card.
"Please forgive my rudeness earlier,
You can sing my songs anytime,"
Jimin let out a breath and smiled he had been so worried earlier.
He took the basket out to the other workers and let them pick an item before taking it back in his office smiling as he munched on an apple.
Jungkook was frowning when he stepped out of the lift he strode towards a waiting room where he was to meet a new recording artist and escort them to the second floor so he didn't see a certain person sneak past and ignoring the reception area go straight to the lift and get in an evil look on her face.
Jungkook smilingly greeted the artist introducing RM and explaining the layout of the building and that he would take him to the second floor to meet with Suga who would be in charge of him.
They took the lift to the second floor and there was Suga and Hobi.
Hobi whispered aside to Jungkook," is Jimin ok?"
"Why wouldn't he be?"
Suga interrupted
"I think I scared him earlier I didn't mean to , I sent a fruit basket as an apology"
"You sent the gift?"Jungkook was all smiles again.
"Yer poor boy looked petrified, Hobi explained...., did you know he has perfect pitch and can memorise words after hearing them once, amazing!" He turned back to the artist leading him away and chatting to him . Jungkook strode back to the lift , RM hurrying behind.
Jimins face dropped its smile when an angry Lisa strode into his office.
"So you act like a slut to get not only my Jungkook but my job. Who do you think you are you pathetic ugly man!"
Jimin froze, it was like history repeating itself he felt like he was back at school with the bullies. He couldn't move which gave Lisa a chance to slap him hard across the face
"Your nothing do you hear, as if he'd want you, over me!"she went to raise her hand again but someone grabbed it.
"You psychotic bitch what do you think your doing," Tae shouted while looking worriedly at Jimin, a few other staff dashed in to take care of the male whose lip was cut from her slap, she was fighting against Tae and screaming another man helped him hold her back.
"What the hell is going on in here!"
Jungkook and RM strode in.
"Jungkook it's me, you don't want that slut he's nothing you have to take me back I'll give you anything, take me back!"
Jungkook saw Jimin being comforted he turned angrily to Lisa," WHAT DID YOU DO?"
"He deserves it he can't take my place, tell him !"
"RM call security, tell them if this bitch ever comes in the building again they are to throw her out make sure everyone knows she is not welcome here!"
Lisa was yelling and screaming as security took her out, Jungkook ushered the others out closed the door and picked Jimin up. He sat in the chair Jimin on his lap, gently wiping the blood from his lip. He hadn't seen Jimin this scared and gently hugged him wanting the frozen stare to go.
"Jimin it's ok , she's gone she can't hurt you."
Jimin looked up with dull eyes,
"it's always the same they all call me ugly and pathetic."
"Your not Jimin don't let a jealous bitch undo all the hard work you have done."
"Jealous of what? I have nothing for her to be jealous off."
"You have me, I will always be here for you never for her."
Jimins dull eyes flashed in query before becoming bright with embarrassment, he tried laughing," all this just to keep me working for you?"
Jungkook laughed back," is it working ?"
"Hmmm , we'll Suga gave me a fruit basket to make me feel better?"
"Oh did he, hmmm, well how about going to a club with me and the others you know, music and drinks?"
"Really? A proper club, I've never been, is alcohol nice ?I can't wait to try, when? When can we go?"
Jungkook laughed at the excited male," tomorrow is Friday how about then?"
Jimin clapped his hands together like a small child ,
"Yes,oh what do I wear, oh maybe Tae can tell me, wow I can't wait!"
Jungkook was relieved the sadness had gone, his heart had ached for the boy and he was so angry at Lisa, he would call her father to talk about her.
Standing up he placed Jimin in his seat,
"enough excitement get back to work," he smiled so Jimin knew he wasn't mad. Jimin nodded back while murmuring to himself" do I need to go shopping what are club clothes?"
Jungkook left shaking his head, Tae was outside,
"Is he ok ?that bitch really landed one on him"
"He will be fine thanks for coming to his rescue, Tae do me a favour go shopping with Jimin tomorrow afternoon he wants clothes for a club pretend you do too take the afternoon off, oh and you and the boys are clubbing tomorrow night "
Tae nodded," well actually I could do with a few things excuse me while I discuss this with my soulmate," he announced going to Jimins office.
"Soulmate?pfft!" Jungkook said ever so slightly jealous.
Going to his office he called Lisa's father who on hearing what she had done apologised profusely,
"I'm sorry Jungkook we spoilt her too much when she was younger she has just got too out of hand, she's rude to her mother, tries playing me, I think I will send her to her uncle abroad to work in his business, he won't take any nonsense from her he's always been annoyed at us for spoiling her so much."
"Are you sure she will go?"
"Oh definitely if her inheritance depends on it! Hopefully she will learn some manners!"
The two said goodbye and Jungkook returned to work, glad that he'd never have Lisa bother Jinin again she wasn't an enemy you would want near anyone whose confidence was easily shattered.

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