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A certain brunette walked into a hospital, followed quickly by two dark-haired girls, one of them being much taller than the other two.

The brunette noticed a familiar raven-haired girl walk quickly past them in the other direction, seeming to not notice the group of three due to her head being hung low.


She paused mid-saying the girl's name, seeing that the younger girl didn't hear her as she sped off out the hospital.

"Wendy-unnie, she looked like she was crying..."

The youngest of the girls nodded at the tall one, "yeah, Joy-unnie's right, her eyes were really puffy."

Wendy stared in worry at where Karina was before, wondering what could have happened to the girl, wondering why she was even in the hospital in the first place.

"Huh... I better text her after we're done here. Let's go, Joy, Yeri-yah."

The three continued to walk again, and once again, the oldest of the three noticed two other familiar figures walking from the other side of the building.

'They're Karina's friends...'

She decided not to call out to them since they were far away, and since she didn't know their names, but as she pondered, a terrible thought struck her.

'One of her friends isn't with them.'

'What was her name... Winter?'

The way they all looked so dejected, how Karina was crying, how they were all in the hospital...

Something bad must've happened.

She silently sighed, praying in her head that they'd all be okay.


Wendy snapped out of her thoughts as Yeri and Joy suddenly ran in front of her, hugging two girls that were walking down the hall.

"W-woah hey- you're going to break my back."

"Sorry halmeoni~" (Grandma)


The brunette snickered, seeing the student council's president bickering with their maknae, the bear-like senior and the tall junior becoming human meat shields as Yeri hid behind them.

Wendy smiled, calmly walking up to them all.

"Irene-unnie... Seulgi..."

The two turned, both of them grinning at Wendy before enveloping her in a hug.

"Wendy-yah... I hope Yeri and Joy weren't too much to handle?"

"Unnieeeeeee I swear we were gooddd."

Wendy chuckled, "they aren't their usual satan-spawn selves without our two unnies. We're all so glad you guys are back."

Seulgi gave her iconic eye-smile, "I'm glad that you all are okay as well."

The bunny nodded, "me too, although my ears could use a little less screaming."

Yeri pouted, "I just missed my parents."

The two eldest froze from the junior's statement, flustering up from what she said.

Joy nodded, "yeah me too. I mean, Wendy-imo took care of us well but we still need our mom and dad." (Imo = aunt from the mom's side)

Wendy stared at the tall girl, "I'm the aunt???"

"The cool aunt."

The senior sighed in relief, giving Yeri a thumbs up.

"But it looks like you guys did something before we came."

Everyone looked at Joy, who stared at Irene and Seulgi with a smirk.

"We did?"

The bear cluelessly tilted her head while Irene's cheeks deepened in color.

"No, we did not."

Joy raised her eyebrows up and down, "are you sure~? Unnie, you're so bad at hiding things."


Seulgi glanced at Irene before shrugging, "I just kissed her on the cheek is all."

The two maknaes broke out into "oooooOOOOO"s, the eldest glaring at them both.

"Hush, you're going to get us kicked out."

Wendy raised an eyebrow at Seulgi, "the first thing you do when seeing your lover after being in a coma for more than half a year, is kiss her on the cheek???? Seulgi I thought you were better than that."

"Yah Son Seungwan, watch your mouth."

Wendy smiled, knowing that behind Irene's irritable tone, she really did want something more from Seulgi.

"Well..." Seulgi scratched her neck, "I figured it'd be too quick to do it now you know? But I guess you're right."

"Wait what?"

The bear swooped in and gave the bunny another peck on the cheek, right at the corner of her lips.

"K-Kang Seulgi!"

Irene covered her face with one of her hands, her shirt's long sleeve drooping down like a kitten's paw. She used her other hand to continuously smack at the younger girl's arm, while her legs did a little dance in embarrassment.

Seulgi smiled innocently while the others laughed, "I'll do more later, but right now you must be tired, Joohyun-unnie."

Irene peeked with one of her eyes, "aren't you as well?"

Seulgi shrugged, "you give me energy."

The eldest groaned, shielding her flustered face from the maknaes with the same hand she used to cover her face while grabbing the bear's hand with her other.

She began to walk, pulling the "lost" bear behind her, "let's just go."

As Yeri and Joy snickered, Wendy smiled softly, thanking whoever was watching them that their group was made whole again.

The group of five girls headed out the hospital, heading home to where they belonged.

But as they did, a certain someone also walked out of their hospital room.

The boy ruffled his dirty-blonde hair back, trying to "un-mess" his bed head as he looked down the hall.

Who knew a bed head would be so hard to fix, but then again, he's been asleep since winter.

And it was summer now.

His eyes perked up, the baby cheetah-lion-tiger hybrid smiling as he saw a familiar red-headed boy sitting down in one of the hallway's chairs, seeming to wait for someone.


The red-head startled awake, glancing up to see the one who he was waiting for grinning at him.


The senior stood up, embracing the younger boy as he found his long-lost brother.

Which in a sense, he did.

Suho rubbed the boy's head, "oh God I missed you so much."

"I missed you too hyung. What are you doing here?"

The senior chuckled, "I heard you were awake so I came to visit my dongsaeng."

"But... I'm not your biological brother?"

Suho ruffled Mark's hair, "even if, I still consider you my brother."

Mark grinned at that, hugging the older boy tighter.

It seemed as if everything was finally going to be okay...

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