The charm effect

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Jimin got up late ate a leisurely breakfast showered then dressed. He saw the hickey on his collarbone so instead of a shirt wore a tight fitting T shirt under his jacket pleased to see it covered it.
He was very annoyed at Taemin, he'd just lunged at him thinking Jimin was ok with it, Jimin had been so shocked after all he had only just met the guy.
When Jimin had said no he had thought he was kidding and tried again so Jimin had slapped him, only then had he apologised and driven Jimin home but then thought he was going to get a pass into Jimins apartment? No way! He was so glad Jungkook had arrived home he wasn't sure if Taemin would have listened to another No .
Checking his appearance he heard a knock and rushed to answer it.
"Hi Kookie I'm ready!"
"No rush Jimin, sure you have everything?"
"Yes thank you,"
"Ok then let's go."
The short drive there was accomplished with general chit chat, Jungkook not once mentioning Taemin.
Jimin went straight to his office collated all the files he had finished yesterday and took them to RM.
"Hey Jimin, your making the rest of us look bad, I thought this would last over a week!"
Jimin giggled," well what else can I do for you?"
"Actually can you pop down to Suga ask when he thinks the album he's working on now will be finished so we can work out promotions and stuff?"
"Sure, I'll go now,"
"Take your time have a chat while I try and find some work for you that needs doing."
Jimin nodded humming as he passed Hobi and Jungkook who were standing together discussing something.
"Ah that boy, he's a ray of sunshine" Hobi said.
Jungkook nodded his eyes taking in the slim figure who's t shirt showed off the perfect body. The way he walked kind of sexy.
"Hello earth calling Jungkook, I asked if we should look for another star now your ditching Taemin but I can see your mind is on something or someone else," Hobi smirked.
Jungkook actually blushed at being caught, " he seems to get into my head," he admitted.
"Wow has the mighty Kook fallen?"
Jungkook looked at him then nodded, Hobi was beyond surprised .
"We'll all I can say is don't fuck it up,"
"I'll try not to but I have to win him over first."
Hobi smiled and they continued their discussion.
Jimin went to find Suga, he knocked on his office door and found a pacing Suga on the phone.
"Look the studio is ready everyone else is here and you decide to holiday? You are the back up singer!! Who else can I get at this short notice? No I told you well in advance about today,... well that works both ways..., I'll find someone else!"
He slammed the phone down then noticed Jimin.
"Sorry Jimin I know I shouldn't shout but we have been waiting for this singer to appear and they decided they are going on holiday, unfortunately I should have known better, he's done stuff like this before, but he knows it's hard to find someone who can reach the high notes so I'm stuck."
Jumin fidgeted then," could I try?"
"Oh Jimin you sing extremely well but I don't know if........., stuff it come on you can try,"
Suga rushed him to the recording studio where he introduced him to the group and played the song.
"This bit here needs the high note skill set to make it work," he gave Jimin the words and played the music.
"Do you want to try? All you need to do is put the headphones on I play you in and you sing?"
"Hey Jimin have a go but don't feel guilty if you can't ," one of the band members said.
"So how much higher than the lower tone do you want?"
"Start at the same scale then going upwards following the music finishing three or four notes higher would do , higher if you can."
"Ok can I sit in there and listen to it a few times then nod when I'm ready?"
"Sure, but remember no pressure at all."
Jimin disappeared into the sound booth and put on the headphones, Suga played the intro up to where Jimin would Join in so he had an idea of the base note, after listening twice he nodded.
"Well here goes nothing," Suga played the intro.
Jimin closed his eyes listening to the beat, when it came to his part he pretended he was at home and belted out the song.
When it finished he opened his eyes staring at the group and Suga through the window. Suga beckoned him out. Never mind he thought to himself it obviously wasn't good enough or Suga would have wanted to do a second take.
He came out," sorry Suga,"
"Sorry? Hell man you nailed it," one of the band members said.
Jimin looked at Suga who nodded smiling," and in one take too!"
"Really? Wow glad I could help, oh Suga I forgot RM sent me to find out about the album your working on so he knows when to start promoting?"
Suga and the band laughed at Jimins complete change of pace.
"Well thanks to you that was the last song"
"Great glad I could help,"
"We obviously want to pay you for your time,"
"Oh no it was nothing,"
"But everyone gets royalties man,"
Jimin looked at the band members surprised by their kindness.
"I don't want money but if you put in small print guest appearance by Jimin that would be nice, something I could keep for the future."
"It's a deal "they all said.
Jimin nodded to everyone and went happily in his way.
The band turned to Suga," how is he not recording with a voice like that?"
"Oh I've tried, so guys how about an upfront cheque in your names to him, believe me when I say he has added a certain vibe to this song,"
They all agreed saying they would instruct their manager to send a cheque.
Jimin stod by the lift happy to have helped, he hummed the song , when the doors opened he walked in then realised someone else was there.
"Oh Taemin,"
The other male looked angry.
"So did you go whining to your boss, playing the innocent?" He gripped Jimins t shirt roughly tearing the neckline.
"G-get off me,what's wrong with you?"
The doors opened and Taemin roughly pushed Jimin out making him fall backwards.the staff looked up at the noise,Tae rushed over to Jimin," what the hell Taemin!"
Tae helped the shaking boy up,
"What the hell di you think your doing to my staff Taemin!" A thunderous voice said and Jungkooks stepped forward.
