Broadening his horizons

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Loud knocking on his door woke Jungkook up. He struggled from his warm bed pulling into a robe to cover his nakedness.
Going to open the door he was surprised to see Jimin standing there fidgeting with a bag in his hands.
"Hi Kookie, I um , went and got breakfast."
"Hey Jimin come in, what time is it?"
"6,45, I know it's early but I wanted to thank you before you went to work ,"
"Thank me for what?"
"Waking me up from the past, I clung onto it like a safety blanket, but I'm going to change."
"Well I'm pleased for you, come sit, let's eat."
"Oh I only got for you, I ate earlier," he lied,he felt full of nervous energy.
"Well at least have coffee with me?"
"Um, ok."
Jimin sat down as Jungkook made coffee then took out the breakfast Jimin had bought ," wow so much, I'm not sure I can eat it all please have some?"
Jungkook knew very well Jimin had lied he had a tendency to blush and look down.
"Maybe a little bit," Jimin answered.
The two sat eating and chatting.
"So what plans have you got?"
"I um thought I'd try and get an administrative job outside my place."
"Oh is that what you do?"
"I'm a home admin one man business, I call myself 'take it away' you know kinda I take away your admin worries."
"I don't believe it!"
"What but it's true?"
"No,I mean I use you!"
"I'm JJ music industries!"
"You mean I've been working for you the last three years and didn't know!"
"Small world,"
They both laughed.
"So , your going to drop me then?"
"Oh I didn't, Erm, I can still do yours, but I wanted to do work away from home."
"Come work with me then."
"I have office space for you, you'll just be doing what you do already but a bit more."
Jimin bit his plump bottom lip, drawing Jungkooks eyes to it.
"Don't do that,"
Jimin stared," do what?"
"Bite your lip, it makes me want to kiss you."
Jimin giggled nervously," sure it does don't be silly,"
Jungkook suddenly came around to where Jimin was sitting staring down at him,
"it's the truth you have no idea what a turn on it is," leaning down he lightly pecked Jimins lips," right I'll get dressed and you can come into work with me see what you think."
"If you mean what you say ...., then yes."
Jimin started to bite his lip in worry but stopped when he saw lust deep in the others eyes," o-ok then let's do it!"
Jungkook smiled down at the obviously nervous male then hurried off to get ready for work, coming back out to a pacing Jimin whose limp made it cuter that he was doing that.
"Jimin you have nothing to worry about stop pacing you'll make your ankle worse ."
"Hmmm right no pacing," Jimin muttered to himself as he followed Jungkook out of the door.
Jungkook drove them to his workplace.
"Wow this looks nice,"
Jungkook smiled at Jimins voice. He got out the car and waited as Jimin got out. They went inside and Jimin watched as people bowed to Jungkook.
"Good morning," he called to the receptionists.
"Good morning Mr Jeon," they stared at Jimin who shyly nodded and they smiled back.
"Kookie,is this whole building yours?"
"Yes Jimin, we do a lot of business but it's only three floors."
"I didn't know you were so important....,"
"I'm not I produce music for upcoming soloists and bands, I love music so it's more like fun for me, the boring stuff like admin RM deals with he was the one who got you on freelance, he'll be happy if you work in house though as he prefers to deal with everything here but he said your'company' was too good to lose so he kept you on, why didn't he know it was you though?"
"I just sign PJ on forms with my company name, is RM the one they called Namjoon in school?"
"The very same, Tae works here too."
Jimins mind went back trying to think who Tae was but the lift arrived and the doors opened.
Jungkook strode out Jimin hurrying behind.
"Oh Jungkook your here, I need you to sign these forms and....,what's he doing here?"
The snooty girl from the other night stared down at Jimin, who felt the old insecurities come back, he tried to make himself smaller by hiding behind Jungkook.
"Ah ,Kook your here, Lisa I told you to give me those forms why are you bothering Mr Jeon?"
"But I....,"
"Know your place, you seem to be pushing the limits lately,.....ah Jimin remember me I'm Namjoon,"
Jimin peaked around Jungkook seeing the girl glare before she stomped off and a tall smiling male standing there with his hand out.
"H-hi,I'm Jimin,oh you know,sorry, I'm a bit erm, I don't usually er,"
"RM , Jimin already works for us!"
"He does?"
"Jimin is 'Take it away ' admin,"
"Really, gosh you are a life saver, if I hadn't had you we would have lost a few contracts."
"Um glad I could help,"
"Was it that bad ?RM?"
"Well , your stupid secretary left a lot of work out, honestly Kook why do you keep Lisa on?"
