Life goes on

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Jimin stayed at Jungkooks over the weekend then insisted on going back to his own apartment.
"But Jimin you still have a bruise on your head?"
"Yes that's all a bruise , I'm going back to work tomorrow,"
"I don't know if.......,"
"Are you refusing to let me work?"
"Well... no,"
"Ok then thanks for looking after me now it's time to get on with our own lives."
Jungkook regretfully let him go, it was nice to have someone there to talk to and cuddle up to.
Jimin went into his apartment putting his laundry on cleaning around then chilling in front of the tv. He knew he had fallen hard for Jungkook again but had regretfully decided that he must be stronger and not fall prey to a lost cause.
Finally going to bed early ready for work the next day.
As usual the pair drove into work together, Jimin was greeted by other co workers happy to see him back.
He was soon deep into the work that had accumulated while he was off, he turned down lunch with colleagues and plowed on.
It was early afternoon and he was starting to flag so he went and made himself a coffee.
Sitting at a table in the coffee room he heard voices and Jungkook came in with Taemin one of his recording artists.
"Hey Jimin you look tired, you ok?"
"Yes thank you Koo..., Mr Jeon,"
"I've told you Kookie is fine,"
"Hello Jimin so nice to meet you I'm Taemin,"
"Of course I know who you are ,your famous," Jimin smiled at the other who looked at him mesmerised.
"Oh so I have a fan, eh?"
Jimin giggled the sound entrancing those who head.
"I better get back to work just needed coffee to wake me up a bit."
"I told you it was too soon for work after your accident."
"I'm fine just have to pace myself better...., goodbye Taemin nice to meet you."
"The pleasure is all mine I assure you maybe I can take you out for dinner? You won't feel like cooking will you?"
Jimin was about to say no but then thought of the promise he had made to himself.
"Dinner would be nice where shall I meet you?"
"Pass me your phone I'll put my number in to text what time I'll pick you up when you send your address." They exchanged numbers then Jimin nodded goodbye.
"He's cute," Taemin said.
"Don't play him Taemin,"
"That's funny coming from you how many hearts have you broken?"
"That was in the past I've grown up so should you."
"I bet if you could you would tap that ass and move on."
Jungkook didn't say a word because isn't that what he had done?
He held his meeting with Taemin but was glad to see him go, he felt annoyed by his presence and what was Jimin doing going out with someone he just met?
It was time to go home but Jimin hadn't come to his office yet so he went looking for him finding him eyes closed asleep in his chair computer on.
He walked over to him seeing how his lashes lay like crescent moons on his pale cheeks his plump lips slightly open.
"Jimin?Jimin wake up time to go,"
Jimins eyes fluttered open," huh mmm, oh sorry I'll shut this down I finally finished,"
"Finished what?"
"Well RM had put a list up for me to do so I did it,"
"Jimin that was for the week not just today, you have got so far ahead in things already he just gave you things that were needed by the end of the week."
"Oh, silly me I thought it was stuff that had accumulated while I was off."
"Come on home, your tired get some rest,"
"Oh I can't Taemin is picking me up at seven and it's five forty five now, gives me time to shower and change."
He clicked off the computer and stood up following Jungkook to the lift.
Once they got to the car Jungkook spoke up,
"You know I'm sure Taemin would understand if you called off tonight?"
"Oh no, it's fine why should I do that?"
Because I'm jealous, he's after one thing and I don't want you seeing him thought Jungkook but came out with.
"Oh ok just you seem so tired."
"It's ok Kookie, I'll make sure I don't fall asleep in work tomorrow !"
Jungkook frowned but nodded, Jimin said goodbye at his apartment and went in . Jungkook let himself into his, throwing his keys down and going to his bathroom standing under the shower and feeling angry, couldn't Jimin see what type of man Taemin was? Ahh, he felt so mad at the thought of another man's hands on Jumins body, that beguiling sexy body, he thought back to when he and Jimin had sex in this shower, he felt himself harden, his mind thinking of Jimins moans and his panting breath, he touched himself wishing it was Jimin, he moaned the others name as he pumped himself coming quickly to release.
Damn why was he getting so wound up at Jimin living his life?
Washing up and putting casual clothes on he looked at the clock .Taemin would come soon to get Jimin, he paced back and forth before finally going to his door and looking through his spy hole . A couple of minutes later he saw Taemin arrive at Jimins , smoothing his hair and adjusting his shirt before he rang the bell, jimin came to the door , Jungkooks jaw dropped at the sight,black tight jeans white off the shoulder t shirt that said lover on it and a silver chain, he looked perfect and very sexy. Jimin gestured that he was ready to go and they left Taemins hand on Jimins back dangerously near his ass.
Jungkook fumed, he was moody and needed to talk.
He rang Tae," wanna go for a drink?"
