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Jungkook had brought breakfast to Jimin in bed. The small boy pushed his hair away from his face as he ate, wishing he had a band he could tie it up with.
"How about getting your haircut?"
"What, you mean outside by someone else? I don't know if......"
"Time to face the world Jimin,"
"Erm, I can't m- my ankle," he improvised
"I can drive you then carry you in, my friend owns the salon ."
Jimin saw the determined look on the others face and sighed." Ok but don't laugh if i look stupid."
"Great once your dressed we can go."
Jimn nodded sliding from the bed and standing gasping as pain shot up his leg.
"Right let me go get you something to put on although you don't seem to have much choice?"
Jimin shrugged ," if I don't go out really, then why would I need lots ?"
"Hmm maybe I can shop for you while your having your haircut ?"
"But I ......"
"No arguments!"
Eventually Jimin found himself in a smart salon , music played throughout, Jimin liked music and dancing but only in his own home where he watched dance videos and copied the dance or improvised. Music he found comforting and singing along made him feel alive.
Jungkook and his friend were chatting away, Jimin looking around and humming to himself but he couldn't help singing as a part he loved came on . Before long he saw two astonished faces looking at him.
"S-sorry, I forget sometimes and think I'm singing in my head, I apologise."
"No way man that was amazing, are you a singer?" Jungkooks friend said smiling broadly.
"Oh no......., I just like music but thank you for your compliment," Jimin didn't for a minute think the man meant it but it was kind anyway.
"So what are we doing today then? Cut, or colour as well?"
"Wow, Erm I don't know, do whatever you think,"
"Great, I have some ideas, jungkook it will take a while you gonna wait?"
"No I have some clothes shopping to do,"
"But you don't know what size to get!" Jimin complained.
"Oh he's probably a size less than me, Kook,"
"Yer that's what I thought and I know your size cos I got you those clothes for your birthday."
"Er, I think your wrong, your like slim while I'm .....not," Jimin interrupted.
"Oh your funny, you didn't tell me he had a sense of humour!" Jungkooks friend said.
"Unfortunately he's not kidding he thinks he's fat,"
"Don't be silly, you can see yourself in the mirror can't you?"
"He doesn't look in mirrors," Jungkook said.
"Hmph...., we'll after this makeover that's all your do, go get his stuff while I create....."
"Keep the receipts in case the size is wrong and also so I can pay you back," Jimin hurriedly said.
Jungkook only raised an eyebrow," you just relax here and enjoy yourself until I come back,"
Jimin glanced warily around the half full salon before biting his lip then nodding.
Hours later and Jimin wondered how people sat this long in a salon, he'd not seen his hair at all as he'd been turned from the mirror until he was finally ready.
"Ta da......."
Jimin looked in the mirror, then smiled tearfully,
"That's me?"
"Sure is, two shades of blonde lift your features especially that sharp jawline, the swept back cut is layered to fall into place whenever you touch it, I must say it looks even better than I hoped your old long choppy hairdo was not as appealing as you thought!"
"Oh I didn't care what I looked like and it was choppy because I hacked bits off."
Jimin just stared at himself, the old dark haired chubby faced boy wasn't looking back, instead a slim faced sleek hairstyled model looked back,
"Kookie will be surprised," Jimin giggled.
As if by magic Jungkook appeared staring in utter shock at the vision in front of him, he was speechless, a fact that got Jimin worried.
"What's wrong do I look silly?"
"Hell  no you look amazing!"
Jimin blushed then gave an amazing smile to the other.
"I think I lost a bit of weight off my face,"
"Jimin it was just puppyfat you would have outgrown it, not that you were that bad anyway...., go change into one of these outfits and we will go to lunch."
He passed jimin one lot of bags, the stylist helped him over to the bathroom.
Jimins foot ached a bit and to his astonishment he saw Jung kook had put in an ankle support bandage. He carefully put it on then drew out a t shirt an over shirt and some jeans . He stared at them they were so much smaller than clothes he normally wore, what was Jungkook thinking. Sighing he took his top of and grabbed the T shirt prepared for disappointment , to his amazement it's fit was perfect he hopped on his good foot pulling his sweats off and then putting on the jeans again surprised they fit slipping the over shirt on he tried looking in the bathroom mirror but couldn't see all of himself. He put his old clothes in the bag and hesitatingly limped out.