"I know, it's just that her family knows mine and I felt obliged to give her a job , but if you had told me how bad she was I would have got rid off her,"
An argument could suddenly be heard and they all turned.
Lisa was shouting at a handsome man who was waving a file at her angrily.
"Tae?what's wrong ?"
"Kook I'm gonna kill her, she was told to get this file ready over a week ago, she's not touched it and the client is here in forty five minutes, if the stupid bitch kept off her phone and actually worked it wouldn't be so bad!"
"Jungkook are you going to let him talk to me like that, doesn't he realise what I am to you?"
Tae,RM and Jimin looked at Jungkook,
"what do you mean what you are to me, your a bloody secretary and it seems a useless one at that!"
"I know you don't mean that Jungkook daddy wouldn't have made me come here unless he wanted me to know you better."
"Your father was sick of you lounging around and using his money he wanted you to work for the things you want!"
"No Daddy wouldn't do that and I want you!"
"Too bad,"
Lisa came over clinging to Jungkooks arm, " I know you like me don't get coy and play hard to get!"
"Your not my type,"
Lisa was getting really annoyed," not your type what you mean beautiful and sexy,"
"If you say so but no I mean FEMALE!"
"I like men,"
"Your just saying that to get rid of me,"
Jungkook had enough, turning he saw RM, Tae and a bemused Jimin looking at them, quickly walking over he grabbed Jimin whispering," just go with it, please?"
He pulled Jimin to him, passionately kissing him, what started as a pretence suddenly got real as Jimin sighed into the kiss his arms going around Jungkooks neck while Jungkooks arms wrapped around his slim torso.
An angry scream brought them back to the present, turning with Jimin still in his arms he saw an angry Lisa storm to her desk grab all her stuff and shout she was leaving before she disappeared into the lift.
"Woah, way to go Jimin, " Tae said giving a smile to the small male.
Jimin smiled back liking this male." If you want I can get your file ready?"
"Really? Come on then," Tae dragged Jimin to his office, while Jungkook spluttered out a "hey! Mind his ankle!!"
Jimin got the file ready with ease even suggesting some points to put in for Tae.
He saved it in file and printed off copies, Tae chatting to him while they waited.
"You probably don't remember me from school, I once came up to see if you were ok."
"Sorry, I don't have many good memories to look back on."
"Jimin you weren't interested in me as a friend then but can we be friends now?"
Jimin gave him a genuine smile that astonished him,
"Sure, um can you take me to Kookie, I'm supposed to be here for a job and your meeting is soon?"
"Oh, er yer, thanks Jimin you've really helped, come on."
Tae took him back to Jungkooks office waving goodbye to him there. Jimin timidly knocked not being able to see in.
"Come in,"
Jimin peaked around the door.
Jungkook looked up," have you finished with Tae?"
Jimin nodded watching as Jungkook stood up and walked to Jimin reaching around to close the door. He wondered why Jungkook locked it but soon found out as he was pushed against a wall and the breath kissed out of him.
Finally letting Jimin breath he leaned his head against the smaller males," don't leave me in that state again," he said dominantly .
Jungkook pulled Jimins hand down to his crotch where the other could feel a very aroused part of Jungkooks anatomy.
"Indeed oh, you kiss me like that turn me on and run off with Tae?"
"I um didn't um know, it was quick and just happened." Jimin stuttered.
Jungkook laughed adjusting himself and pulling Jimin with him to a sofa.
"Your quite innocent aren't you?"
"I ...well,I ....."
"It's fine it makes it more interesting,"
"Makes what interesting?"
"Never mind for now, so do you want to work here,as you can see I'm minus a secretary but your more than that, could you take on important client files for us?"
"I'm sure I could but I need to give a few regular customers notice."
"A week?"
"That's enough time, thank you, I'm actually ahead on most of their work so they won't be stuck in the lurch."
"Ok then , I'll show you around and then drive you back."
"Oh it's ok, once I finish here I want to do some shopping, I will need more stuff if I'm out and about."
"Are you sure you'll be ok?"
Jimin bit his lip unconciously, Jungkook leaned in biting Jimins lip himself.
"I told you to stop it,"
"Your really bossy ," Jimin grumbled
"I am and with you Jimin I can't wait to take control."
Jimin stared at the others lust filled eyes before quickly getting up and going to unlock the door.
"L-let's get this done so you can work," he squeaked out.
Jungkook smirked knowing that the other was affected by him just as he was by Jimin.
"Ok princess let's go,"
Jimin frowned at the nickname turning to tell the other off but changing his mind when he saw the raised eyebrow that was daring him to do something . Instead he almost ran from the room hearing laughter behind him.

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