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"Winter, wake up."

The blonde girl groggily opened her eyes, someone next to her calling out to her while shaking her awake.

"Mmmuhhh wwwhat?"

She looked around the dark room, seeing that it was Karina who woke her.

She laid her head back down on Karina's shoulder, both of them cuddled together under Karina's blanket, leaning against one of her room's four walls, "wait, let me sleep for a bit longer..."

"Winter, it's twelve."



Winter's eyes shot back open as she abruptly sat up straight, "what?"

She looked out Karina's window, seeing darkness, "oh shit... When did it become midnight?"

Karina stared at the girl in worry, "I don't know... I fell asleep too."

Winter quickly untangled herself from the blanket, stumbling onto her feet as she muttered a curse underneath her breath constantly.

"Shoot- I need my shoes."

Karina whispered back to her, "I'll go get it, grab everything of yours while I do. Try to be quiet since my parents wake up easily."

Winter nodded and Karina silently slipped out into the hall. She quickly slung on her backpack, grabbing her jacket before glancing at the window.


She turned, thanking Karina as she grabbed her shoes with one hand.

The older girl helped Winter open her window, the younger girl in turn jumping out with a dull thud onto the grass below. She quickly put on her shoes, turning to face Karina.

Winter gave Karina a quick kiss, "see you on Monday."

Karina returned the gesture before pulling away, "yeah, get home safe Minjeong-ah."

The blonde girl began to run down the street, street lamps guiding her way as she sprinted home. She slowed to a stop as she arrived at the front of her house, quietly rustling her way to the side where she knew her room's window would be unlocked. She slipped off her shoes after pushing the window up, pulling herself inside and silently landing onto her carpeted floor.

She sighed as she placed her backpack, jacket, and shoes down next to her desk where the window was, only to freeze.

"Kim Minjeong."

Her mom's voice sent a chill down her spine as she slowly circled around to face the older woman. Her mom was sitting on the corner of her bed, barely visible since the minimal light from the window didn't hit her.

"You're back."

"O-oh... Hi eomma."

"Sit next to me."

Winter swallowed a lump in her throat as she stiffly walked up to her mom, awkwardly sitting next to her as her heart thumped loudly in her chest.

"Where were you."

"J-Jimin's place..."

"What were you two doing?"

"We fell asleep..."

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