And two make four (epilogue)

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Five years later.....
"Baby we are going to be so happy here don't you think?" Jimin stepped into the entrance hall of their new home.
"Of course we will babe, it's perfect for us"
Jimin giggled," I was actually talking to the baby Kookie not you...." Jimin held their six month daughter close.
"Oh..., ah Guk ok I'll put you down go explore,"
Jungkook put his three and a half year old son down, the little boy ran around energetically.
"Where does that child get his energy from ," Jungkook muttered.
"His daddy?" Jumin laughed.
"Mmmm, well  our daughter is just like her mumma." Jungkook leaned over to kiss his daughters forehead. Min Min just stayed comfortably in Jimins arms.
"Why are you their dad and I'm mum, even though I'm a dad?"
"Cos it gets confusing for them, they need a mum and dad and as your pretty you are the mum."
Jungkook and Jimin had gone down the route of surrogacy, their son was a product of the carefully chosen surrogate, a pot and Jungkook, their daughter the same surrogate but using Jimin this time.
  After getting married they had talked about their options and looked into it and were now a happy family of four. .Jungkooks parents doted on their grandchildren and were pleased that once the couple realised the apartment was not big enough for a growing family they had found a house not far from them.
Today they finally moved in, Guk ran to the large patio doors he could see into the garden where there was a swing and playhouse." Dada play?"
" ok Gukkie," Jungkook went to do his sons bidding while Jimin lay their tired daughter in a small crib nearby.
He went and got theirs sons lunch ready and made a snack for himself and Kookie taking it all out to the patio table where they all sat and ate.
"Mumma I want banana milk!"
Jimin got up to get it but was held back by Jungkook who frowned at their son .
"What else do you say?"
Guk frowned back just like his father then smiled,
"Mumma I want banana milk....., now?"
Jimin stifled a snort of laughter, seeing Jungkook trying to hide his smile too.
"No Gukkie its please..., always ask nicely"
"Sorry Mumma please?"
"Of course you can my baby"
"Can I have some too baby...., please?" Jungkook asked with a smile making Jimin laugh.
A small cry had Jimin turning," it's ok babe I'll get her if you can get the milk?"
Jimin came back with the banana milk and a bottle for the baby to see his husband pulling funny faces that made the little girl smile. He passed the bottle over and Jungkook fed it to the contented little girl.
The doorbell rang and Jimin answered ,Guk walking with him.
"Uncle Tae Tae!!"
"Gukkie, how big your getting, come here!" Tae lifted up the boy  one handed making him giggle.
"This way," Jimin said.
Jungkook looked up as Tae came out.
"Hi, where's Rose?"
"She's had to go abroad so I thought I'd be nosy, nice place, here house warming gift,"Tae passed a bag to Jimin. On opening it he found a painting of a serene looking sea trickling into a beach a beautiful seascape picture by a famous artist.
"Tae this is lovely thank you,"
"No problem , it reminded me of where you two got married when I saw it."
"Thanks Tae it's great."
Tae spent time playing in the garden with Guk and Min Min so that the other two could unpack toys, baby stuff and their clothes, sorting them into the rooms they needed to go in, everything else had been done by movers and Jungkook the day before.
Jimin made some coffee and they sat in the garden.
"Wow he's energetic," Tae said flopping down in a seat. Guk ran to the playhouse chatting away to himself.
The couple laughed," is uncle Tae Tae getting old?"
"Honestly I can't remember the last time I worked this hard!"
"Excuse me?" Jungkook said raising a brow .
"Works a doddle compared to that energetic bunny!"
"I know, I think so too don't know how Jimin isn't worn to a frazzle every day!"
"Because I have to be the bad guy and tell him no occasionally!"
Jungkook had the grace to look guilty.
"But he smiles so cute when he wants something I can't say no !"
"Just like his father you give those doe eyes when you want something."
"Yer and you say no to me too," he wiggled his brows suggestively.
Jimin punched his arm embaressed.
Tae laughed at the pair," on that note I'll leave, bye Minnie by Guk," he yelled before leaving.
Later after both children had been fed and bathed and put into their new bedrooms where they quickly fell asleep.
"I'm gonna shower," jimin said with a yawn.
He went up to their room, stripping his clothes off and going into the shower. He stood letting the water run over his body getting startled when two hands pulled him back against an eager body.
"Kookie what you doing!"
"I know it's been a while babe but you can't have forgotten?"
"The kids....."
"Are fast asleep," Jungkook nuzzled Jimins neck.
Jimin spun round claiming his husbands mouth. A war of domination began as they rubbed against each other.
"Damn Jimin ...., jump up!"
Jimin did so, locking his legs, jungkook leaned Jumins back against the wall, claiming his husbands mouth again. He then gripped Jimins ass in his ands lifting him slightly before plunging into him.
"Aah Kookie!"
"Fuck baby after all this time you still feel tight,"
"Mmmm, more faster," Jimin moaned.
Jungkook kept plunging in hitting his target bringing moans from his husbands mouth.
Before long both were reaching their limits Jimin coming first with a loud moan ,"aaaaaaargh!"
Hot spurts sprayed between them.
Seconds later..."ahhh fuuuuck I'm cumming," with one last groan he emptied himself into his husband by the time he was done he was panting hard. He pulled out letting Jimin slide down his body before he began washing them both . They both crawled into bed, jimin sprawled over his husband, his favourite position.
"I'm glad fate gave us a second chance, I love you,"
"Not as much as I love you and our kids, thank you for being the meaning of my very existence "
The pair snuggled together in happiness, fate had been kind to two lovebirds, their life was only getting better as they started the next chapter of their journey ...,
The End

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