"We'll come with me to RM and Jins they invited me over,"
"Sure I'll meet you there,"
Picking his keys and wallet up he went to his car and drive to his friends house.
RM greeted him," hi Kook Tae said you were coming,"
"Is that ok?"
"Sure Jin and I love having you over."
They walked into the kitchen area where a fiesty Jin was slapping Tae's hands away from the food he was cooking." Wait til I dish it up brat!"
Tae laughed nimbly swiping some food," mmm delicious as always, oh hi Kook,"
"Hi to you both, Jin don't let him eat my food,"
"Your his boss tell him off!"
"He never listens to me either!"
There was laughter all around then they sat down to eat and have some beers.
Jin asked how Jimin was doing after his accident.
"Well he tells me he's ok but I found him asleep at his desk after work today."
"He doesn't have to push himself he's already ahead he's very good," RM said.
"He's finished off that list you gave him,"
"What, but that was for the whole week even into next week!!! What didn't he take any breaks!!"
"I know, I told him but he thought it was work leftover from when he was off."
"Damn I should have made myself clear, I bet he was shattered, I hope he eats before going to bed."
"He's gone out," Jungkook said morosely .
"Jimins out, who with?" Tae asked.
"Holy shit,does he know what he let himself in for with Mr touchy feely."
"I know right why would he go out with someone like that, "
"You sound jealous Kook?" Jin said.
"Me no...jealous hah!"
"Very jealous," RM agreed.
"Do you like Jimin kook?"
"He's a friend,"
"One you've fucked?" Tae demanded.
"I er well it was consensual didn't mean anything to either of us,"
"So why you jealous of Jimin doing it with someone else."
"I'm not I..., you think he will hell no!!"
"Jealous," the three others said at once .
"Shit what should I do?"
"We'll ask yourself, are you jealous because he might have sex with someone else or is it because you want him to be just with you?"
"I hate the fucking thought if anyone else's hands on him."
"Aw Kookie your in love ," Jin smiled.
"Love? Nah I , hell do you think so?"
"Sure, when RM and I got together I got so jealous of this bitch that hung around him I wanted to raise a scalpel to her face, I figured out quickly I loved him and made sure he knew it and here we are."
"You wanted to scalpel her face? As horrific as that sounds babe it's quite a turn on," RM pecked his partners lips.
"Ew you two! So Kook what you gonna do ?"
"I don't know, I mean should I just tell him?"
"He won't believe you after school..., court him take him out show him you care." RM said.
Jungkook nodded his mind in a whirl, he was upset because he loved Jimin? That's why he felt this deep anger?
Soon after he drove home getting out of his car he heard someone pull up nearby.Turning he saw it was Taemin. The passenger door opened and he saw an angry looking Jimin with, hell was that a hickey on his shoulder?!? He gripped his car keys tightly then saw and heard Taemin get out.
"Jimin look I'm sorry I shouldn't have tried it on I deserve the slap you gave me let me come in and apologise properly ?"
"You may be a client at my workplace but that doesn't give you the right to try and kiss me and leave hickies!, no means no so please avoid me in future," Jimin stepped past the car to go into the foyer but Taemin grabbed his wrist.
A car door banging made them both look up,
"Kookie," Jimin sighed in relief.
"Hey just got back? I've been out too , with Tae and the boys, oh it's ok Taemin I'll see Jimin gets in safely."
"Jungkook? Do you live here too?"
"Oh yer opposite Jimin, so we will say our good nights eh Jimin work tomorrow , can he have his hand back Taemin?"
"What, oh but I was going to come up,"
"No you weren't goodbye," Jimin said escaping inside.
Jungkook smirked," see you!" He waved at the other who angrily got in his car and drove off .
Jungkook followed the smaller boy into the lift, he looked beyond tired walking out of the lift Jungkook stopped the other by holding his shoulders," you ok?"
Jimin nodded then whispered," night Kookie,"
"Goodnight Jimin , oh I forgot we don't need to be in work til nine thirty tomorrow , we'll actually you've done your work already so we will find you some, so I'll knock on your door about nine fifteen ok?"
Jimin nodded thankful he could have longer in bed. He went inside his apartment and Jungkook into his immediately calling RM.
"Hey Kook you ok?"
"Yes I'm in late tomorrow so is Jimin. I want you to get in touch with Taemins agent to advise we will no longer be working with him when his current contract runs out next month,"
"You sure Kook? Did something happen?"
"Let's just say I don't want him around Jimin ok,"
"Sure, I'm pleased actually he's too smarmy for me..., night Kook,"
After saying his goodbyes Jungkook put his phone down satisfied. He went to bed ready to get up early and do the work he should be doing but which he had put off so Jimin could have a lie in. This love thing was kinda cool he thought as he drifted off.

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