He was about to walk to the other two when he caught sight of himself in one of the salons long mirrors. He gasped, that was him?Damn he looked good! What a difference from his past memories, he looked slim and kind of nice he thought.
"You see what you've been hiding all these years ?" A voice next to his ear said making him jump.
"I didn't think I could ever look like this, it's weird I've always had this image in my head and that's vanished now, I look ok? Right?"
"More than ok, downright sexy!"
Jimin giggled clutching the bag to him then looking at it he turned to the stylist," have you got a bin I can throw these in?"
"With pleasure! And please come back again when you want your hair done!"
"I will you made me into someone different,"
"No, the hairstyle enhanced what was already there and it was a pleasure."
Jimin waved goodbye and they left, he was smiling broadly, people passing smiled back with him.
"I'm gonna trash my old clothes and buy new!"
"Wow what have I created a demon shopper!! Well there are a few more clothes in there all from the same store you suit their style."
"I want to thank you, you've come along and shaken me up a bit, I would have followed the same course for ever."
"I kinda feel like I got you into this lifestyle with my lack of humanity back then," Jungkook sighed.
"No it's not your fault, I was stupid and naive and left myself open to criticism,"
"Jimin I'm sorry you had it so hard, come on let's go to eat."
"You mean out? In public?"
Jungkook knew he had to watch his words so he joked,
"What now you look like a model you don't want to be seen with me?"
"Oh no, no !of course I do , I just.....,ok Park Jimin you can do this start as you mean to go on," he said determinedly .
"You know you said that out loud right?" Jungkook joked.
"Ah you!!!" Jimin laughed, a beautiful sound that had Jungkook staring at him.
He pulled himself together and helped Jimin walk a few doors down, they serve the best pork belly here!" He told the smaller male.
"Great I can't remember when I last ate it!"
The two sat down to eat, Jimin groaning in pleasure at the taste." Oh god I've died and gone to heaven ," he moaned.
They ate to their hearts content and chatted, Jimin asked how much he owed the other for the clothes he'd made sure to pay for his hair himself. Jungkook waved the cost off," it's a present, accept it,"
"But Kookie that's an awful lot of clothes!" Jimin said worriedly .
"It's my pleasure, now excuse me I have to use the bathroom."
Leaving Jimin alone for a minute allowed Jimin to call the waiter over," can I pay the bill please?"
Once Jungkook came back , Jimin stood up ready to go,
"hang on I'll just pay the bill....,"
"No need it's already done...., my pleasure , " he mimicked the other.
"Hmmm, getting a little cocky aren't we," Jungkook laughed.
"No just....., I feel....., normal and it makes me happy, "
Jungkook was pleased, they got back to the car and Jungkook drove them back. Getting to their floor Jimin put his hands out for the bags," thank you Kookie for today, I will let you get back to your day I've taken enough of your time up and I have a closet to sort out and a messy bed."
"But, shouldn't I help, don't stand in your foot for too long!"
"It will be fine, to tell the truth I'm a little overcome with all the things that have happened today, I haven't mixed with people for so long it's overwhelming, I just need a little quiet time,"
"Ok but call if you need anything, er come over if you get lonely. Jimin promise me you won't stagnate at home anymore, you can meet my friends they would love you !"
"I promise but for now I need to be on my own ok? I'll be seeing you." He turned into his apartment shutting the door, leaving a bemused Jungkook standing there wondering why it mattered so much to him that Jimin didn't hide away. He sighed then went into his apartment where he sat and stared at nothing in particular man this was a strange feeling, he put his head back against the sofa sighing
But before long he'd fallen asleep tired from last night.
Jimin in comparison was trying to overcome the fact that for years he'd allowed himself to become a recluse due to the fact he'd held onto misguided old beliefs. When he was younger he was quiet yes, but he'd never shut himself away he'd gone to school talked with others, maybe never been in the popular groups but he had some friends. He had allowed others to put him down with his weakness which was his weight, he'd worn broken glasses taped up because he thought they made him look intelligent when they really had only given others ammunition to use against him, he fallen down so far that he never looked in mirrors didn't want to see any changes denying clothes which once fitted well now hung of him.
He suddenly sobbed for all the wasted years then got up and diligently cleaned out his closets bagging the clothes up to give to charity, then hanging up his new ones admiring them.
He eventually realised how late it was and that his ankle throbbed from standing too long so he got ready for bed then fell asleep within minutes his last thought of the kiss Jungkook had given him which gave him dreams of a sexual nature but which made him feel cared for too.

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