He's mine

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Jimin woke up wincing as he turned.
"Good morning"
His eyes shot open at the familiar voice and he saw Jungkook leaning on one elbow staring down at him with a devilish smile on his face.
"Oh h-hi, I forgot where I was,"
"Your in my bed where you belong ,"
"Erm, what time is it?"
"Seven thirty,"
"What! I gotta get ready for work ,ouch!"
"Feeling tender? Not surprised and luckily for you I am the boss so no worries,"
"God Kookie, you've wrecked my ass!"
"Told you I would and you were so obliging makes me get horny just thinking about it!"
"No, no way, I'm too sensitive !"
Jungkook chuckled.
"Just kidding, let me run you a bath to ease it off,"
"But work..."
"Will still be there,"
Ten minutes later Jimin was soaking away the aches and pains in a bath while Jungkook showered nearby.
Jimin couldn't help but admire the figure with water running down him, his perfect abs, broad shoulders his...
"You keep staring like that and I'll be thinking twice about leaving you alone !"
Jimin blushed deeply, embarrassed he'd been caught staring but he braved it out,
"Well your looking pretty good,"
He saw Jungkooks member rising and gulped.
"See what you did now what shall I do with this?"
The pair stared at each other then Jungkook put his hand around his member watching Jimin watching him, it was a real turn on. Jimin bit his lip as he took in the sight before him touching himself too. Before long both groaned in release Jungkook raising a brow at Jimin.
"Let me rinse of here then you can, seems the water might be a bit sticky?" He grinned .
Jimin huffed and mumbled," it's your fault I never used to be like this!"
"But I'm so glad you are baby."
The endearment surprised Jimin but he ducked his head and smiled.
When he eventually got dressed he didn't ache as much and walked reasonably well.
"Come on we need to get to work," he chivvied Jungkook along.
"You are the only person I know who's keen to work!"
"I like it and just because we know each other I shouldn't be favoured it's not fair on the others."
"Ok, ok come on then,"
They arrived at work, Hobi smiled raising an eyebrow, Jimin immediately apologised for being late.
"No problem Jungkook rang and said he was doing something first and taking you with him, even though Hobi knew that wasn't true he could see the worried look on Jimins face so wanted to ease his mind.
"Oh right, I'll get on then." Jimin rushed to his office while Jungkook patted Hobi on the back," thanks,"
The day wore on and early afternoon Jimin noticed an excited vibe around the office. He was sat in the coffee room with Tae.
"What's going on?"
"You know blizee?"
"Of course he's had loads of number one albums,"
"He's visiting today, there's talk he wants to change who he records with if Kook gets him it will be an amazing deal, but he's quite picky,"
"Wow hope Kookie pulls it off."
They were walking back to their desks when a commotion at the lift made them look over. Jungkook stood there with rapper Blizee(made up folks!) who smiled at all those around asking to be introduced.
Jungkook did so everyone shaking his hand,
"And this is Tae and Jimin,"
Blizee shook Tae's hand then Jimins who's eyes darted around nervously. He held onto Jimins hand .
"Are you nervous of me?"
"I...no, I'm probably more in awe,"
"I like you come along stay with us while I'm here,"
He watched as Jimins eyes darted to Jungkook seeing the jealous look he had while he held Jimins hand.
Pulling Jimin with him he carried on greeting people then Jungkook showed him to his office.
Jimin was about to pull his hand back and leave them too it but Blizee didn't allow it.
"You don't mind Jimin being here do you Mr Jeon?"
"Er, are you ok with it Jimin?"
Blizee noticed this interaction and smiled to himself.
"Er I'm not sure why you want me here but ok."
The three sat down, Jimin on the sofa with Blizee and Jungkook at the side.
"So Mr Jeon, why should I choose your company over others?"
"I believe we can carry you forward, we are already established, we would also like to diversify more we haven't produced much rap I agree but you could give us that margin as we combine our skills with yours."
"Too many people in this industry are cutthroat , they take without giving, is Jungkook like that Jimin?"
"What...? Oh no, he's very well respected, he treats everybody well."
"Hmmm, so Jimin if I said I'd like to go on a date with you would you?"
"To secure Jungkook getting me to sign go on a date with me."
Jimin felt ambushed, he didn't want to go on a date but he didn't want Jungkook to lose out either."
"I um.. I..."
"No he won't and if that's a condition we will say our goodbyes now," Jungkook said coldly.
Blizee stared him out," you sure?"
"Very sure,"
"And why is that"
"Because he's mine!"
Jimin gaped and Blizee laughed.
"Finally...., Jeon jungkook admits he likes moochi,"
Jimin and Jungkook looked confused.
"Erm...... moochi?"
"Do you two dumb idiots really not recognise me?"
They shook their heads even more confused.
"How about this.... Moochi don't worry about those guys they call us nerds but we are too intelligent for them!"
Jimins face flickered then," Bong sae?
"In the flesh,"
"God , I really didn't recognise you, you always called me moochi!!"
"Bong Sae? From school? The one who crashed into the janitor closet and found the two teachers kissing , the nerd who became a hero?"
"That's me,"
"You had the teachers dreading you and the pupils adoring you, "
"I never got a detention again they were scared to tell me off, I'm sorry I couldn't help you more Jimin, I found out later on about a lot of stuff that was done to you for confessing to our prince here, then you left, I used to hate your guts Jungkook for not standing up for him, he used to follow you everywhere, but obviously times have changed as you are both here."
"It's in the past" Jimin said," I can't believe you are the same guy!!"
"I work out, had laser eye surgery to fix my sight no more thick rim glasses, and I dye my mousy brown hair black."
"Very cool and the name?"
"Well that's courtesy of my niece, whenever my brother wanted to stop me watching cartoons with her when she was little and help him she used to lisp,
"He can't he's blizee" she couldn't say busy so that's what I called myself."
"It's so nice to see you again isn't it Kookie."
Jungkook smiled," it's something I never expected but the crucial thing is, are you going to sign with me?"
"Go on Bong, I mean Blizee, and don't worry about earlier he only said that because he cares about his staff and he thought you were trying it on!"
"Well he stuck to his guns and didn't hang you out to dry so I respect that and sorry Jimin I wasn't trying it on I wanted to see what his values were and I already have a partner!"
Jimin giggled," great you had me worried well I'll leave you two to it, I have work to do." He waved goodbye and left Jungkook sighed.
"So you two aren't an item?"
"Is it me or is he dumb I just confessed he's mine and he thinks it's a joke?"
"Ooooo, someone's having trouble in the love department, tell me more!!"
"Ah no, it's just hard to make him realise I care, it's like we are together but not together, oh hell..., right let's get down to business."
The company was pleased to have successfully secured Blizee in a contract, Jungkook went out to dinner with him and RM to finalise details, Jimin went home on the bus showering and putting comfortable sweats on, he made his dinner then decided to go for a walk and pick up some juice from a shop nearby.
Jungkook got back he wanted to see Jimin and chat but he wasn't sure if he was awake, he rang his number but it didn't connect, he knocked on the door but there was no answer, had he gone out? He went into his own apartment feeling deflated, he showered and decided to go to bed the meal and the small amount of alcohol he had consumed making him tired, he fell asleep quickly.
Jimin had seen Jungkooks car outside maybe he was waiting at his apartment ? He went inside but nobody was at his door, he was about to knock on Jungkooks door when he dithered, Jungkook would have rung him if he wanted to talk and he had not got any calls?
He let himself into his apartment had a glass of juice and went to bed, it took a while to get comfortable, it was strange he thought how comfortable he always was in Jungkooks bed. With that thought he drifted off to sleep.

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