"Why did you decide not to renew my contract, it was because of him wasn't it what lies did he make up?"
"Tae take care of Jimin, Taemin if you want your dignity preserved come to my office now!"
Taemin stalked after Jungkook throwing a dark look at the cowering boy.
"So what did he say, why are you taking his side over mine."
Jungkook shut the office door then turned to the angry male.
"Is there something Jimin should have told me then?"
"Well you are insinuating something happened but as that's only come from you I don't know what to make of it."
"So Jimin didn't ....."
"Do you want me to get Jimin in to discuss whatever this is?" Jungkook said coldly.
"It's nothing, no, I er, why aren't you renewing my contract?"
"Not that I have to give you a reason, but it's time you diversified, I don't think we are the ones to do this with you and I feel we have both become a bit complacent after these years together ."
"But it will look like your throwing me out,"
"We can do a joint statement that you are pursuing a different direction in music and want the new challenge of a new team."
"Hmmm, that should work, I don't know why you didn't mention this before."
"Well that's the official line Taemin, personally I can't stand you and seeing what you just did to a staff member makes me like you even less, so if you want to keep your reputation intact I suggest you go out there, apologise to Jimin and take your leave and if I ever see you push anyone else around, I'll fucking ruin you, understand!"
The normally cocky male saw Jungkook meant it, he nodded then strode out of the office. He saw Jimin with Tae holding his shirt together looking scared. He flinched when Taemin approached and Tae stood up immediately ."
"Er Jimin, I'm sorry, I was mistaken with some news and took it out on you , I sincerely apologise, I will replace your torn clothes and hope you can forgive me."
He turned and left and Jungkook called Jimin into his office locking the door.
"Are you ok,"
"S-sure just surprised me I don't know why he was in a bad mood."
"I'm not renewing his contract, his work has become stale and he needs to reinvent himself but not with us."
"Oh..., he thought I'd done something..."
"Why would he think that?"
"Oh ..nothing..., it's not like I'd have any say in anything anyway, how silly,"
"Yes isn't it, anyway come here I keep clothes here in my en suite,"
Jimin followed him to see shirts and T shirts hung up.
"Wow you have more clothes here than I do at home"
"Really,Tae said you have become a master shopper?"
Jimin giggled then looked at the clothes" can I borrow that black hoodie?" Jimin thought it would cover the hickey up.
"You don't want another T shirt, what about this black one it's actually to small for me but I hate throwing new clothes out."
"Why is it new and too small?"
"Because I started at the gym after I bought it and gained some muscle tone."
"Ok then" Jimin slipped it off its hangar about to strip his top off when he stopped looking embaressed at Jungkook who laughed.
"Ok I'll go out but Jimin I have seen your lovely body naked remember?"
He heard Jimin mumble something as he walked out laughing to himself as he thought how cute Jimin was.
Five minutes later Jimin stepped out, it wasn't a bad fit but a little of the hickey showed.
Jimin self consciously pulled the neckline .
Jungkook stood up and walked over, standing in front of Jimin he lifted the neckline.
Jumin nodded " I didn't want him too he sort of surprised me, I don't want his mark on me !"
Oh so you would want someone's ?"
"Well you know if like when we were you know if you had done it, it would have seemed normal,"
"Well, I don't like his mark on you either so let's get rid off it,"
Jungkook pressed his lips against Jimins , probing for a response which Jimin gave sighing into the others mouth. Jungkook pulled Jimin nearer his hands on Jimin's ass as he kissed him thoroughly then pushing the neckline aside he sucked in Jimins sensitive skin covering the mark with one of his own.
Pulling back he looked,"that's better, but now we have another problem, "he glanced at their bodies both sporting a bulge.
"Well I think I should help out my boss don't you?" Jimin said giving a charming smile.
Jungkook found himself turned so he was sitting on the edge of his desk. Jimins small hands undid his belt buckle then his zip tugging his jeans down,
"Oh commando naughty man" Jumin said looking at the others rigid member poking out. He knelt in front of Jungkook then looked up,"no loud noise or I stop ok?"
Jungkook stared down at the devil Angel in front of him wondering where he got his courage from , then he saw his member disappear between Jimins plump lips. He gripped his desk edge as jimin licked and sucked taking him in deeply, he hissed at the rising pleasure , one hand going to Jimins head to hold him close," fuck Jimin!" He mumbled , Jimin laughed the sounds reverberating along his dick, Jungkook was sweating trying not to moan out loud, he started thrusting into Jimins mouth jimin gagged having to pull back a bit licking the slit then sucking harder and using his hand to carry on .
"Oh shit I'm gonna mmmmmmmm!"
Jungkook exploded into Jimins mouth, covering his own mouth with his arm as Jimin swallowed and licked every bit from his sensitive organ. Jimin popped his mouth off standing smirking at the other male who was panting hard against his desk.
Jimin went into the en-suite rinsed his mouth and cleaned his face adjusting his trousers he walked out.
"Well boss if that will be all I'll go back to work thanks for the top ."
Jimin sauntered to the door before turning ,gesturing to Jungkook who looked down and hurriedly pulled his trousers up before Jimin opened the door and walked out not caring if his new hickey was on show. He giggled to himself then smiled at staff who smiled back at the charming male glad to see he looked Happy again.

Stuck in the past Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora