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"What the..."

The junior boy stared at the computer screen, "Seulgi-noona?"

"Yeah Mark?"

The senior turned around, immediately walking over to where Mark was, "what happened?"

"I-I don't know, I was downloading the files to show Irene and then the screen turned like this."

It was a staticy blue screen, but Mark knew what he was doing, he knew he was being safe and cautious of malware and viruses... So why was he getting this?

The two were in an empty office room, no one else was around due to them thinking it'd be better if they were alone.

Then the screen turned black.

"What the- Did the power turn off?"

"No, everything else seems to be fine... Even the pc box itself is still running... I got the files though."

Mark handed Seulgi a small USB, the older girl putting it in her bag alongside a few papers she brought along.


The two backed away from the computer, "what was that?"

Seulgi took another step back, "is that... a snake?"

There was indeed a black-scaled snake staring right at them from inside the screen, a dark violet aura surrounding the reptile as it slithered closer.

"Mark, we have to leave, now."

The boy turned to follow Seulgi only to yelp in surprise, his body becoming sporadic before falling to the floor.


"N-noona go," the boy struggled to get on his knees as he gave Seulgi a weak smile, "I'll be fine. You have to get that to Irene."

The bear-like girl took a step back, reluctantly nodding before running out the door, "I'm sorry, Mark..."

Her shoes clacked against the floor as she ran out the building, her hands trying to fish out her phone from her pocket.

Ring... Ring... Ring...

"Come on unnie, pick up."


"Irene, we found information."

"Good- wait are you running?"

"I had to leave... It got Mark."


"Karina's right, whatever's causing this, it's from technology."

Passerbys stared at the tall girl weirdly as she continued to run as fast as she could.

"Meet me behind the school, I'll give it all to you there."

"Wait- Seulgi."

"We don't know exactly what it is, but it's definitely some kind of virus. Before it got Mark we saw a black snake on the computer screen he was using. I recorded everything we were doing, and Mark also got a screen-recording of the computer."

"Okay, I'm here, are you almost there?"

"Yeah I am, I'm in the parKkinG l-l-LoT."

"The parking lot? Seulgi-yah, you're cutting out."

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