Apology accepted

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Crying and a thrashing body woke Jungkook up, jimin was crying out," help me get away, Kookie help me.!"
Jungkook wrapped his arms around the smaller boy stilling his thrashing arms and legs.
"Jimin wake up it's me Kookie your safe Jimin!"
Two sleep dazed eyes stared up at him," they chased me Kookie I had to get away,"
"Jimin your safe, who chased you?"
Jimins befuddled brain suddenly remembered,
"You weren't nice you shouted, I was walking but I got scared, two men tried to stop me, I ran away from them , I was running so fast my chest hurt then I tripped,"
"I'm sorry Jimin I got mad I was wrong I shouldn't have said what I did I'm really sorry."
"Me too, I said things that weren't nice,"
"Friends?" Jungkook asked
"Yes," Jimin said happily smiling up at the other
Jungkook couldn't help kissing those pouty plump lips, what started as a gentle kiss soon became more both giving their all, Jungkooks hands slid under Jimins top wanting to feel his heated skin, jimin moaned at his touch soon both were naked and turned on Jungkook stopped," shit your supposed to be resting what am I doing!"
"If you stop now I'll cut your balls off," Jimin gasped
Jungkook got Jimin to straddle him before he lubed up his member and Jimins hole." Ride me Jimin,"
The small male hesitatingly pressed down on Jungkooks arousal gasping as he was filled completely.
"Fuck your so tight Jimin,"
Once Jimin got used to his size he started moving , slowly at first and then gradually faster, his hands pressed on Jungkooks abs, Jungkooks hand pumping his member until things built up and Jimin got tired making Jungkook take over gripping Jimins hips and thrusting up hard, with a loud groan Jimin came spurting across Jungkooks abs with a few hard thrusts Jungkook blasted his load into the tightness of Jimin being milked off every last drop.
Jungkook grabbed Tissues to wipe his chest allowing Jimin to flop onto him, with him still inside him.
He rubbed Jimins back soothing him as his breath slowed.
"We should wash up?"
"Tired...... five minutes ....., so tired"
In less than five minutes Jimin was asleep, jungkook carefully turned him on his side slipping from him, cleaning him up as best he could.
Damn it Jungkook that was not what the doctor ordered! He slipped from the bed showered and dressed then went to Jimins to pick stuff up for him. He then started cooking some food hoping Jimin would eat when he woke up.
Jimin roused forty minutes later he saw the empty bed then stood up wincing as pain from their activities  spread through him, he slowly went to the bathroom finding his wash stuff and a pair of his sweatpants boxers and t shirt there ready he slowly showered then dressed then padded barefoot into the kitchen where wonderful aromas were tantalising his taste buds.
"Hey your up, you ok?"
Jimin was a bit embarrassed but nodded.
"Look about earlier....," Jungkook started.
Jimin stopped him, "it's fine we both wanted it..., no strings attached."
Frowning Jungkook nodded. He dished up the food and they were eating it while chatting when the doorbell went. Answering it Jungkook was surprised to see Tae and Suga there.
"Hey guys what's up why aren't you working?"
"Duh you text to say they let Jimin out of hospital and don't think we are gonna come see him?"
Suga wandered over to Jimin," wow that's some bruise you got there."
"Mmm my fault I tripped and banged it,"
"But I thought you took him home that night Kook,"
Jungkook fidgeted," we had an argument."
"And I got out the car"
"I drove off but went back as it started raining,"
"But I went down a side road,"
"I thought I wouldn't find him"
"Two men chased me that's when I fell "
"Right in front of my car"
"It was a silly argument "
"But I'm still sorry Jimin"
"That's ok apology accepted."
They smiled at each other while Tae and Suga looked back and forth through the whole conversation .
"So now that's sorted how do you feel Jimin," Tae asked.
"Oh I'm fine,"
"No he's not he has mild concussion and has to take it easy for a couple of days."
"I can look after you ,"
"I'm doing that Tae that's why I'm not at work, where you should be!"
"Give us a coffee then we can go back to work," Suga said going to sit on the comfy sofa.
Jimin slid from the breakfast table wincing slightly,
"Did you hurt your back as well?" Tae asked in concern.
"Hospital beds aren't comfortable gave me backache," Jimin lied while Jungkook kept his head down smirking.
After the two drank their coffee they wished Jimin a speedy recovery then left.
"Hospitable beds aren't comfortable ?" Jungkook mimicked before bursting out laughing.
"Oh hush up!" Jimin whined.
"Oooh you look so cute pouting,"
Jungkook came closer to the small male and was just about to kiss him when his doorbell went again.
"Jesus, again?"
Jungkook went to open the door surprised at the people there," mum, dad......Lisa?"
The three walked in stopping as they saw Jungkook had a visitor.
"Jimin these are my parents, mum dad this is Park Jimin he works for me."
"Hello young man are you ok?" Jungkooks father asked seeing Jimin wince as he stood up to greet them.
"Hello Mr and Mrs Jeon a pleasure to meet you,"
"Well now you've met them get lost ," Lisa rudely said.
"Lisa why are you here?"
"Son Lisa said you had a falling out, she explained you were going to get married but due to a silly argument you haven't spoken," Jungkooks mother said.
Lisa grabbed Jungkooks arm," let's make up but does he have to be here?"
Jungkook could feel his temper rising," mum, Dad whatever Lisa has said she is mistaken , she is doing this because her father is sending her abroad because he like me is sick of her histrionics and lies, we never have been and never will be a couple."
The Jeons looked at Lisa at a loss to explain her behaviour, the girl sneered," is it because of him? Has he made you a disgrace to your family? Auntie Uncle can you see what this man has done to your son, tell him , tell him you won't accept it!!"
Mrs Jeon frowned then spoke firmly," Lisa we have always known that Jungkook likes males and females..., it is not a disgrace it is just natural if you love someone you can be with them, we are not narrow minded ."
"But...he can't ..., he's mine ," the irate girl blustered.
"I'm nobodies, least of all yours now get out!!"
Lisa ran crying from the room.
"I'm sorry son she made it sound so believable...., so are you and Jimin?"
"Just friends," Jimin said ignoring Jungkooks frown.
"Er Jimin had an accident and got concussion the doctor said he has to have someone with him so he's staying here."
"Oh you poor boy, sit down," Mrs Jeon hurried over to Jimin taking his hands and sitting down pulling him down too. Soon the pair were having a cosy chat, Jungkook and his father went to the kitchen to make coffee.
"Sorry about Lisa son,"
"It's ok dad, I've talked to her father, he's completely fed up with the way she's been, he's sending her abroad to his brother, hoping she will straighten up."
"Oh gosh, she's going to hate it his brother is very strict !"
The pair laughed then took the drinks in to the other two, finding a very animated smiling Jimin talking to  Jungkooks mother.
"Ah Jimin you have good taste,"
"Good taste in what?" Jungkook asked.
"Well Jimn told me he is gay so I asked him who he liked he said wonhoo has very nice shoulders!"
Jungkook felt a spark of jealousy," Wonhoo? Really?"
Jimin nodded smiling.
Jungkooks parents spent nearly an hour with them before going off to do something else, Jungkook saw them to the door chatting a while before they left as he closed the door he turned thinking he'd ask Jimn more about his 'Wonhoo' crush but when he got back into the sitting room he found Jimin fast asleep cuddling a cushion to himself laying awkwardly. He picked the small boy up carrying him through to the bedroom and placing him on the bed with a light cover over him before going to his study to catch up on work .

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