I cant live without you

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Jimin could barely move but couldn't complain he had wanted this. He tried getting up from the bed,
"Ow!" He moved slowly to the bathroom in need of the facilities.
He washed up and cleaned his teeth although standing was a killer on his back. He slowly made his way out. Jungkook was just waking up, he took one look at Jimins slow movements and jumped up to help him.
"No work for you....,"
"No buts, your in pain I'm sorry, I'll make breakfast bring it here with some pain killers and a heat patch, I'll look after you,"
"No! We can't both be off, I'll have the breakfast and painkillers and probably just sleep so go into work and don't pout at me I'm the prince of pouts!""
Jungkook was about to disagree then remembered his thought of last night, time to put it into action.
"Ok babe, I'll eat with you get you some snacks and juice for later but please sleep?"
Jimin nodded, and so it was just over an hour later Jungkook was on his way and Jimin had drifted off again.
Jungkook spent a lot of the day putting his plan into action before leaving early afternoon to get back to his Jimin.
Jimin was curled up in bed reading the comic book his face lit up in a smile when he saw his lover come in.
"Kookie I missed you!"
"I missed you too, how do you feel ?"
"I was going to soak in the bath but I was scared I would fall."
"Let me run one, we can soak together.."
Jimin leaned back against Jungkook his cast over the side of the bath.
"How was work?"
"Busy...., I missed you though,"
"Not fed up with me yet then?"
"Ok ! It was a joke don't get mad!"
"I could never get fed up with you so please don't joke about it,"
Jimin turned his head tears glistening," sorry Kookie" he pecked his boyfriends face.
"Hey..., don't cry I'm sorry if I sounded harsh I just, I never want to lose you,"
He bent down claiming Jimins lips in a passionate kiss that made them both needy.
"I better stop that, your in no condition for round two!"
"Much as I hate to say it I agree with you ," Jimin giggled.
Jungkook stood up getting out the bath and drying off, then leaning down he pulled the plug then Jimin looped his arms around his neck and was lifted out carefully.
Jungkook dried him massaging his back a bit,
"Mmm that helps thank you,"
"Do you feel any better?"
"Mmm a bit, good enough to sit and watch tv,"
"Ok put pjs on, fancy take away and a film?"
"As long as it's not an adult movie, I was so embarrassed pretending to watch it!!"
"We will save that for another night ," Jungkook smirked.
Jungkook gave Jimin some juice and more painkillers then got him comfortable on the sofa, pillows behind him a blanket over him. The take away came and they ate happily watching a comedy show, laughing hysterically at parts of it.jimin then wanted to watch a romantic film, he cried in the sad parts and cheered at the good ,sighing at the end,
"Wasn't that lovely they overcame everything to end up together!"
"Yes....,a bit like us...,"
"Mmmm it is isn't it? Love you Kookie,"
"I love you too babe,"
"I think I'll go to bed work tomorrow ," Jimin mumbled tiredly.
"Only if you feel up to it come on,"
He carried Jimin into their bathroom where they both cleaned their teeth , then Jimin used the facilities and washed up walking into the bedroom slowly but with less pain. Jungkook took his turn in the bathroom then came out to see Jimin sitting up asleep. He carefully shifted him down before crawling in next to him letting Jimin do his nightly fidget before he got comfortable.
"I love you so much babe," he whispered to the sleeping boy, then gently holding onto his cast covered arm he fell asleep.
The time came when It was the day Jimin was having his cast off, he couldn't wait , Jungkook drove them both to the hospital . The doctor greeted them before removing the cast, a new x ray was taken and then the doctor spoke out.
"Well it's healed nicely, Just do some mild physio to get the feeling back properly but your good to go,
"Thank you it feels better and lighter!
They walked out and then Jimin turned to Jungkook,
"Kookie have you noticed anything different about the staff? I feel like they stop talking sometimes when I come into the room then they smile at me?"
"Not that I notice," he had, and had managed to talk to them,telling them Jimin might guess something was up,"er Jimin I have a surprise, that day you were off I arranged the company picnic it's today at the beach."
"Really? What a nice surprise , is that why yours and my outfits match?"
Jungkook had brought the clothes to Jimin earlier in the week. They both wore pale blue shirts and casual navy trousers both looked very handsome.
Jungkook checked his watch" better get going won't do if the boss is late"
The pair got in the car, the sun poured through the windscreen Jimin rolled his window down put on his sunglasses and sang along to the radio.
"You sound happy?"
"I am, I'm with you I've got my cast off it's a beautiful day and we are having a beach picnic, what more do I need?"
Hopefully what I have set up thought Jungkook.
He parked the car up then taking Jimins hand he walked along a path through some trees to a sandy beach.
Tables were set up under canopies music was playing and a podium was set up. Suddenly loud cheers came as everyone noticed them.
"Ooops we look like the last to arrive, doesn't it look beautiful? Is that your mum and dad?"
Jimin stared at everyone who seemed to be looking their way cheering only then did Jimin realise Jungkook wasn't holding his hand. He turned to say something only to find Jungkook on one knee looking up at him.
"Jimin you thought you were coming here for a picnic but....., everyone here is here for us, Jimin will you marry me?"
Jimin was shocked, he stared at the people looking their way then back at Jungkook then took a step back.
Jungkook was worried this isn't what he expected.
Jimin turned to their friends," Erm one minute please?"
He ran back down the path stopping halfway, jungkook hurrying after him.
"Jimin what's wrong tell me?"
"It's....what if in the future you decide you want kids I can't give you them and your parents would love them,I'm not special I'm ordinary, I don't push myself forward, I'm not as confident as you...."
He was twisting his fingers, biting his lip and pacing back and forth until Jungkooks hands on his shoulders stopped him, he looked up at his lover worry in his eyes.
Jungkook stared down at him, so much love showing in his eyes," first of all kids, there is adoption and surrogates if we want kids, your definitely special to me there's nothing ordinary about you, you are confident look how far you have come and I don't want you to push yourself to do things you don't want to, I love every bit of you just as you are..., I can't live without you,so please Jimin marry me?"
Jimin jumped up into Jungkooks arms legs locked around his waist," yes yes yes I'll marry you," they kissed passionately until," shit ! The guests come on we've got a wedding to attend!"
"W-what now here?"
Jungkook pulled him along, they broke through the tree area onto the sand seeing worried looking guests.
"It's ok everyone he said yes!"
Cheers went around, Jungkook walked with Jimin through the tables kissed his parents who hugged Jimin. A wedding celebrant stood up and the service began. It was a beautiful occasion they both promised to take care and love each other, to be there in good times and bad, to forever be faithful to each other.
Tae stepped forward with two rings which they placed on each other's fingers , then the words," I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss each other."
A loud cheer went up as the two embraced, music played loudly and everyone cheered the happy couple.
Soon everyone was sitting enjoying the wedding lunch.
"I can't believe you arranged this," Jumin said to his husband.
"It's been hard keeping it from you, everyone else knew, those weird looks you were getting at work was because they were all excited!"
"Really, everyone is so kind this is the best wedding ever!"
R M stood up clearing his throat," well ladies and gentlemen,, I'll make this speech short..." cheers went around," these two people are special to us all, it's like fate never gave up on them. There were some tricky times but they came through it, so without further ado, I call upon the happy couple to take to the.....sand for their wedding dance,"
With loud clapping the two took to the floor, swaying to the music, arms looped around each other .
The afternoon wore on with plenty of dancing and laughter.
The happy couple sat in the sand looking out onto the sea.
"This is perfect Kookie, look how pretty it is here and wow look at that amazing boat out there!"
"Nice isn't it?"
"Nice..., it looks amazing."
Jungkook looked around for Tae secretly giving him the thumbs up.
"Hey Kookie look, there's a little boat coming from the other, what a life eh."
Jungkook stood up," how's your hand? "
"Oh it's fine forgot all about it,"
"Hmmm, good ," he turned to their guests," well everyone thank you for coming but Jimin and I will be leaving now for a few days honeymoon, feel free to carry on partying but for now so long ,"
Jimin went to walk to the pathway but Jungkook lifted him up carrying him giggling to the shoreline.
"Kookie what are you doing?"
The sound of a motor made Jimin turn his head and he saw the small boat pulling into a jetty nearby.
"Our chariot awaits,"
"We are going in that boat for three days, don't worry you have clothes there...., not that you will be in them a lot..."
"We are going in that? Ah Kookie you are the best!"
"Come on husband , no cast means tonight baby we are gonna rock the boat!"
True to his word Jungkook rocked the boat and Jimins world that night.

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